186 research outputs found

    A brief survey of visual saliency detection

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    In the recent years, a huge success has been accomplished in prediction of human eye fixations. Several studies employed deep learning to achieve high accuracy of prediction of human eye fixations. These studies rely on pre-trained deep learning for object classification. They exploit deep learning either as a transfer-learning problem, or the weights of the pre-trained network as the initialization to learn a saliency model. The utilization of such pre-trained neural networks is due to the relatively small datasets of human fixations available to train a deep learning model. Another relatively less prioritized problem is amount of computation of such deep learning models requires expensive hardware. In this dissertation, two approaches are proposed to tackle abovementioned problems. The first approach, codenamed DeepFeat, incorporates the deep features of convolutional neural networks pre-trained for object and scene classifications. This approach is the first approach that uses deep features without further learning. Performance of the DeepFeat model is extensively evaluated over a variety of datasets using a variety of implementations. The second approach is a deep learning saliency model, codenamed ClassNet. Two main differences separate the ClassNet from other deep learning saliency models. The ClassNet model is the only deep learning saliency model that learns its weights from scratch. In addition, the ClassNet saliency model treats prediction of human fixation as a classification problem, while other deep learning saliency models treat the human fixation prediction as a regression problem or as a classification of a regression problem

    A Comparison Study of Saliency Models for Fixation Prediction on Infants and Adults

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    Various saliency models have been developed over the years. The performance of saliency models is typically evaluated based on databases of experimentally recorded adult eye fixations. Although studies on infant gaze patterns have attracted much attention recently, saliency based models have not been widely applied for prediction of infant gaze patterns. In this study, we conduct a comprehensive comparison study of eight state-ofthe- art saliency models on predictions of experimentally captured fixations from infants and adults. Seven evaluation metrics are used to evaluate and compare the performance of saliency models. The results demonstrate a consistent performance of saliency models predicting adult fixations over infant fixations in terms of overlap, center fitting, intersection, information loss of approximation, and spatial distance between the distributions of saliency map and fixation map. In saliency and baselines models performance ranking, the results show that GBVS and Itti models are among the top three contenders, infants and adults have bias toward the centers of images, and all models and the center baseline model outperformed the chance baseline model