9 research outputs found

    Quantitative Analysis of Saliency Models

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    Previous saliency detection research required the reader to evaluate performance qualitatively, based on renderings of saliency maps on a few shapes. This qualitative approach meant it was unclear which saliency models were better, or how well they compared to human perception. This paper provides a quantitative evaluation framework that addresses this issue. In the first quantitative analysis of 3D computational saliency models, we evaluate four computational saliency models and two baseline models against ground-truth saliency collected in previous work.Comment: 10 page

    A unified framework for content-aware view selection and planning through view importance

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    In this paper we present new algorithms for Next-Best-View (NBV) planning and Image Selection (IS) aimed at image-based 3D reconstruction. In this context, NBV algorithms are needed to propose new unseen viewpoints to improve a partially reconstructed model, while IS algorithms are useful for selecting a subset of cameras from an unordered image collection before running an expensive dense reconstruction. Our methods are based on the idea of view importance: how important is a given viewpoint for a 3D reconstruction? We answer this by proposing a set of expressive quality features and formulate both problems as a search for views ranked by importance. Our methods are automatic and work directly on sparse Structure-from-Motion output. We can remove up to 90% of the images and demonstrate improved speed at comparable reconstruction quality when compared with state of the art on multiple datasets

    An Integer Linear Programming Model for View Selection on Overlapping Camera Clusters

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    Multi-View Stereo (MVS) algorithms scale poorly on large image sets, and quickly become unfeasible to run on a single machine with limited memory. Typical solutions to lower the complexity include reducing the redundancy of the image set (view selection), and dividing the image set in groups to be processed independently (view clustering). A novel formulation for view selection is proposed here. We express the problem with an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) model, where cameras are modeled with binary variables, while the linear constraints enforce the completeness of the 3D reconstruction. The solution of the ILP leads to an optimal subset of selected cameras. As a second contribution, we integrate ILP camera selection with a view clustering approach which exploits Leveraged Affinity Propagation (LAP). LAP clustering can efficiently deal with large camera sets. We adapt the original algorithm so that it provides a set of overlapping clusters where the minimum and maximum sizes and the number of overlapping cameras can be specified. Evaluations on four different dataset show our solution provides significant complexity reductions and guarantees near-perfect coverage, making large reconstructions feasible even on a single machine

    A new mesh visual quality metric using saliency weighting-based pooling strategy

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    © 2018 Elsevier Inc. Several metrics have been proposed to assess the visual quality of 3D triangular meshes during the last decade. In this paper, we propose a mesh visual quality metric by integrating mesh saliency into mesh visual quality assessment. We use the Tensor-based Perceptual Distance Measure metric to estimate the local distortions for the mesh, and pool local distortions into a quality score using a saliency weighting-based pooling strategy. Three well-known mesh saliency detection methods are used to demonstrate the superiority and effectiveness of our metric. Experimental results show that our metric with any of three saliency maps performs better than state-of-the-art metrics on the LIRIS/EPFL general-purpose database. We generate a synthetic saliency map by assembling salient regions from individual saliency maps. Experimental results reveal that the synthetic saliency map achieves better performance than individual saliency maps, and the performance gain is closely correlated with the similarity between the individual saliency maps

    Towards Modelling of Visual Saliency in Point Clouds for Immersive Applications

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    Modelling human visual attention is of great importance in the field of computer vision and has been widely explored for 3D imaging. Yet, in the absence of ground truth data, it is unclear whether such predictions are in alignment with the actual human viewing behavior in virtual reality environments. In this study, we work towards solving this problem by conducting an eye-tracking experiment in an immersive 3D scene that offers 6 degrees of freedom. A wide range of static point cloud models is inspected by human subjects, while their gaze is captured in real-time. The visual attention information is used to extract fixation density maps, that can be further exploited for saliency modelling. To obtain high quality fixation points, we devise a scheme that utilizes every recorded gaze measurement from the two eye-cameras of our set-up. The obtained fixation density maps together with the recorded gaze and head trajectories are made publicly available, to enrich visual saliency datasets for 3D models

    Investigating human-perceptual properties of "shapes" using 3D shapes and 2D fonts

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    Shapes are generally used to convey meaning. They are used in video games, films and other multimedia, in diverse ways. 3D shapes may be destined for virtual scenes or represent objects to be constructed in the real-world. Fonts add character to an otherwise plain block of text, allowing the writer to make important points more visually prominent or distinct from other text. They can indicate the structure of a document, at a glance. Rather than studying shapes through traditional geometric shape descriptors, we provide alternative methods to describe and analyse shapes, from a lens of human perception. This is done via the concepts of Schelling Points and Image Specificity. Schelling Points are choices people make when they aim to match with what they expect others to choose but cannot communicate with others to determine an answer. We study whole mesh selections in this setting, where Schelling Meshes are the most frequently selected shapes. The key idea behind image Specificity is that different images evoke different descriptions; but ‘Specific’ images yield more consistent descriptions than others. We apply Specificity to 2D fonts. We show that each concept can be learned and predict them for fonts and 3D shapes, respectively, using a depth image-based convolutional neural network. Results are shown for a range of fonts and 3D shapes and we demonstrate that font Specificity and the Schelling meshes concept are useful for visualisation, clustering, and search applications. Overall, we find that each concept represents similarities between their respective type of shape, even when there are discontinuities between the shape geometries themselves. The ‘context’ of these similarities is in some kind of abstract or subjective meaning which is consistent among different people