11 research outputs found

    Parietal disruption alters audiovisual binding in the sound-induced flash illusion

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    Selective attention and multisensory integration are fundamental to perception, but little is known about whether, or under what circumstances, these processes interact to shape conscious awareness. Here, we used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to investigate the causal role of attention-related brain networks in multisensory integration between visual and auditory stimuli in the sound-induced flash illusion. The flash illusion is a widely studied multisensory phenomenon in which a single flash of light is falsely perceived as multiple flashes in the presence of irrelevant sounds. We investigated the hypothesis that extrastriate regions involved in selective attention, specifically within the right parietal cortex, exert an influence on the multisensory integrative processes that cause the flash illusion. We found that disruption of the right angular gyrus, but not of the adjacent supramarginal gyrus or of a sensory control site, enhanced participants' veridical perception of the multisensory events, thereby reducing their susceptibility to the illusion. Our findings suggest that the same parietal networks that normally act to enhance perception of attended events also play a role in the binding of auditory and visual stimuli in the sound-induced flash illusion

    The angular gyrus and visuospatial attention in decision-making under risk

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    Recent neuroimaging studies on decision-making under risk indicate that the angular gyrus (AG) is sensitive to the probability and variance of outcomes during choice. A separate body of research has established the AG as a key area in visual attention. The current study used repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in healthy volunteers to test whether the causal contribution of the AG to decision-making is independent of or linked to the guidance of visuospatial attention. A within-subject design compared decision making on a laboratory gambling task under three conditions: following rTMS to the AG, following rTMS to the premotor cortex (PMC, as an active control condition) and without TMS. The task presented two different trial types, ‘visual’ and ‘auditory’ trials, which entailed a high versus minimal demand for visuospatial attention, respectively. Our results showed a systematic effect of rTMS to the AG upon decision-making behavior in visual trials. Without TMS and following rTMS to the control region, decision latencies reflected the odds of winning; this relationship was disrupted by rTMS to the AG. In contrast, no significant effects of rTMS to the AG (or to the PMC) upon choice behavior in auditory trials were found. Thus, rTMS to the AG affected decision-making only in the task condition requiring visuospatial attention. The current findings suggest that the AG contributes to decision-making by guiding attention to relevant information about reward and punishment in the visual environment

    Triadic (ecological, neural, cognitive) niche construction: a scenario of human brain evolution extrapolating tool use and language from the control of reaching actions

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    Hominin evolution has involved a continuous process of addition of new kinds of cognitive capacity, including those relating to manufacture and use of tools and to the establishment of linguistic faculties. The dramatic expansion of the brain that accompanied additions of new functional areas would have supported such continuous evolution. Extended brain functions would have driven rapid and drastic changes in the hominin ecological niche, which in turn demanded further brain resources to adapt to it. In this way, humans have constructed a novel niche in each of the ecological, cognitive and neural domains, whose interactions accelerated their individual evolution through a process of triadic niche construction. Human higher cognitive activity can therefore be viewed holistically as one component in a terrestrial ecosystem. The brain's functional characteristics seem to play a key role in this triadic interaction. We advance a speculative argument about the origins of its neurobiological mechanisms, as an extension (with wider scope) of the evolutionary principles of adaptive function in the animal nervous system. The brain mechanisms that subserve tool use may bridge the gap between gesture and language—the site of such integration seems to be the parietal and extending opercular cortices

    The Impact of Motivation on Object-Based Visual Attention Indexed by Continuous Flash Suppression.

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    Motivationally-relevant stimuli summon our attention and benefit from enhanced processing, but the neural mechanisms underlying this prioritization are not well understood. Using an interocular suppression technique and functional neuroimaging, this work has the ultimate aim of understanding how motivation impacts visual perception. In Chapter 2a, we demonstrate that novel objects with a more rich reward history are prioritized in awareness more quickly than objects with a lean reward history. In Chapter 2b, we show that faces are prioritized in awareness following social rejection, and that the amount faces are prioritized correlates with individual differences in social motivation. Chapters 3 & 4 use a combination of functional neuroimaging and flash suppression to suppress fearful faces and houses from awareness. Using binocular rivalry and motion flash suppression in Chapter 3, we find that suppressed fearful faces activate the amygdala relative to suppressed houses, and the amygdala increases coherence with a network of regions involved in attention, including bilateral pulvinar, bilateral insula, left frontal eye fields, left inferior parietal cortex, and early visual cortex. Using the more robust technique, continuous flash suppression, in Chapter 4, we find no differentiation between stimuli based on mean amygdala responses. However, we show increased connectivity between the amygdala, the pulvinar, and inferior parietal cortex specific to fearful faces. Overall, these results indicate that motivationally-relevant stimuli activate the amygdala prior to awareness. Enhanced connectivity between the amygdala and regions involved in attention may underlie the enhanced processing seen for salient stimuli

    Concurrent neurological and behavioral assessment of number line estimation performance in children and adults

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    Children who struggle to learn math are often identified by their poor performance on common math learning activities, such as number line estimations. While such behavioral assessments are useful in the classroom, naturalistic neuroimaging of children engaged in real-world math learning activities has the potential to identify concurrent behavioral and neurological correlates to poor math performance. Such correlates may help pinpoint effective teaching strategies for atypical learners, and may highlight instructional methods that elicit typical neurological response patterns to such activities. For example, multisensory stimulation that contains information about number enhances infants\u27 and preschool children\u27s behavioral performance on many numerical tasks and has been shown to elicit neural activation in areas related to number processing and decision-making. Thus, when applied to math teaching tools, multisensory stimulation may provide a platform through which both behavioral and neural math-related processes may be enhanced. Common approaches to neuroimaging of math processing lack ecological validity and are often not analogous to real-world learning activities. However, because of its liberal tolerance of movement, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) provides an ideal platform for such studies. Here, NIRS is used to provide the first concurrent examination of neurological and behavioral data from number line estimation performance within children and adults. Moreover, in an effort to observe the behavioral and neurological benefits to number line estimations that may arise from multisensory stimulation, differential feedback (i.e., visual, auditory, or audiovisual) about estimation performance is provided throughout a portion of the task. Results suggest behavioral and neural performance is enhanced by feedback. Moreover, significant effects of age suggest young children show greater neurological response to feedback, and increase in task difficulty resulted in decreased behavioral performance and increased neurological activation associated with mathematical processing. Thus, typical math learners effectively recruit areas of the brain known to process number when math activities become increasingly difficult. Data inform understanding typical behavioral and neural responses to real-world math learning tasks, and may prove useful in triangulating signatures of atypical math learning. Moreover, results demonstrate the utility of NIRS as a platform to provide simultaneous neurological and behavioral data during naturalistic math learning activities

    The role of the parietal cortex in salience-based selection using a cognitive neuropsychological approach

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    It has been known that the parietal cortex is important for directing attention in order to fulfil search task goals, although how exactly this is done is unclear. Saliency has been identified as important in parietal selection of targets and suppression of distractors. This thesis attempted to explore the factors underlying salience-based selection in the parietal cortex using a cognitive neuropsychological approach. Chapter 1 explored the literature underlying saliency and the parietal cortex. Chapter 2 addressed the question of salience-based selection in a global-local task using a voxel-based morphometric approach in a wide range of patients, finding parietal and occipital regions as important regions for congruency interference and suppressing salient distractors. Chapter 3 inhibited the right precuneus using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in neurotypical adults on the same task finding reduced congruency interference. Chapter 4 revealed the importance of saliency in mediating level selection in simultanagnosia. Chapters 5 and 6 examined in a bilateral parietal patient using spatial and non-spatial paradigms the importance of stimulus relevance as a means of guiding salience-based selection. The thesis concluded in Chapter 7 that the parietal cortex is important for salience-based selection and suppression mediated by the relevance of the stimulus being made salient

    Applications of realtime fMRI for non-invasive brain computer interface-decoding and neurofeedback

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    Non-invasive brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) seek to enable or restore brain function by using neuroimaging e.g. functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), to engage brain activations without the need for explicit behavioural output or surgical implants. Brain activations are converted into output signals, for use in communication interfaces, motor prosthetics, or to directly shape brain function via a feedback loop. The aim of this thesis was to develop cognitive BCIs using realtime fMRI (rt-fMRI), with the potential for use as a communication interface, or for initiating neural plasticity to facilitate neurorehabilitation. Rt-fMRI enables brain activation to be manipulated directly to produce changes in function, such as perception. Univariate and multivariate classification approaches were used to decode brain activations produced by the deployment of covert spatial attention to simple visual stimuli. Primary and higher order visual areas were examined, as well as potential control regions. The classification platform was then developed to include the use of real-world visual stimuli, exploiting the use of category-specific visual areas, and demonstrating real-world applicability as a communications interface. Online univariate classification of spatial attention was successfully achieved, with individual classification accuracies for 4-quadrant spatial attention reaching 70%. Further, a novel implementation of m-sequences enabled the use of the timing of stimuli presentation to enhance signal characterisation. An established rt-fMRI analysis loop was then used for neurofeedback-led manipulation of category-specific visual brain regions, modulating their functioning, and, as a result, biasing visual perception during binocular rivalry. These changes were linked with functional and effective connectivity changes in trained regions, as well as in a putative top-down control region. The work presented provides proof-of-principle for non-invasive BCIs using rt-fMRI, with the potential for translation into the clinical environment. Decoding and 4 neurofeedback applied to non-invasive and implantable BCIs form an evolving continuum of options for enabling and restoring brain function

    Salience representation in the parietal and frontal cortex

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    Abstract Some objects in the visual field are more likely to attract attention because they are either intrinsically eye catching or relevant in the context of a particular task. These two factors, known as stimulus-driven and goal-directed factors, respectively, are thought to be integrated into a unique salience map, possibly located in the frontal or the parietal cortex. However, the distinct contribution of these two regions to salience representation is difficult to establish experimentally and remains debated. In an attempt to address this issue, we designed several dual tasks composed of a letter reporting task and a visual search task, allowing us to quantify the salience of each visual item by measuring its probability to be selected by attention. In Experiment 1, the salience of the visual search items depended on a combination of conspicuity and relevance factors, whereas in Experiment 2, stimulus-driven and goal-directed factors were tested separately. Then, we used transcranial magnetic stimulation to interfere transiently with the function of the right angular gyrus (ANG) or right FEFs in healthy subjects performing these dual tasks. We found that interfering with the ANG and the FEF function specifically altered the influence of salience on the letter report rate without affecting the overall letter reporting rate, suggesting that these areas are involved in salience representation. In particular, the present study suggests that ANG is involved in goal-directed salience representation, whereas FEF would rather house a global salience map integrating both goal-directed and stimulus-driven factors