5,134 research outputs found

    Virtual-to-Real-World Transfer Learning for Robots on Wilderness Trails

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    Robots hold promise in many scenarios involving outdoor use, such as search-and-rescue, wildlife management, and collecting data to improve environment, climate, and weather forecasting. However, autonomous navigation of outdoor trails remains a challenging problem. Recent work has sought to address this issue using deep learning. Although this approach has achieved state-of-the-art results, the deep learning paradigm may be limited due to a reliance on large amounts of annotated training data. Collecting and curating training datasets may not be feasible or practical in many situations, especially as trail conditions may change due to seasonal weather variations, storms, and natural erosion. In this paper, we explore an approach to address this issue through virtual-to-real-world transfer learning using a variety of deep learning models trained to classify the direction of a trail in an image. Our approach utilizes synthetic data gathered from virtual environments for model training, bypassing the need to collect a large amount of real images of the outdoors. We validate our approach in three main ways. First, we demonstrate that our models achieve classification accuracies upwards of 95% on our synthetic data set. Next, we utilize our classification models in the control system of a simulated robot to demonstrate feasibility. Finally, we evaluate our models on real-world trail data and demonstrate the potential of virtual-to-real-world transfer learning.Comment: iROS 201

    Kitting in the Wild through Online Domain Adaptation

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    Technological developments call for increasing perception and action capabilities of robots. Among other skills, vision systems that can adapt to any possible change in the working conditions are needed. Since these conditions are unpredictable, we need benchmarks which allow to assess the generalization and robustness capabilities of our visual recognition algorithms. In this work we focus on robotic kitting in unconstrained scenarios. As a first contribution, we present a new visual dataset for the kitting task. Differently from standard object recognition datasets, we provide images of the same objects acquired under various conditions where camera, illumination and background are changed. This novel dataset allows for testing the robustness of robot visual recognition algorithms to a series of different domain shifts both in isolation and unified. Our second contribution is a novel online adaptation algorithm for deep models, based on batch-normalization layers, which allows to continuously adapt a model to the current working conditions. Differently from standard domain adaptation algorithms, it does not require any image from the target domain at training time. We benchmark the performance of the algorithm on the proposed dataset, showing its capability to fill the gap between the performances of a standard architecture and its counterpart adapted offline to the given target domain

    Systematic and Realistic Testing in Simulation of Control Code for Robots in Collaborative Human-Robot Interactions

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    © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. Industries such as flexible manufacturing and home care will be transformed by the presence of robotic assistants. Assurance of safety and functional soundness for these robotic systems will require rigorous verification and validation. We propose testing in simulation using Coverage-Driven Verification (CDV) to guide the testing process in an automatic and systematic way. We use a two-tiered test generation approach, where abstract test sequences are computed first and then concretized (e.g., data and variables are instantiated), to reduce the complexity of the test generation problem. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we developed a testbench for robotic code, running in ROS-Gazebo, that implements an object handover as part of a humanrobot interaction (HRI) task. Tests are generated to stimulate the robot’s code in a realistic manner, through stimulating the human, environment, sensors, and actuators in simulation. We compare the merits of unconstrained, constrained and model-based test generation in achieving thorough exploration of the code under test, and interesting combinations of human-robot interactions. Our results show that CDV combined with systematic test generation achieves a very high degree of automation in simulation-based verification of control code for robots in HRI

    Sim-to-Real Transfer of Robotic Control with Dynamics Randomization

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    Simulations are attractive environments for training agents as they provide an abundant source of data and alleviate certain safety concerns during the training process. But the behaviours developed by agents in simulation are often specific to the characteristics of the simulator. Due to modeling error, strategies that are successful in simulation may not transfer to their real world counterparts. In this paper, we demonstrate a simple method to bridge this "reality gap". By randomizing the dynamics of the simulator during training, we are able to develop policies that are capable of adapting to very different dynamics, including ones that differ significantly from the dynamics on which the policies were trained. This adaptivity enables the policies to generalize to the dynamics of the real world without any training on the physical system. Our approach is demonstrated on an object pushing task using a robotic arm. Despite being trained exclusively in simulation, our policies are able to maintain a similar level of performance when deployed on a real robot, reliably moving an object to a desired location from random initial configurations. We explore the impact of various design decisions and show that the resulting policies are robust to significant calibration error
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