3 research outputs found


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    Migrating functionality from software to hardware has historically held the promise of enhancing performance through exploiting the inherent parallel nature of hardware. Many early exploratory efforts in repartitioning traditional software based services into hardware were hampered by expensive ASIC development costs. Recent advancements in FPGA technology have made it more economically feasible to explore migrating functionality across the hardware/software boundary. The flexibility of the FPGA fabric and availability of configurable soft IP components has opened the potential to rapidly and economically investigate different hardware/software partitions. Within the real time operating systems community, there has been continued interest in applying hardware/software co-design approaches to address scheduling issues such as latency and jitter. Many hardware based approaches have been reported to reduce the latency of computing the scheduling decision function itself. However continued adherence to classic scheduler invocation mechanisms can still allow variable latencies to creep into the time taken to make the scheduling decision, and ultimately into application timelines. This dissertation explores how hardware/software co-design can be applied past the scheduling decision itself to also reduce the non-predictable delays associated with interrupts and timers. By expanding the window of hardware/software co-design to these invocation mechanisms, we seek to understand if the jitter introduced by classical hardware/software partitionings can be removed from the timelines of critical real time user processes. This dissertation makes a case for resetting the classic boundaries of software thread level scheduling, software timers, hardware timers and interrupts. We show that reworking the boundaries of the scheduling invocation mechanisms helps to rectify the current imbalance of traditional hardware invocation mechanisms (timers and interrupts) and software scheduling policy (operating system scheduler). We re-factor these mechanisms into a unified hardware software priority scheduling model to facilitate improvements in performance, timeliness and determinism in all domains of computing. This dissertation demonstrates and prototypes the creation of a new framework that effects this basic policy change. The advantage of this approach lies within it's ability to unify, simplify and allow for more control within the operating systems scheduling policy

    Safe and Structured Use of Interrupts in Real-Time and Embedded Software

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    ManuscriptWhile developing embedded and real-time systems, it is usually necessary to write code that handles interrupts, or code the interacts with interrupt handlers. Interrupts are indispensable because they use hardware support to reduce both the latency and overhead of event detection, when compared to polling. Furthermore, modern embedded processor cores can save energy by shutting down when idle, leaving only simple circuitry such as timers running. For example, a TelosB [13] sensor network node drains a pair of AA batteries in a few days by running the processor continuously, but can run a useful application for months if the duty cycle is kept appropriately low. Interrupts have some inherent drawbacks from a software engineering point of view. First, they are relatively non-portable across compilers and hardware platforms. Second, they lend themselves to a variety of severe software errors that are difficult to track down since they manifest only rarely. These problems give interrupts a bad reputation for leading to flaky software: a significant problem where the software is part of a highly-available or safety-critical system. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a technical introduction to interrupts and the problems that their use can introduce into an embedded system, and also to provide a set of design rules for developers of interrupt-driven software. This chapter does not address interrupts on shared-memory multiprocessors, nor does it delve deeply into concurrency correctness: the avoidance of race conditions and deadlocks. Concurrency correctness is the subject of a large body of literature. Although the vast majority of this literature addresses problems in creating correct thread-based systems, essentially all of it also applies to interrupt-driven systems