6 research outputs found

    Dynaamisten mallien puoliautomaattinen parametrisointi käyttäen laitosdataa

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    The aim of this thesis was to develop a new methodology for estimating parameters of NAPCON ProsDS dynamic simulator models to better represent data containing several operating points. Before this thesis, no known methodology had existed for combining operating point identification with parameter estimation of NAPCON ProsDS simulator models. The methodology was designed by assessing and selecting suitable methods for operating space partitioning, parameter estimation and parameter scheduling. Previously implemented clustering algorithms were utilized for the operating space partition. Parameter estimation was implemented as a new tool in the NAPCON ProsDS dynamic simulator and iterative parameter estimation methods were applied. Finally, lookup tables were applied for tuning the model parameters according to the state. The methodology was tested by tuning a heat exchanger model to several operating points based on plant process data. The results indicated that the developed methodology was able to tune the simulator model to better represent several operating states. However, more testing with different models is required to verify general applicability of the methodology.Tämän diplomityön tarkoitus oli kehittää uusi parametrien estimointimenetelmä NAPCON ProsDS -simulaattorin dynaamisille malleille, jotta ne vastaisivat paremmin dataa useista prosessitiloista. Ennen tätä diplomityötä NAPCON ProsDS -simulaattorin malleille ei ollut olemassa olevaa viritysmenetelmää, joka yhdistäisi operointitilojen tunnistuksen parametrien estimointiin. Menetelmän kehitystä varten tutkittiin ja valittiin sopivat menetelmät operointiavaruuden jakamiselle, parametrien estimoinnille ja parametrien virittämiseen prosessitilan mukaisesti. Aikaisemmin ohjelmoituja klusterointialgoritmeja hyödynnettiin operointiavaruuden jakamisessa. Parametrien estimointi toteutettiin uutena työkaluna NAPCON ProsDS -simulaattoriin ja estimoinnissa käytettiin iteratiivisia optimointimenetelmiä. Lopulta hakutaulukoita sovellettiin mallin parametrien hienosäätöön prosessitilojen mukaisesti. Menetelmää testattiin virittämällä lämmönvaihtimen malli kahteen eri prosessitilaan käyttäen laitokselta kerättyä prosessidataa. Tulokset osoittavat että kehitetty menetelmä pystyi virittämään simulaattorin mallin vastaamaan paremmin dataa useista prosessitiloista. Kuitenkin tarvitaan lisää testausta erityyppisten mallien kanssa, jotta voidaan varmistaa menetelmän yleinen soveltuvuus

    Enhancement of the HILOMOT Algorithm with Modified EM and Modified PSO Algorithms for Nonlinear Systems Identification

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    Developing a mathematical model has become an inevitable need in studies of all disciplines. With advancements in technology, there is an emerging need to develop complex mathematical models. System identification is a popular way of constructing mathematical models of highly complex processes when an analytical model is not feasible. One of the many model architectures of system identification is to utilize a Local Model Network (LMN). Hierarchical Local Model Tree (HILOMOT) is an iterative LMN training algorithm that uses the axis-oblique split method to divide the input space hierarchically. The split positions of the local models directly influence the accuracy of the entire model. However, finding the best split positions of the local models presents a nonlinear optimization problem. This paper presents an optimized HILOMOT algorithm with enhanced Expectation-Maximization (EM) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithms which includes the normalization parameter and utilizes the reduced-parameter vector. Finally, the performance of the improved HILOMOT algorithm is compared with the existing algorithm by modeling the NOx emission model of a gas turbine and multiple nonlinear test functions of different orders and structures.Scopu


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