31,649 research outputs found

    Lipschitz stability estimate in the inverse Robin problem for the Stokes system

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    We are interested in the inverse problem of recovering a Robin coefficient defined on some non accessible part of the boundary from available data on another part of the boundary in the nonstationary Stokes system. We prove a Lipschitz stability estimate under the \textit{a priori} assumption that the Robin coefficient lives in some compact and convex subset of a finite dimensional vectorial subspace of the set of continuous functions. To do so, we use a theorem proved by L. Bourgeois which establishes Lipschitz stability estimates for a class of inverse problems in an abstract framework

    Bounding Stability Constants for Affinely Parameter-Dependent Operators

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    In this article we introduce new possibilities of bounding the stability constants that play a vital role in the reduced basis method. By bounding stability constants over a neighborhood we make it possible to guarantee stability at more than a finite number of points and to do that in the offline stage. We additionally show that Lyapunov stability of dynamical systems can be handled in the same framework.Comment: Accepted version (C. R. Math.), 6 pages, 3 figure

    A New Stability Result for Viscosity Solutions of Nonlinear Parabolic Equations with Weak Convergence in Time

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    We present a new stability result for viscosity solutions of fully nonlinear parabolic equations which allows to pass to the limit when one has only weak convergence in time of the nonlinearities

    Stable pairs on elliptic K3 surfaces

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    We study semistable pairs on elliptic K3 surfaces with a section: we construct a family of moduli spaces of pairs, related by wall crossing phenomena, which can be studied to describe the birational correspondence between moduli spaces of sheaves of rank 2 and Hilbert schemes on the surface. In the 4-dimensional case, this can be used to get the isomorphism between the moduli space and the Hilbert scheme described by Friedman.Comment: shortened version with French summary, to appear in C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris. 6 page

    A Note on Commuting Diffeomorphisms on Surfaces

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    Let S be a closed surface with nonzero Euler characteristic. We prove the existence of an open neighborhood V of the identity map of S in the C^1-topology with the following property: if G is an abelian subgroup of Diff^1(S) generated by any family of elements in V then the elements of G have common fixed points. This result generalizes a similar result due to Bonatti and announced in his paper "Diffeomorphismes commutants des surfaces et stabilite des fibrations en tores".Comment: 16 page

    On the stability of flat complex vector bundles over parallelizable manifolds

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    We investigate the flat holomorphic vector bundles over compact complex parallelizable manifolds G/ΓG / \Gamma, where GG is a complex connected Lie group and Γ\Gamma is a cocompact lattice in it. The main result proved here is a structure theorem for flat holomorphic vector bundles EρE_\rho associated to any irreducible representation ρ:ΓGL(r,C)\rho : \Gamma \rightarrow \text{GL}(r,{\mathbb C}). More precisely, we prove that EρE_{\rho} is holomorphically isomorphic to a vector bundle of the form EnE^{\oplus n}, where EE is a stable vector bundle. All the rational Chern classes of EE vanish, in particular, its degree is zero. We deduce a stability result for flat holomorphic vector bundles EρE_{\rho} of rank 2 over G/ΓG/ \Gamma. If an irreducible representation ρ:ΓGL(2,C)\rho : \Gamma\rightarrow \text{GL}(2, \mathbb {C}) satisfies the conditionmthat the induced homomorphism ΓPGL(2,C)\Gamma\rightarrow {\rm PGL}(2, {\mathbb C}) does not extend to a homomorphism from GG, then EρE_{\rho} is proved to be stable.Comment: Comptes Rendus Math\'ematique (to appear

    About the stability of the tangent bundle restricted to a curve

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    Let C be a smooth projective curve with genus g>1 and Clifford index c(C) and let L be a line bundle on C generated by its global sections. The morphism i:C -->P(H^0(L))=P is well-defined and i*T is the restriction to C of the tangent bundle T of the projective space P. Sharpening a theorem by Paranjape, we show that if deg L>2g-c(C)-1 then i*T is semi-stable, specifying when it is also stable. We then prove the existence on many curves of a line bundle L of degree 2g-c(C)-1 such that i*T is not semi-stable. Finally, we completely characterize the (semi-)stability of i*T when C is hyperelliptic.Comment: 5 page