2,762 research outputs found

    Implementasi Radio Transceiver SSB Bi-Directional Untuk Modul Percobaan Sistem Komunikasi Analog

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    Makalah ini merupakan laporan hasil percobaan rancang bangun radio transceiver single side-band (SSB) dengan metode bi-directional. Skema radio pemancar-penerima (transceiver) single side-band (SSB) dua arah (bi-directional) dirancang dengan sistem penerima konversi tunggal (single conversion). Aplikasi bi-directional dalam skema ini bertujuan  untuk menyederhanakan rangkaian transceiver SSB. Metode yang digunakan pada radio transceiver SSB bi-directional yaitu menggunakan beberapa bagian rangkaian secara bersama seperti (a) rangkaian balance modulator (BM) sekaligus sebagai demodulator SSB, (b) filter intermediate frequency (IF filter) untuk filter pemancar dan penerima, dan mixer. Sistem ini menggunakan direct digital synthesizer (DDS) sebagai variable frequency oscillator (VFO)  dan menggunakan rangkaian osilator kristal  sebagai  beat frequency oscillator (BFO).  Filter IF menggunakan 4 (empat) buah kristal identik agar diperoleh lebar pita frekuensi 3 kHz sebagaimana yang dipersyaratkan pada sinyal SSB. Rangkaian mixer menggunakan empat buah diode identik dan pada rangkaian balance modulator digunakan dua buah diode identic.  Pada sistem ini, rangkaian BM digunakan sebagai pembangkit sinyal DSB-SC, dimanfaatkan pula sebagai  demodulator SSB . Penalaan (tuning) frekuensi dilakukan oleh sebuah lokal osilator yang dibuat dari rangkaian Direct-Digital Synthesizer (DDS).  Pengaturan skala perubahan frekuensi osilator DDS dapat dilakukan mulai dari skala 1 Hz sampai 1 MHz

    A New 100-GHz Band Front-End System with a Waveguide-Type Dual-Polarization Sideband-Separating SIS Receiver for the NRO 45-m Radio Telescope

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    We developed a waveguide-type dual-polarization sideband-separating SIS receiver system of the 100-GHz band for the 45-m radio telescope at the Nobeyama Radio Observatory, Japan. This receiver is composed of an ortho-mode transducer and two sideband-separating SIS mixers, which are both based on the waveguide technique. The receiver has four intermediate frequency bands of 4.0--8.0 GHz. Over the radio frequency range of 80--120 GHz, the single-sideband receiver noise temperatures are 50--100 K and the image rejection ratios are greater than 10 dB. We developed new matching optics for the telescope beam as well as new IF chains for the four IF signals. The new receiver system was installed in the telescope, and we successfully observed the 12CO, 13CO and C18O emission lines simultaneously toward the Sagittarius B2 region to confirm the performance of the receiver system. The SSB noise temperature of the system, including the atmosphere, became approximately half of that of the previous receiver system. The Image Rejection Ratios (IRRs) of the two 2SB mixers were calculated from the 12CO and HCO+ spectra from the W51 giant molecular cloud, resulting in > 20 dB for one polarization and > 12 dB for the other polarization.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, Accepted for publication in PASJ, version with high resolution figures is available via http://www.nro.nao.ac.jp/library/report/list.htm

    New 60-cm Radio Survey Telescope with the Sideband-Separating SIS Receiver for the 200 GHz Band

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    We have upgraded the 60-cm radio survey telescope located in Nobeyama, Japan. We developed a new waveguide-type sideband-separating SIS mixer for the telescope, which enables the simultaneous detection of distinct molecular emission lines both in the upper and lower sidebands. Over the RF frequency range of 205-240 GHz, the single-sideband receiver noise temperatures of the new mixer are 40-100 K for the 4.0-8.0 GHz IF frequency band. The image rejection ratios are greater than 10 dB over the same range. For the dual IF signals obtained by the receiver, we have developed two sets of acousto-optical spectrometers and a telescope control system. Using the new telescope system, we successfully detected the 12CO (J=2-1) and 13CO (J=2-1) emission lines simultaneously toward Orion KL in 2005 March. Using the waveguide-type sideband-separating SIS mixer for the 200 GHz band, we have initiated the first simultaneous 12CO (J=2-1) and 13CO (J=2-1) survey of the galactic plane as well as large-scale mapping observations of nearby molecular clouds.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, Accepted for publication in PASJ, version with high resolution figures is available via http://www.nro.nao.ac.jp/~nakajima/vst1_2sb.pd

    Development of the ALMA-North America Sideband-Separating SIS Mixers

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    As the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) nears completion, 73 dual-polarization receivers have been delivered for each of Bands 3 (84-116 GHz) and 6 (211-275 GHz). The receivers use sideband-separating superconducting Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb tunnel-junction (SIS) mixers, developed for ALMA to suppress atmospheric noise in the image band. The mixers were designed taking into account dynamic range, input return loss, and signal-to-image conversion (which can be significant in SIS mixers). Typical SSB receiver noise temperatures in Bands 3 and 6 are 30 K and 60 K, resp., and the image rejection is typically 15 dB.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., June 2013. 10 pages, 21 figure

    Measurements of the single sideband suppression for a 650 GHz heterodyne receiver

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    A large number of atmospheric trace gases, involved in the process of stratospheric ozone depletion, show emission features in the submillimeter wavelength range (lambda = 0.1-1mm). High-resolution heterodyne techniques are a particularly useful tool in this spectral region as vertical distribution of these species can be deduced. Here the receiver has to be operated in the single sideband (ssb) mode preferably to avoid any interferences between the contributions in both receiver sidebands. In the 625-655 GHz heterodyne receiver developed at the University of Bremen a Martin-Puplett interferometer is used as a ssb-filter. A laboratory set-up has been built up to measure the performance of this interferometer

    A 275–425-GHz Tunerless Waveguide Receiver Based on AlN-Barrier SIS Technology

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    We report on a 275–425-GHz tunerless waveguide receiver with a 3.5–8-GHz IF. As the mixing element, we employ a high-current-density Nb–AlN–Nb superconducting–insulating– superconducting (SIS) tunnel junction. Thanks to the combined use of AlN-barrier SIS technology and a broad bandwidth waveguide to thin-film microstrip transition, we are able to achieve an unprecedented 43% instantaneous bandwidth, limited by the receiver's corrugated feedhorn. The measured double-sideband (DSB) receiver noise temperature, uncorrected for optics loss, ranges from 55 K at 275 GHz, 48 K at 345 GHz, to 72 K at 425 GHz. In this frequency range, the mixer has a DSB conversion loss of 2.3 1 dB. The intrinsic mixer noise is found to vary between 17–19 K, of which 9 K is attributed to shot noise associated with leakage current below the gap. To improve reliability, the IF circuit and bias injection are entirely planar by design. The instrument was successfully installed at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO), Mauna Kea, HI, in October 2006

    Low- voltage folded-switching mixers in 0.18 ÎĽm CMOS

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    Scaling of CMOS technologies has a great impact on analog design. The most severe consequence is the reduction of the voltage supply. In this paper, a low voltage, low power, AC-coupled folded-switching mixer with current-reuse is presented. The main advantages of the introduced mixer topology are: high voltage gain, moderate noise figure, moderate linearity, and operation at low supply voltages. Insight into the mixer operation is given by analyzing voltage gain, noise figure (NF), linearity (IIP3), and DC stability. The mixer is designed and implemented in 0.18-µm CMOS technology with metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors as an option. The active chip area is 160 µm×200 µm. At 2.4 GHz a single side band (SSB) noise figure of 13.9 dB, a voltage gain of 11.9 dB and an IIP3 of -3 dBm are measured at a supply voltage of 1 V and with a power consumption of only 3.2 mW. At a supply voltage of 1.8 V, an SSB noise figure of 12.9 dB, a voltage gain of 16 dB and an IIP3 of 1 dBm are measured at a power consumption of 8.1 m

    Design and Performance of a Sideband Separating SIS Mixer for 800-950 GHz

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    We present the design and results of characterization of a new sideband separating (2SB) mixer for 800-950GHz, based on superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) junctions. This is the first waveguide 2SB SIS mixer demonstrated at such a high frequency. The design is following the classical quadrature hybrid architecture, meanwhile additional attention was put on the reduction of reflections in the RF structure in order to minimize the RF imbalance, to achieve a high image rejection ratio (IRR). The RF waveguide block was manufactured by micromilling and populated by single-ended SIS mixers developed earlier for upgrade of the CHAMP+ high-band array on the APEX telescope. These SIS mixers have double-sideband (DSB) noise temperatures from 210 to 400K. The assembled 2SB mixer yields a SSB noise temperature from 450 to 900K, with an IRR above 15dB in 95 of the band. Comparing the DSB and the SSB sensitivities, we find that the waveguide losses are as low as expected and do not exceed 0.6dB. The presented mixer is a prototype for use in a 2SB dual polarization receiver planned for deployment on the APEX telescope

    Basics of RF electronics

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    RF electronics deals with the generation, acquisition and manipulation of high-frequency signals. In particle accelerators signals of this kind are abundant, especially in the RF and beam diagnostics systems. In modern machines the complexity of the electronics assemblies dedicated to RF manipulation, beam diagnostics, and feedbacks is continuously increasing, following the demands for improvement of accelerator performance. However, these systems, and in particular their front-ends and back-ends, still rely on well-established basic hardware components and techniques, while down-converted and acquired signals are digitally processed exploiting the rapidly growing computational capability offered by the available technology. This lecture reviews the operational principles of the basic building blocks used for the treatment of high-frequency signals. Devices such as mixers, phase and amplitude detectors, modulators, filters, switches, directional couplers, oscillators, amplifiers, attenuators, and others are described in terms of equivalent circuits, scattering matrices, transfer functions; typical performance of commercially available models is presented. Owing to the breadth of the subject, this review is necessarily synthetic and non-exhaustive. Readers interested in the architecture of complete systems making use of the described components and devoted to generation and manipulation of the signals driving RF power plants and cavities may refer to the CAS lectures on Low-Level RF.Comment: 36 pages, contribution to the CAS - CERN Accelerator School: Specialised Course on RF for Accelerators; 8 - 17 Jun 2010, Ebeltoft, Denmar
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