221 research outputs found

    OrthoNoC: a broadcast-oriented dual-plane wireless network-on-chip architecture

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    © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksOn-chip communication remains as a key research issue at the gates of the manycore era. In response to this, novel interconnect technologies have opened the door to new Network-on-Chip (NoC) solutions towards greater scalability and architectural flexibility. Particularly, wireless on-chip communication has garnered considerable attention due to its inherent broadcast capabilities, low latency, and system-level simplicity. This work presents ORTHONOC, a wired-wireless architecture that differs from existing proposals in that both network planes are decoupled and driven by traffic steering policies enforced at the network interfaces. With these and other design decisions, ORTHONOC seeks to emphasize the ordered broadcast advantage offered by the wireless technology. The performance and cost of ORTHONOC are first explored using synthetic traffic, showing substantial improvements with respect to other wired-wireless designs with a similar number of antennas. Then, the applicability of ORTHONOC in the multiprocessor scenario is demonstrated through the evaluation of a simple architecture that implements fast synchronization via ordered broadcast transmissions. Simulations reveal significant execution time speedups and communication energy savings for 64-threaded benchmarks, proving that the value of ORTHONOC goes beyond simply improving the performance of the on-chip interconnect.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Heracles: A Tool for Fast RTL-Based Design Space Exploration of Multicore Processors

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    This paper presents Heracles, an open-source, functional, parameterized, synthesizable multicore system toolkit. Such a multi/many-core design platform is a powerful and versatile research and teaching tool for architectural exploration and hardware-software co-design. The Heracles toolkit comprises the soft hardware (HDL) modules, application compiler, and graphical user interface. It is designed with a high degree of modularity to support fast exploration of future multicore processors of di erent topologies, routing schemes, processing elements (cores), and memory system organizations. It is a component-based framework with parameterized interfaces and strong emphasis on module reusability. The compiler toolchain is used to map C or C++ based applications onto the processing units. The GUI allows the user to quickly con gure and launch a system instance for easy factorial development and evaluation. Hardware modules are implemented in synthesizable Verilog and are FPGA platform independent. The Heracles tool is freely available under the open-source MIT license at: http://projects.csail.mit.edu/heracle

    Locality-oblivious cache organization leveraging single-cycle multi-hop NoCs

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    Locality has always been a critical factor in on-chip data placement on CMPs as accessing further-away caches has in the past been more costly than accessing nearby ones. Substantial research on locality-aware designs have thus focused on keeping a copy of the data private. However, this complicatesthe problem of data tracking and search/invalidation; tracking the state of a line at all on-chip caches at a directory or performing full-chip broadcasts are both non-scalable and extremely expensive solutions. In this paper, we make the case for Locality-Oblivious Cache Organization (LOCO), a CMP cache organization that leverages the on-chip network to create virtual single-cycle paths between distant caches, thus redefining the notion of locality. LOCO is a clustered cache organization, supporting both homogeneous and heterogeneous cluster sizes, and provides near single-cycle accesses to data anywhere within the cluster, just like a private cache. Globally, LOCO dynamically creates a virtual mesh connecting all the clusters, and performs an efficient global data search and migration over this virtual mesh, without having to resort to full-chip broadcasts or perform expensive directory lookups. Trace-driven and full system simulations running SPLASH-2 and PARSEC benchmarks show that LOCO improves application run time by up to 44.5% over baseline private and shared cache.Semiconductor Research CorporationUnited States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Semiconductor Technology Advanced Research Network

    Exploiting commutativity to reduce the cost of updates to shared data in cache-coherent systems

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    We present Coup, a technique to lower the cost of updates to shared data in cache-coherent systems. Coup exploits the insight that many update operations, such as additions and bitwise logical operations, are commutative: they produce the same final result regardless of the order they are performed in. Coup allows multiple private caches to simultaneously hold update-only permission to the same cache line. Caches with update-only permission can locally buffer and coalesce updates to the line, but cannot satisfy read requests. Upon a read request, Coup reduces the partial updates buffered in private caches to produce the final value. Coup integrates seamlessly into existing coherence protocols, requires inexpensive hardware, and does not affect the memory consistency model. We apply Coup to speed up single-word updates to shared data. On a simulated 128-core, 8-socket system, Coup accelerates state-of-the-art implementations of update-heavy algorithms by up to 2.4×.Center for Future Architectures ResearchNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (CAREER-1452994)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Grier Presidential Fellowship)Microelectronics Advanced Research CorporationUnited States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agenc

    Towards scalable, energy-efficient, bus-based on-chip networks

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    Journal ArticleIt is expected that future on-chip networks for many-core processors will impose huge overheads in terms of energy, delay, complexity, verification effort, and area. There is a common belief that the bandwidth necessary for future applications can only be provided by employing packet-switched networks with complex routers and a scalable directory-based coherence protocol. We posit that such a scheme might likely be overkill in a well designed system in addition to being expensive in terms of power because of a large number of power-hungry routers. We show that bus-based networks with snooping protocols can significantly lower energy consumption and simplify network/ protocol design and verification, with no loss in performance. We achieve these characteristics by dividing the chip into multiple segments, each having its own broadcast bus, with these buses further connected by a central bus. This helps eliminate expensive routers, but suffers from the energy overhead of long wires. We propose the use of multiple Bloom filters to effectively track data presence in the cache and restrict bus broadcasts to a subset of segments, significantly reducing energy consumption. We further show that the use of OS page coloring helps maximize locality and improves the effectiveness of the Bloom filters. We also employ low-swing wiring to further reduce the energy overheads of the links. Performance can also be improved at relatively low costs by utilizing more of the abundant metal budgets on-chip and employing multiple address-interleaved buses rather than multiple routers. Thus, with the combination of all the above innovations, we extend the scalability of buses and believe that buses can be a viable and attractive option for future on-chip networks. We show energy reductions of up to 31X on average compared to many state-of-the-art packet switched networks

    Memory consistency directed cache coherence protocols for scalable multiprocessors

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    The memory consistency model, which formally specifies the behavior of the memory system, is used by programmers to reason about parallel programs. From a hardware design perspective, weaker consistency models permit various optimizations in a multiprocessor system: this thesis focuses on designing and optimizing the cache coherence protocol for a given target memory consistency model. Traditional directory coherence protocols are designed to be compatible with the strictest memory consistency model, sequential consistency (SC). When they are used for chip multiprocessors (CMPs) that provide more relaxed memory consistency models, such protocols turn out to be unnecessarily strict. Usually, this comes at the cost of scalability, in terms of per-core storage due to sharer tracking, which poses a problem with increasing number of cores in today’s CMPs, most of which no longer are sequentially consistent. The recent convergence towards programming language based relaxed memory consistency models has sparked renewed interest in lazy cache coherence protocols. These protocols exploit synchronization information by enforcing coherence only at synchronization boundaries via self-invalidation. As a result, such protocols do not require sharer tracking which benefits scalability. On the downside, such protocols are only readily applicable to a restricted set of consistency models, such as Release Consistency (RC), which expose synchronization information explicitly. In particular, existing architectures with stricter consistency models (such as x86) cannot readily make use of lazy coherence protocols without either: adapting the protocol to satisfy the stricter consistency model; or changing the architecture’s consistency model to (a variant of) RC, typically at the expense of backward compatibility. The first part of this thesis explores both these options, with a focus on a practical approach satisfying backward compatibility. Because of the wide adoption of Total Store Order (TSO) and its variants in x86 and SPARC processors, and existing parallel programs written for these architectures, we first propose TSO-CC, a lazy cache coherence protocol for the TSO memory consistency model. TSO-CC does not track sharers and instead relies on self-invalidation and detection of potential acquires (in the absence of explicit synchronization) using per cache line timestamps to efficiently and lazily satisfy the TSO memory consistency model. Our results show that TSO-CC achieves, on average, performance comparable to a MESI directory protocol, while TSO-CC’s storage overhead per cache line scales logarithmically with increasing core count. Next, we propose an approach for the x86-64 architecture, which is a compromise between retaining the original consistency model and using a more storage efficient lazy coherence protocol. First, we propose a mechanism to convey synchronization information via a simple ISA extension, while retaining backward compatibility with legacy codes and older microarchitectures. Second, we propose RC3 (based on TSOCC), a scalable cache coherence protocol for RCtso, the resulting memory consistency model. RC3 does not track sharers and relies on self-invalidation on acquires. To satisfy RCtso efficiently, the protocol reduces self-invalidations transitively using per-L1 timestamps only. RC3 outperforms a conventional lazy RC protocol by 12%, achieving performance comparable to a MESI directory protocol for RC optimized programs. RC3’s storage overhead per cache line scales logarithmically with increasing core count and reduces on-chip coherence storage overheads by 45% compared to TSO-CC. Finally, it is imperative that hardware adheres to the promised memory consistency model. Indeed, consistency directed coherence protocols cannot use conventional coherence definitions (e.g. SWMR) to be verified against, and few existing verification methodologies apply. Furthermore, as the full consistency model is used as a specification, their interaction with other components (e.g. pipeline) of a system must not be neglected in the verification process. Therefore, verifying a system with such protocols in the context of interacting components is even more important than before. One common way to do this is via executing tests, where specific threads of instruction sequences are generated and their executions are checked for adherence to the consistency model. It would be extremely beneficial to execute such tests under simulation, i.e. when the functional design implementation of the hardware is being prototyped. Most prior verification methodologies, however, target post-silicon environments, which when used for simulation-based memory consistency verification would be too slow. We propose McVerSi, a test generation framework for fast memory consistency verification of a full-system design implementation under simulation. Our primary contribution is a Genetic Programming (GP) based approach to memory consistency test generation, which relies on a novel crossover function that prioritizes memory operations contributing to non-determinism, thereby increasing the probability of uncovering memory consistency bugs. To guide tests towards exercising as much logic as possible, the simulator’s reported coverage is used as the fitness function. Furthermore, we increase test throughput by making the test workload simulation-aware. We evaluate our proposed framework using the Gem5 cycle accurate simulator in full-system mode with Ruby (with configurations that use Gem5’s MESI protocol, and our proposed TSO-CC together with an out-of-order pipeline). We discover 2 new bugs in the MESI protocol due to the faulty interaction of the pipeline and the cache coherence protocol, highlighting that even conventional protocols should be verified rigorously in the context of a full-system. Crucially, these bugs would not have been discovered through individual verification of the pipeline or the coherence protocol. We study 11 bugs in total. Our GP-based test generation approach finds all bugs consistently, therefore providing much higher guarantees compared to alternative approaches (pseudo-random test generation and litmus tests)

    Exploiting semantic commutativity in hardware speculation

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    Hardware speculative execution schemes such as hardware transactional memory (HTM) enjoy low run-time overheads but suffer from limited concurrency because they rely on reads and writes to detect conflicts. By contrast, software speculation schemes can exploit semantic knowledge of concurrent operations to reduce conflicts. In particular, they often exploit that many operations on shared data, like insertions into sets, are semantically commutative: they produce semantically equivalent results when reordered. However, software techniques often incur unacceptable run-time overheads. To solve this dichotomy, we present COMMTM, an HTM that exploits semantic commutativity. CommTM extends the coherence protocol and conflict detection scheme to support user-defined commutative operations. Multiple cores can perform commutative operations to the same data concurrently and without conflicts. CommTM preserves transactional guarantees and can be applied to arbitrary HTMs. CommTM scales on many operations that serialize in conventional HTMs, like set insertions, reference counting, and top-K insertions, and retains the low overhead of HTMs. As a result, at 128 cores, CommTM outperforms a conventional eager-lazy HTM by up to 3.4 χ and reduces or eliminates aborts.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CAREER-1452994

    SCORPIO: A 36-Core Research Chip Demonstrating Snoopy Coherence on a Scalable Mesh NoC with In-Network Ordering

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    URL to conference programIn the many-core era, scalable coherence and on-chip interconnects are crucial for shared memory processors. While snoopy coherence is common in small multicore systems, directory-based coherence is the de facto choice for scalability to many cores, as snoopy relies on ordered interconnects which do not scale. However, directory-based coherence does not scale beyond tens of cores due to excessive directory area overhead or inaccurate sharer tracking. Prior techniques supporting ordering on arbitrary unordered networks are impractical for full multicore chip designs. We present SCORPIO, an ordered mesh Network-on-Chip(NoC) architecture with a separate fixed-latency, bufferless network to achieve distributed global ordering. Message delivery is decoupled from the ordering, allowing messages to arrive in any order and at any time, and still be correctly ordered. The architecture is designed to plug-and-play with existing multicore IP and with practicality, timing, area, and power as top concerns. Full-system 36 and 64-core simulations on SPLASH-2 and PARSEC benchmarks show an average application run time reduction of 24.1% and 12.9%, in comparison to distributed directory and AMD HyperTransport coherence protocols, respectively. The SCORPIO architecture is incorporated in an 11 mm-by- 13 mm chip prototype, fabricated in IBM 45nm SOI technology, comprising 36 Freescale e200 Power Architecture TM cores with private L1 and L2 caches interfacing with the NoC via ARM AMBA, along with two Cadence on-chip DDR2 controllers. The chip prototype achieves a post synthesis operating frequency of 1 GHz (833 MHz post-layout) with an estimated power of 28.8 W (768 mW per tile), while the network consumes only 10% of tile area and 19 % of tile power.United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA UHPC grant at MIT (Angstrom))Center for Future Architectures ResearchMicroelectronics Advanced Research Corporation (MARCO)Semiconductor Research Corporatio
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