6 research outputs found

    Architecture of Automated Database Tuning Using SGA Parameters

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    Business Data always growth from kilo byte, mega byte, giga byte, tera byte, peta byte, and so far. There is no way to avoid this increasing rate of data till business still running. Because of this issue, database tuning be critical part of a information system. Tuning a database in a cost-effective manner is a growing challenge. The total cost of ownership (TCO) of information technology needs to be significantly reduced by minimizing people costs. In fact, mistakes in operations and administration of information systems are the single most reasons for system outage and unacceptable performance [3]. One way of addressing the challenge of total cost of ownership is by making information systems more self-managing. A particularly difficult piece of the ambitious vision of making database systems self-managing is the automation of database performance tuning. In this paper, we will explain the progress made thus far on this important problem. Specifically, we will propose the architecture and Algorithm for this problem

    A Framework for the Automatic Physical Configuration and Tuning of a Mysql Community Server

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    Manual physical configuration and tuning of database servers, is a complicated task requiring a high level of expertise. Database administrators must consider numerous possibilities, to determine a candidate configuration for implementation. In recent times database vendors have responded to this problem, providing solutions which can automatically configure and tune their products. Poor configuration choices, resulting in performance degradation commonplace in manual configurations, have been significantly reduced in these solutions. However, no such solution exists for MySQL Community Server. This thesis, proposes a novel framework for automatically tuning a MySQL Community Server. A first iteration of the framework has been built and is presented in this paper together with its performance measurements

    Deep Learning Data and Indexes in a Database

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    A database is used to store and retrieve data, which is a critical component for any software application. Databases requires configuration for efficiency, however, there are tens of configuration parameters. It is a challenging task to manually configure a database. Furthermore, a database must be reconfigured on a regular basis to keep up with newer data and workload. The goal of this thesis is to use the query workload history to autonomously configure the database and improve its performance. We achieve proposed work in four stages: (i) we develop an index recommender using deep reinforcement learning for a standalone database. We evaluated the effectiveness of our algorithm by comparing with several state-of-the-art approaches, (ii) we build a real-time index recommender that can, in real-time, dynamically create and remove indexes for better performance in response to sudden changes in the query workload, (iii) we develop a database advisor. Our advisor framework will be able to learn latent patterns from a workload. It is able to enhance a query, recommend interesting queries, and summarize a workload, (iv) we developed LinkSocial, a fast, scalable, and accurate framework to gain deeper insights from heterogeneous data

    Design of a performance evaluation tool for multimedia databases with special reference to Oracle

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    Increased production and use of multimedia data has led to the development of a more advanced Database Management System (DBMS), like an Object Relational Database Management System (ORDBMS). These advanced databases are necessitated by the complexity in structure and the functionality required by multimedia data. Unfortunately, no suitable benchmarks exist with which to test the performance of databases when handling multimedia data. This thesis describes the design of a benchmark to measure the performance of basic functionality found in multimedia databases. The benchmark, called MORD (Multimedia Object Relational Databases), targets Oracle, a well known commercial Object Relational Database Management System (ORDBMS) that can handle multimedia data. Although MORD targets Oracle, it can easily be applied to other Multimedia Database Management System (MMDBMS) as a result of a design that stressed its portability, and simplicity. MORD consists of a database schema, test data, and code to simulate representative queries on multimedia databases. A number of experiments are described that validate MORD and ensure its correct design and that its objectives are met. A by-product of these experiments is an initial understanding of the performance of multimedia databases. The experiments show that with multimedia data the buffer cache should be at least large enough to hold the largest dataset, a bigger block size improves the performance, and turning off logging and caching for bulk loading improves the performance. MORD can be used to compare different ORDBMS or to assist in the configuration of a specific database

    Deklarative Verarbeitung von Datenströmen in Sensornetzwerken

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    Sensors can now be found in many facets of every day life, and are used to capture and transfer both physical and chemical characteristics into digitally analyzable data. Wireless sensor networks play a central role in the proliferation of the industrial employment of wide-range, primarily autonomous surveillance of regions or buildings. The development of suitable systems involves a number of challenges. Current solutions are often designed with a specific task in mind, rendering them unsuitable for use in other environments. Suitable solutions for distributed systems are therefore continuously built from scratch on both the hardware and software levels, more often than not resulting in products in the market's higher price segments. Users would therefore profit from the reuse of existing modules in both areas of development. Once prefabricated solutions are available, the remaining challenge is to find a suitable combination of these solutions which fulfills the user's specifications. However, the development of suitable solutions often requires expert knowledge, especially in the case of wireless sensor networks in which resources are limited. The primary focus of this dissertation is energy-efficient data analysis in sensor networks. The AnduIN system, which is outlined in this dissertation, plays a central role in this task by reducing the software design phase to the mere formulation of the solution's specifications in a declarative query language. The system then reaches the user's defined goals in a fully automated fashion. Thus, the user is integrated into the design process only through the original definition of desired characteristics. The continuous surveillance of objects using wireless sensor networks depends strongly on a plethora of parameters. Experience has shown that energy consumption is one of the major weaknesses of wireless data transfer. One strategy for the reduction of energy consumption is to reduce the communication overhead by implementing an early analysis of measurement data on the sensor nodes. Often, it is neither possible nor practical to perform the complete data analysis of complex algorithms within the sensor network. In this case, portions of the analysis must be performed on a central computing unit. The AnduIN system integrates both simple methods as well as complex methods which are evaluated only partially in network. The system autonomously resolves which application fragments are executed on which components based on a multi-dimensional cost model. This work also includes various novel methods for the analysis of sensor data, such as methods for evaluating spatial data, data cleaning using burst detection, and the identification of frequent patters using quantitative item sets.Sensoren finden sich heutzutage in vielen Teilen des täglichen Lebens. Sie dienen dabei der Erfassung und Überführung von physikalischen oder chemischen Eigenschaften in digital auswertbare Größen. Drahtlose Sensornetzwerke als Mittel zur großflächigen, weitestgehend autarken Überwachung von Regionen oder Gebäuden sind Teil dieser Brücke und halten immer stärker Einzug in den industriellen Einsatz. die Entwicklung von geeigneten Systemen ist mit einer Vielzahl von Herausforderungen verbunden. Aktuelle Lösungen werden oftmals gezielt für eine spezielle Aufgabe entworfen, welche sich nur bedingt für den Einsatz in anderen Umgebungen eignen. Die sich wiederholende Neuentwicklung entsprechender verteilter Systeme sowohl auf Hardwareebene als auch auf Softwareebene, zählt zu den wesentlichen Gründen, weshalb entsprechende Lösungen sich zumeist im hochpreisigen Segment einordnen. In beiden Entwicklungsbereichen ist daher die Wiederverwendung existierender Module im Interesse des Anwenders. Stehen entsprechende vorgefertigte Lösungen bereit, besteht weiterhin die Aufgabe, diese in geeigneter Form zu kombinieren, so dass den vom Anwender geforderten Zielen in allen Bereichen genügt wird. Insbesondere im Kontext drahtloser Sensornetzwerke, bei welchen mit stark beschränkten Ressourcen umgegangen werden muss, ist für das Erzeugen passender Lösungen oftmals Expertenwissen von Nöten. Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit steht die energie-effiziente Datenanalyse in drahtlosen Sensornetzwerken. Hierzu wird mit \AnduIN ein System präsentiert, welches den Entwurf auf Softwareebene dahingehend vereinfachen soll, dass der Anwender lediglich die Aufgabenstellung unter Verwendung einer deklarativen Anfragesprache beschreibt. Wie das vom Anwender definierte Ziel erreicht wird, soll vollautomatisch vom System bestimmt werden. Der Nutzer wird lediglich über die Definition gewünschter Eigenschaften in den Entwicklungsprozess integriert. Die dauerhafte Überwachung von Objekten mittels drahtloser Sensornetzwerke hängt von einer Vielzahl von Parametern ab. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass insbesondere der Energieverbrauch bei der drahtlosen Datenübertragung eine der wesentlichen Schwachstellen ist. Ein möglicher Ansatz zur Reduktion des Energiekonsums ist die Verringerung des Kommunikationsaufwands aufgrund einer frühzeitigen Auswertung von Messergebnissen bereits auf den Sensorknoten. Oftmals ist eine vollständige Verarbeitung von komplexen Algorithmen im Sensornetzwerk aber nicht möglich bzw. nicht sinnvoll. Teile der Verarbeitungslogik müssen daher auf einer zentralen Instanz ausgeführt werden. Das in der Arbeit entwickelte System integriert hierzu sowohl einfache als auch komplexe, nur teilweise im Sensornetzwerk verarbeitbare Verfahren. Die Entscheidung, welche Teile einer Applikation auf welcher Komponente ausgeführt werden, wird vom System selbstständig auf Basis eines mehrdimensionalen Kostenmodells gefällt. Im Rahmen der Arbeit werden weiterhin verschiedene Verfahren entwickelt, welche insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit der Analyse von Sensordaten von Interesse sind. Die erweiterten Algorithmen umfassen Methoden zur Auswertung von Daten mit räumlichem Bezug, das Data Cleaning mittels adaptiver Burst-Erkennung und die Identifikation von häufigen Mustern über quantitativen Itemsets

    SQL memory management in Oracle9i

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    Complex database queries require the use of memory-intensive operators like sort and hashjoin. Those operators need memory, also referred to as SQL memory, to process their input data. For example, a sort operator uses a work area to perform the in-memory sort of a set of rows. The amount of memory allocated by these operators greatly affects their performance. However, there is only a finite amount of memory available in the system, shared by all concurrent operators. The challenge for database systems is to design a fair and efficient strategy to manage this memory. Commercial database systems rely on database administrators (DBA) to supply an optimal setting for configuration parameters that are internally used to decide how much memory to allocate to a given database operator. However, database systems continue to be deployed in new areas, e.g, e-commerce, and the database applications are increasingly complex, e.g, to provide more functionality, and support more users. One important consequence is that the application workload is very hard, if not impossible, to predict. So, expecting a DBA to find an optimal value for memory configuration parameters is not realistic. The values can only be optimal for a limited period of time while the workload is within the assumed range