7 research outputs found

    SystemC-AMS thermal modeling for the co-simulation of functional and extra-functional properties

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    Temperature is a critical property of smart systems, due to its impact on reliability and to its inter-dependence with power consumption. Unfortunately, the current design flows evaluate thermal evolution ex-post, on offline power traces. This does not allow to consider temperature as a dimension in the design loop, and it misses all the complex inter-dependencies with design choices and power evolution. In this paper, by adopting the functional language SystemC-AMS, we propose a method to enable thermal/power/functional co-simulation. The system thermal model is built by using state-of-the-art circuit equivalent models, by exploiting the support for electrical linear networks intrinsic of SystemC-AMS. The experimental results will show that the choice of SystemC-AMS is a winning strategy for building a simultaneous simulation of multiple functional and extra-functional properties of a system. The generated code exposes an accuracy comparable to that of the reference thermal simulator HotSpot. Additionally, the initial overhead due to the general purpose nature of SystemC-AMS is compensated by surprisingly high performance of transient simulation, with speedups as high as two orders of magnitude

    A Unified Infrastructure for Monitoring and Tuning the Energy Efficiency of HPC Applications

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) has become an indispensable tool for the scientific community to perform simulations on models whose complexity would exceed the limits of a standard computer. An unfortunate trend concerning HPC systems is that their power consumption under high-demanding workloads increases. To counter this trend, hardware vendors have implemented power saving mechanisms in recent years, which has increased the variability in power demands of single nodes. These capabilities provide an opportunity to increase the energy efficiency of HPC applications. To utilize these hardware power saving mechanisms efficiently, their overhead must be analyzed. Furthermore, applications have to be examined for performance and energy efficiency issues, which can give hints for optimizations. This requires an infrastructure that is able to capture both, performance and power consumption information concurrently. The mechanisms that such an infrastructure would inherently support could further be used to implement a tool that is able to do both, measuring and tuning of energy efficiency. This thesis targets all steps in this process by making the following contributions: First, I provide a broad overview on different related fields. I list common performance measurement tools, power measurement infrastructures, hardware power saving capabilities, and tuning tools. Second, I lay out a model that can be used to define and describe energy efficiency tuning on program region scale. This model includes hardware and software dependent parameters. Hardware parameters include the runtime overhead and delay for switching power saving mechanisms as well as a contemplation of their scopes and the possible influence on application performance. Thus, in a third step, I present methods to evaluate common power saving mechanisms and list findings for different x86 processors. Software parameters include their performance and power consumption characteristics as well as the influence of power-saving mechanisms on these. To capture software parameters, an infrastructure for measuring performance and power consumption is necessary. With minor additions, the same infrastructure can later be used to tune software and hardware parameters. Thus, I lay out the structure for such an infrastructure and describe common components that are required for measuring and tuning. Based on that, I implement adequate interfaces that extend the functionality of contemporary performance measurement tools. Furthermore, I use these interfaces to conflate performance and power measurements and further process the gathered information for tuning. I conclude this work by demonstrating that the infrastructure can be used to manipulate power-saving mechanisms of contemporary x86 processors and increase the energy efficiency of HPC applications

    Methodology and Ecosystem for the Design of a Complex Network ASIC

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    Performance of HPC systems has risen steadily. While the 10 Petaflop/s barrier has been breached in the year 2011 the next large step into the exascale era is expected sometime between the years 2018 and 2020. The EXTOLL project will be an integral part in this venture. Originally designed as a research project on FPGA basis it will make the transition to an ASIC to improve its already excelling performance even further. This transition poses many challenges that will be presented in this thesis. Nowadays, it is not enough to look only at single components in a system. EXTOLL is part of complex ecosystem which must be optimized overall since everything is tightly interwoven and disregarding some aspects can cause the whole system either to work with limited performance or even to fail. This thesis examines four different aspects in the design hierarchy and proposes efficient solutions or improvements for each of them. At first it takes a look at the design implementation and the differences between FPGA and ASIC design. It introduces a methodology to equip all on-chip memory with ECC logic automatically without the user’s input and in a transparent way so that the underlying code that uses the memory does not have to be changed. In the next step the floorplanning process is analyzed and an iterative solution is worked out based on physical and logical constraints of the EXTOLL design. Besides, a work flow for collaborative design is presented that allows multiple users to work on the design concurrently. The third part concentrates on the high-speed signal path from the chip to the connector and how it is affected by technological limitations. All constraints are analyzed and a package layout for the EXTOLL chip is proposed that is seen as the optimal solution. The last part develops a cost model for wafer and package level test and raises technological concerns that will affect the testing methodology. In order to run testing internally it proposes the development of a stand-alone test platform that is able to test packaged EXTOLL chips in every aspect

    Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics

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    The purpose of the workshop was to present results and original concepts for electronics research and development relevant to particle physics experiments as well as accelerator and beam instrumentation at future facilities; to review the status of electronics for the LHC experiments; to identify and encourage common efforts for the development of electronics; and to promote information exchange and collaboration in the relevant engineering and physics communities