3 research outputs found

    On the Maximum Cardinality Cut Problem in Proper Interval Graphs and Related Graph Classes

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    Although it has been claimed in two different papers that the maximum cardinality cut problem is polynomial-time solvable for proper interval graphs, both of them turned out to be erroneous. In this paper, we give FPT algorithms for the maximum cardinality cut problem in classes of graphs containing proper interval graphs and mixed unit interval graphs when parameterized by some new parameters that we introduce. These new parameters are related to a generalization of the so-called bubble representations of proper interval graphs and mixed unit interval graphs and to clique-width decompositions

    A Lex-BFS-based recognition algorithm for Robinsonian matrices

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    Robinsonian matrices arise in the classical seriation problem and play an important role in many applications where unsorted similarity (or dissimilarity) information must be re- ordered. We present a new polynomial time algorithm to recognize Robinsonian matrices based on a new characterization of Robinsonian matrices in terms of straight enumerations of unit interval graphs. The algorithm is simple and is based essentially on lexicographic breadth-first search (Lex-BFS), using a divide-and-conquer strategy. When applied to a non- negative symmetric n × n matrix with m nonzero entries and given as a weighted adjacency list, it runs in O(d(n + m)) time, where d is the depth of the recursion tree, which is at most the number of distinct nonzero entries of A