3 research outputs found

    La seguridad en redes SDN y sus aplicaciones

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    Introduction: The review article is the product of the research on Security in SDN networks and their applications, developed at the District University in 2020, presenting the latest advances, that have been made in security. Problem: The security weaknesses that SDN networks have had, due to being a new architecture. This has not allowed traditional networks to be replaced.   Objective: To carry out a review of the state of the art of SDN networks, focusing research on the security of the control layer and its advances. Methodology: The descriptive method is implemented, consulting databases such as Scopus, IEEE and ScienceDirect, using the following search criteria: SDN networks, security in SDN networks, applications with SDN networks and OpenFlow protocol. It is shown as a research sample: the Asian, European and American continents with years of research from 2014 to 2020. Results: Great advances have been made in terms of security for SDN networks, which allows us to see an early solution to the weaknesses that it currently faces.   Conclusion: SDN networks will solve all the challenges they face and will be consolidated as a solid and reliable architecture.   Originality: an important focus is taken on the security of SDN networks and the great development that has occurred in this regard is evident.   Limitations: SDN networks are a new architecture, so their development has been very little and advances in security have been significantly affected.Introducci贸n: El art铆culo de revisi贸n es producto de la investigaci贸n Seguridad en redes SDN y sus aplicaciones, desarrollada en la Universidad Distrital en el a帽o 2020, presentando los 煤ltimos avances que se han logrado en seguridad. Problema: Las debilidades en seguridad que han tenido las redes SDN debido a ser una arquitectura nueva, esto no ha permitido que se reemplacen las redes tradicionales. Objetivo: realizar una revisi贸n del estado del arte de las redes SDN enfocando la investigaci贸n la seguridad de la capa de control y sus avances. Metodolog铆a: se emplea el m茅todo descriptivo, se consultaron bases de datos como Scopus, IEEE y ScienceDirect, utilizando los siguientes criterios de b煤squeda: SDN networks, security in SDN networks, applications with SDN networks y OpenFlow protocol, se tom贸 como muestra de investigaci贸n a los continentes asi谩tico, europeo y americano con a帽os de investigaci贸n desde el a帽o 2014 hasta el a帽o 2020. Resultados: se han desarrollado grandes avances en seguridad para las redes SDN, lo que permite ver una pronta soluci贸n a las debilidades que afronta en la actualidad. Conclusi贸n: las redes SDN lograran resolver todos los retos a los que se enfrentan y se consolidara como una arquitectura s贸lida y confiable. Originalidad: se realiza un enfoque importante en la seguridad de las redes SDN y se evidencia el gran desarrollo que se ha presentado en este aspecto. Limitaciones: las redes SDN son una arquitectura nueva por lo que su desarrollo ha sido muy poco y los avances en seguridad se vieron afectados significativamente

    Software Defined Networks based Smart Grid Communication: A Comprehensive Survey

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    The current power grid is no longer a feasible solution due to ever-increasing user demand of electricity, old infrastructure, and reliability issues and thus require transformation to a better grid a.k.a., smart grid (SG). The key features that distinguish SG from the conventional electrical power grid are its capability to perform two-way communication, demand side management, and real time pricing. Despite all these advantages that SG will bring, there are certain issues which are specific to SG communication system. For instance, network management of current SG systems is complex, time consuming, and done manually. Moreover, SG communication (SGC) system is built on different vendor specific devices and protocols. Therefore, the current SG systems are not protocol independent, thus leading to interoperability issue. Software defined network (SDN) has been proposed to monitor and manage the communication networks globally. This article serves as a comprehensive survey on SDN-based SGC. In this article, we first discuss taxonomy of advantages of SDNbased SGC.We then discuss SDN-based SGC architectures, along with case studies. Our article provides an in-depth discussion on routing schemes for SDN-based SGC. We also provide detailed survey of security and privacy schemes applied to SDN-based SGC. We furthermore present challenges, open issues, and future research directions related to SDN-based SGC.Comment: Accepte

    Blockchain and Random Subspace Learning-Based IDS for SDN-Enabled Industrial IoT Security

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    The industrial control systems are facing an increasing number of sophisticated cyber attacks that can have very dangerous consequences on humans and their environments. In order to deal with these issues, novel technologies and approaches should be adopted. In this paper, we focus on the security of commands in industrial IoT against forged commands and misrouting of commands. To this end, we propose a security architecture that integrates the Blockchain and the Software-defined network (SDN) technologies. The proposed security architecture is composed of: (a) an intrusion detection system, namely RSL-KNN, which combines the Random Subspace Learning (RSL) and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) to defend against the forged commands, which target the industrial control process, and (b) a Blockchain-based Integrity Checking System (BICS), which can prevent the misrouting attack, which tampers with the OpenFlow rules of the SDN-enabled industrial IoT systems. We test the proposed security solution on an Industrial Control System Cyber attack Dataset and on an experimental platform combining software-defined networking and blockchain technologies. The evaluation results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed security solution