2 research outputs found

    A conceptual architecture for integrating software defined network and network virtualization with internet of things

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    Software defined network (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) are new paradigms and technologies of the network which support the best experience of providing functions and services, managing network traffic, and a new way of control. They support virtualization and separating data from control in network devices, as well as provide services in a software-based environment. Internet of things (IoT) is a heterogeneous network with a massive number of connected devices and objects. IoT should be integrated with such technologies for the purpose of providing the capabilities of dynamic reconfiguration with a high level of integration. This paper proposes a conceptual architecture for integrating software defined network (SDN) and NFV with IoT. The proposed work combines the three technologies together in one architecture. It also presents the previous works in this area and takes a look at the theoretical background of those technologies in order to give a complete view of proposed work

    A software-defined network solution for managing fog computing resources in sensor networks

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    The fast growth of Internet-connected embedded devices raises new challenges for the traditional network design, such as scalability, diversity, and complexity. To endorse these challenges, this thesis suggests the aggregation of several emerging technologies: software-defined networking (SDN), fog computing, containerization and sensor virtualization. This thesis proposes, designs, implements and evaluates a new solution based on the emergent paradigm of SDN to efficiently manage virtualized resources located at the network edge in scenarios involving embedded sensor devices. The sensor virtualization through the containers provides agility, flexibility and abstraction for the data processing, being possible to summarize the huge amount of data produced by sensor devices. The proposed architecture uses a software-defined system, managed by a Ryu SDN controller, and a websocket broker written from scratch that analyses the messages sent to the controller and activates containers when required. Performance and functional tests were performed to assess the time required from activating the sensor containers to being able to communicate with them. The results were obtained by sending four ICMP packets. The best time response results were obtained by the proactive controller behavior mode, when compared to the hybrid and reactive modes. This thesis contributed to fill the gaps in the area of IoT or sensor networks, concerning the design and implementation of an architecture that performed on-demand activation of offline IoT fog computing resources by using an SDN controller and sensor virtualization through containers.O rápido crescimento de dispositivos embebidos conectados à Internet gera novos desafios para a arquitetura de rede tradicional, tais como escalabilidade, diversidade e complexidade. Para resolver estes desafios, esta tese sugere a agregação de diversas tecnologias emergentes: rede definida por software (SDN), contentores, computação na periferia e virtualização de sensores. Esta tese propõe, projeta, implementa e avalia uma nova solução baseada no paradigma emergente do SDN para gerir, de forma eficiente, recursos virtualizados que se localizam na periferia da rede, em cenários com sensores embebidos. A virtualização de sensores, através do uso de contentores, fornece agilidade, flexibilidade e abstração para processamento de dados, sendo possível a sumarização do grande volume de dados produzido pelos sensores. A arquitetura proposta usa um sistema definido por software, gerido por um controlador SDN Ryu, e um websocket broker escrito desde o zero, que analisa as mensagens enviadas ao controlador e ativa contentores quando necessário. Foram realizados testes funcionais e de desempenho de forma a ser possível avaliar o tempo necessário desde a ativação de um contentor de sensores até ser possível a comunicação com este. Os resultados foram obtidos através do envio de quatro pacotes ICMP. O melhor resultado foi obtido pelo modo de comportamento proativo do controlador, quando comparado aos modos híbrido e reativo. Esta tese contribuiu para preencher as lacunas na área de IoT ou redes de sensores, no que diz respeito ao desenho e implementação de uma arquitetura que executa a ativação sob pedido de recursos computacionais e periféricos de IoT quando estes se encontram desligados, através do uso de um controlador SDN e virtualização de sensores através de contentores