15 research outputs found

    SDDs are Exponentially More Succinct than OBDDs

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    Introduced by Darwiche (2011), sentential decision diagrams (SDDs) are essentially as tractable as ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDDs), but tend to be more succinct in practice. This makes SDDs a prominent representation language, with many applications in artificial intelligence and knowledge compilation. We prove that SDDs are more succinct than OBDDs also in theory, by constructing a family of boolean functions where each member has polynomial SDD size but exponential OBDD size. This exponential separation improves a quasipolynomial separation recently established by Razgon (2013), and settles an open problem in knowledge compilation

    Boosting-based Construction of BDDs for Linear Threshold Functions and Its Application to Verification of Neural Networks

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    Understanding the characteristics of neural networks is important but difficult due to their complex structures and behaviors. Some previous work proposes to transform neural networks into equivalent Boolean expressions and apply verification techniques for characteristics of interest. This approach is promising since rich results of verification techniques for circuits and other Boolean expressions can be readily applied. The bottleneck is the time complexity of the transformation. More precisely, (i) each neuron of the network, i.e., a linear threshold function, is converted to a Binary Decision Diagram (BDD), and (ii) they are further combined into some final form, such as Boolean circuits. For a linear threshold function with nn variables, an existing method takes O(n2n2)O(n2^{\frac{n}{2}}) time to construct an ordered BDD of size O(2n2)O(2^{\frac{n}{2}}) consistent with some variable ordering. However, it is non-trivial to choose a variable ordering producing a small BDD among n!n! candidates. We propose a method to convert a linear threshold function to a specific form of a BDD based on the boosting approach in the machine learning literature. Our method takes O(2npoly(1/ρ))O(2^n \text{poly}(1/\rho)) time and outputs BDD of size O(n2ρ4ln1ρ)O(\frac{n^2}{\rho^4}\ln{\frac{1}{\rho}}), where ρ\rho is the margin of some consistent linear threshold function. Our method does not need to search for good variable orderings and produces a smaller expression when the margin of the linear threshold function is large. More precisely, our method is based on our new boosting algorithm, which is of independent interest. We also propose a method to combine them into the final Boolean expression representing the neural network

    Enumerating All Subgraphs Under Given Constraints Using Zero-Suppressed Sentential Decision Diagrams

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    Subgraph enumeration is a fundamental task in computer science. Since the number of subgraphs can be large, some enumeration algorithms exploit compressed representations for efficiency. One such representation is the Zero-suppressed Binary Decision Diagram (ZDD). ZDDs can represent the set of subgraphs compactly and support several poly-time queries, such as counting and random sampling. Researchers have proposed efficient algorithms to construct ZDDs representing the set of subgraphs under several constraints, which yield fruitful results in many applications. Recently, Zero-suppressed Sentential Decision Diagrams (ZSDDs) have been proposed as variants of ZDDs. ZSDDs can be smaller than ZDDs when representing the same set of subgraphs. However, efficient algorithms to construct ZSDDs are known only for specific types of subgraphs: matchings and paths. We propose a novel framework to construct ZSDDs representing sets of subgraphs under given constraints. Using our framework, we can construct ZSDDs representing several sets of subgraphs such as matchings, paths, cycles, and spanning trees. We show the bound of sizes of constructed ZSDDs by the branch-width of the input graph, which is smaller than that of ZDDs by the path-width. Experiments show that our methods can construct ZSDDs faster than ZDDs and that the constructed ZSDDs are smaller than ZDDs when representing the same set of subgraphs

    Efficient Computation of Shap Explanation Scores for Neural Network Classifiers via Knowledge Compilation

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    The use of Shap scores has become widespread in Explainable AI. However, their computation is in general intractable, in particular when done with a black-box classifier, such as neural network. Recent research has unveiled classes of open-box Boolean Circuit classifiers for which Shap can be computed efficiently. We show how to transform binary neural networks into those circuits for efficient Shap computation. We use logic-based knowledge compilation techniques. The performance gain is huge, as we show in the light of our experiments.Comment: Conference submission. It replaces the previously uploaded paper "Opening Up the Neural Network Classifier for Shap Score Computation", by the same authors. This version considerably revised the previous on

    Variants of Tagged Sentential Decision Diagrams

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    A recently proposed canonical form of Boolean functions, namely tagged sentential decision diagrams (TSDDs), exploits both the standard and zero-suppressed trimming rules. The standard ones minimize the size of sentential decision diagrams (SDDs) while the zero-suppressed trimming rules have the same objective as the standard ones but for zero-suppressed sentential decision diagrams (ZSDDs). The original TSDDs, which we call zero-suppressed TSDDs (ZTSDDs), firstly fully utilize the zero-suppressed trimming rules, and then the standard ones. In this paper, we present a variant of TSDDs which we call standard TSDDs (STSDDs) by reversing the order of trimming rules. We then prove the canonicity of STSDDs and present the algorithms for binary operations on TSDDs. In addition, we offer two kinds of implementations of STSDDs and ZTSDDs and acquire three variations of the original TSDDs. Experimental evaluations demonstrate that the four versions of TSDDs have the size advantage over SDDs and ZSDDs

    On the relation between structured d-DNNFs and SDDs

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    Structured d-DNNFs and SDDs are restricted negation normal form circuits used in knowledge compilation as target languages into which propositional theories are compiled. Structuredness is imposed by so-called vtrees. By definition SDDs are restricted structured d-DNNFs. Beame and Liew (2015) as well as Bova and Szeider (2017) mentioned the question whether structured d-DNNFs are really more general than SDDs w.r.t. polynomial-size representations (w.r.t. the number of Boolean variables the represented functions are defined on.) The main result in the paper is the proof that a function can be represented by SDDs of polynomial size if the function and its complement have polynomial-size structured d-DNNFs that respect the same vtree