3 research outputs found

    Sb-rawvec - A Semi-blind Watermarking Method For Vector Maps

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    RAWVec [1] is a private watermarking method for vector maps that uses a raster image as watermark. Visually recognizable watermarks can add extra information like integrity and authentication, while blind watermarks do not need the original data to be published for the detection. This work presents a semi-blind version of RAWVec, i.e. a method that uses the original vector map during the detection without revealing it, but maintains the watermark as a raster image. ©2009 IEEE.Marques, D.A., de Magalhães, K.M., Dahab, R., Rawvec - a method for watermarking vector maps (2007) SBSeg 2007: Simpósio Brasileiro em Segurança da Informa̧cão e de Sistemas ComputacionaisOhbuchi, R., Ueda, H., Endoh, S., Robust watermarking of vector digital maps (2002) Proc. IEEE Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2002Watermarking 2d vector maps in the mesh-spectral domain (2003) SMI '03: Proceedings of the Shape Modeling International 2003, p. 216. , Washington, DC, USA: IEEE Computer SocietyH. Kang, K. Kim, and J. Choi, A vector watermarking using the generalized square mask, 00. Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2001, p. 0234Voigt, M., Busch, C., Watermarking 2d-vector data for geographical information systems (2002) Proc. SPIE, Security and watermarking of Multimedia Content, pp. 621-628Schulz, G., Voigt, M., A high capacity watermarking system for digital maps (2004) MM&Sec '04: Proceedings of the 2004 workshop on Multimedia and security, pp. 180-186. , New York, NY, USA: ACM PressSolachidis, V., Nikolaidis, N., Pitas, I., Fourier descriptors watermarking of vector graphics images ICIP00, 3, pp. 2000-2012,9. , ppOhbuchi, R., Mukaiyama, A., Takahashi, S., (2002) A frequency-domain approach to watermarking 3d shapes, 21. , EUROGRAPHICSCox, G., de Jager, G., A survey of point pattern matching techniques and a new approach to point pattern recognition, , citeseer.ist.psu.edu/96624.html, Online, AvailableP. van Wamelen, Z. Li, and S. Iyengar, A fast expected time algorithm for the point pattern matching problem, Louisiana State University, Dept. of Mathematics, Tech. Rep., 1999Naor, M., Shamir, A., Visual cryptography (1995) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 950, pp. 1-12. , citeseer.ist.psu.edu/naor95visual.html, Online, AvailableYen, E.K., Roger, J.G., The ineffectiveness of the correlation coefficient for image comparisonsX. Niu, C. Shao, and X. Wang, A survey of digital vector map watermarking, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), 02, pp. 1301-1316, 2006de Magalhães, K.M., Uma alternativa pública para o método de marcas d'Água raster em mapas vetoriais (rawvec), (2009), Master's thesis, UNICAM