6 research outputs found

    Earth resources, a continuing bibliography with indexes

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    This bibliography lists 541 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system. Emphasis is placed on the use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation in spacecraft and aircraft to survey and inventory natural resources and urban areas. Subject matter is grouped according to agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, instrumentation and sensors, and economic analysis

    Geomorphology from space: A global overview of regional landforms

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    This book, Geomorphology from Space: A Global Overview of Regional Landforms, was published by NASA STIF as a successor to the two earlier works on the same subject: Mission to Earth: LANDSAT views the Earth, and ERTS-1: A New Window on Our Planet. The purpose of the book is threefold: first, to serve as a stimulant in rekindling interest in descriptive geomorphology and landforms analysis at the regional scale; second, to introduce the community of geologists, geographers, and others who analyze the Earth's surficial forms to the practical value of space-acquired remotely sensed data in carrying out their research and applications; and third, to foster more scientific collaboration between geomorphologists who are studying the Earth's landforms and astrogeologists who analyze landforms on other planets and moons in the solar system, thereby strengthening the growing field of comparative planetology

    Reports of planetary geology and geophysics program, 1989

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    Abstracts of reports from Principal Investigators of NASA's Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program are compiled. The research conducted under this program during 1989 is summarized. Each report includes significant accomplishments in the area of the author's funded grant or contract

    Reports of planetary geology and geophysics program, 1988

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    This is a compilation of abstracts of reports from Principal Investigators of NASA's Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program, Office of Space Science and Applications. The purpose is to document in summary form research work conducted in this program during 1988. Each report reflects significant accomplishments within the area of the author's funded grant or contract

    BEYOND ALL LIMITS : Procedings on International Conference on Sustainability in Architecture, Planning, and Design : 11-12, 13 May 2022

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    [Italiano]: Il volume raccoglie gli atti della seconda edizione del convegno “BEYOND ALL LIMITS. International Conference on Sustainability in Architecture, Planning, and Design”, tenutosi nei giorni 11 e 12 maggio 2022, presso il Complesso del Belvedere di San Leucio, sede di Officina Vanvitelli. Il convegno è stato promosso e organizzato dal Dipartimento di Architettura e Disegno Industriale dell'Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, in partnership con la Faculty of Architecture della Çankaya University di Ankara e la Faculty of Engineering della University of Strathclyde di Glasgow. L’obiettivo principale di questo convegno scientifico e multidisciplinare, che ha interessato i campi dell'architettura, della pianificazione e del design, è stato quello di affrontare il tema della sostenibilità all’interno dell'attuale dibattito internazionale scaturito dal New European Bauhaus (NEB)./[English]: This volume collects the Proceedings of the second edition of the conference “BEYOND ALL LIMITS. International Conference on Sustainability in Architecture, Planning, and Design”, held on May 11 and 12, 2022, at the San Leucio Belvedere Complex, home of Officina Vanvitelli. The conference was sponsored and organized by the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design of the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, in partnership with the Faculty of Architecture of Çankaya University in Ankara and the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. The main objective of this scientific and multidisciplinary conference, which covered the fields of architecture, planning and design, was to address the issue of sustainability within the current international debate that has arisen from the New European Bauhaus (NEB)