4 research outputs found

    Cyber Security in the Maritime Industry: A Systematic Survey of Recent Advances and Future Trends

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    The paper presents a classification of cyber attacks within the context of the state of the art in the maritime industry. A systematic categorization of vessel components has been conducted, complemented by an analysis of key services delivered within ports. The vulnerabilities of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) have been given particular consideration since it is a critical subcategory of many maritime infrastructures and, consequently, a target for cyber attacks. Recent research confirms that the dramatic proliferation of cyber crimes is fueled by increased levels of integration of new enabling technologies, such as IoT and Big Data. The trend to greater systems integration is, however, compelling, yielding significant business value by facilitating the operation of autonomous vessels, greater exploitation of smart ports, a reduction in the level of manpower and a marked improvement in fuel consumption and efficiency of services. Finally, practical challenges and future research trends have been highlighted

    General schedulability bound analysis and its applications in real-time systems

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    Real-time system refers to the computing, communication, and information system with deadline requirements. To meet these deadline requirements, most systems use a mechanism known as the schedulability test which determines whether each of the admitted tasks can meet its deadline. A new task will not be admitted unless it passes the schedulability test. Schedulability tests can be either direct or indirect. The utilization based schedulability test is the most common schedulability test approach, in which a task can be admitted only if the total system utilization is lower than a pre-derived bound. While the utilization bound based schedulability test is simple and effective, it is often difficult to derive the bound. For its analytical complexity, utilization bound results are usually obtained on a case-by-case basis. In this dissertation, we develop a general framework that allows effective derivation of schedulability bounds for different workload patterns and schedulers. We introduce an analytical model that is capable of describing a wide range of tasks' and schedulers'ÃÂÃÂ behaviors. We propose a new definition of utilization, called workload rate. While similar to utilization, workload rate enables flexible representation of different scheduling and workload scenarios and leads to uniform proof of schedulability bounds. We introduce two types of workload constraint functions, s-shaped and r-shaped, for flexible and accurate characterization of the task workloads. We derive parameterized schedulability bounds for arbitrary static priority schedulers, weighted round robin schedulers, and timed token ring schedulers. Existing utilization bounds for these schedulers are obtained from the closed-form formula by direct assignment of proper parameters. Some of these results are applied to a cluster computing environment. The results developed in this dissertation will help future schedulability bound analysis by supplying a unified modeling framework and will ease the implementation practical real-time systems by providing a set of ready to use bound results

    Future manned systems advanced avionics study

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    COTS+ was defined in this study as commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products, ruggedized and militarized components, and COTS technology. This study cites the benefits of integrating COTS+ in space, postulates a COTS+ integration methodology, and develops requirements and an architecture to achieve integration. Developmental needs and concerns were identified throughout the study; these needs, concerns, and recommendations relative to their abatement are subsequently presented for further action and study. The COTS+ concept appears workable in part or in totality. No COTS+ technology gaps were identified; however, radiation tolerance was cited as a concern, and the deferred maintenance issue resurfaced. Further study is recommended to explore COTS+ cost-effectiveness, maintenance philosophy, needs, concerns, and utility metrics. The generation of a development plan to further investigate and integrate COTS+ technology is recommended. A COTS+ transitional integration program is recommended. Sponsoring and establishing technology maturation programs and COTS+ engineering and standards committees are deemed necessary and are recommended for furthering COTS+ integration in space