455 research outputs found

    Comparison of input devices in an ISEE direct timbre manipulation task

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    The representation and manipulation of sound within multimedia systems is an important and currently under-researched area. The paper gives an overview of the authors' work on the direct manipulation of audio information, and describes a solution based upon the navigation of four-dimensional scaled timbre spaces. Three hardware input devices were experimentally evaluated for use in a timbre space navigation task: the Apple Standard Mouse, Gravis Advanced Mousestick II joystick (absolute and relative) and the Nintendo Power Glove. Results show that the usability of these devices significantly affected the efficacy of the system, and that conventional low-cost, low-dimensional devices provided better performance than the low-cost, multidimensional dataglove

    Spartan Daily, November 18, 2008

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    Volume 131, Issue 43https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/10527/thumbnail.jp

    The Design and Implementation of a Toolkit for the Creation of Virtual Environments

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    Virtual Reality is a field that is steadily increasing in popularity and interest. New developments in both hardware and software have empowered developers with new devices allowing faster and better quality interaction with virtual environments. However, the emphasis of research in virtual environments has been more concerned with development of new display and input devices, as opposed to the investigation of different methods of interaction that a three-dimensional environment offers. This project designs and implements a three-dimensional, interactive, virtual environment development system upon an existing three-dimensional rendering engine. The aim of the project is to allow users to generate virtual environments with ease through a simple and intuitive user interface. Support for a gesture-based input device has been provided, as well as for more conventional two-dimensional input devices such as the mouse and joystick. By catering for a variety of input devices, various different forms of input have been examined in terms of their strengths and weaknesses. It is through the use of techniques developed throughout this project that designers of virtual environments may go about their work with greater efficiency and simplicity, allowing users to concentrate on the development of the environment, rather than being limited by the tools they possess

    English for specific purposes: Traditions, trends, directions

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    English for Specific Purposes (ESP) began around fifty years ago as a result of pressing worldwide demands for fast-paced language training in occupational and professional settings, rapid revolutions in theoretical linguistics, and burgeoning pressures on schools and educators to focus on, and to be responsive to, learners’ needs. It started within the field of English Language Teaching (ELT) but has gradually established itself as an autonomous subfield of Applied Linguistics (AL). This paper will review the origins, evolution, and status quo of ESP, and then predict the future directions of this important field. The theoretical, analytical, and methodological evolutions of ESP are reviewed, the positions of genre analysis, target language use situation analysis, and context in ESP are described, the ‘just-in-case’ EAP and ‘just-in-time’ EOP approaches are compared, and the text-first and context-first approaches to discourse structure analysis are compared. The paper predicts that ESP will adopt a wide-angled epistemological stance to survey the (a) discursive, (b) generic, (c) social, and (d) organizational structures of specialized texts and discourses, as well as those of texts and discourses simplified for the popularization of science, in a systematic and contextualized manner. ESP practitioners are also warned about the potential threats of teaching genres of power within ESP

    Supporting and Amplifying Teaching Experience of New College Teachers

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    This thesis investigates how to amplify and support novice college teacher’s teaching experience. It has been found that a majority of percent novice teachers (55%) could not prepare there are lessons effectively (Fantilli & McDougall, 2009), many of them will spend a lot of time adapting to the educating and academic environment. The main issue is that these beginning teachers cannot recognize what kinds of methods are more effective to enhance their teaching efforts in the short period term. At the meanwhile, how to enhance their class quality as a crucial problem as well. There are several factors affecting the overall situation. First, beginning teachers have different cultural backgrounds, characteristics, and experiences, and they are being confronted with new and different situations. Second, due to the courses having been designed by others, they are unfamiliar with the structure of the classes they are teaching. Third, novice college teachers generally lack of any teaching experience, so it is difficult for them to deal with particular situations. Additionally, the process of preparation is quite difficult for them to master. Two main design approaches have been taken in existing research and projects that aim to help novice teachers. One design approach, which is somewhat limited, is to provide interactive functions between teachers and college students during class time. The other kind of design work concentrates on helping teachers to manage their classes. Based on the results of the literature review, peer-product review, and user studies research, I propose a mobile-based campus application with an external technology device to explore and provide useful educational information to novice teacher corresponding to the following four dimensions: teaching experience cognition, augmented reality, communication, and resources collaboration. The application aims to help novice teachers figure out an effective method for improving the quality of their classes. Additionally, both qualitative and quantitative data were collected via online questionnaires, interviews, and frameworks. As a result, I aim to design a system with an external device to support novice college teachers. The app design will concentrate on how to enhance teaching experience for new teachers. The objective is that design solution will help the beginning teachers adapting to the education environment and explore the most appropriate method to enhance the quality of their classes
