1,751 research outputs found

    Approximate computing: An integrated cross-layer framework

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    A new design approach, called approximate computing (AxC), leverages the flexibility provided by intrinsic application resilience to realize hardware or software implementations that are more efficient in energy or performance. Approximate computing techniques forsake exact (numerical or Boolean) equivalence in the execution of some of the application’s computations, while ensuring that the output quality is acceptable. While early efforts in approximate computing have demonstrated great potential, they consist of ad hoc techniques applied to a very narrow set of applications, leaving in question the applicability of approximate computing in a broader context. The primary objective of this thesis is to develop an integrated cross-layer approach to approximate computing, and to thereby establish its applicability to a broader range of applications. The proposed framework comprises of three key components: (i) At the circuit level, systematic approaches to design approximate circuits, or circuits that realize a slightly modified function with improved efficiency, (ii) At the architecture level, utilize approximate circuits to build programmable approximate processors, and (iii) At the software level, methods to apply approximate computing to machine learning classifiers, which represent an important class of applications that are being utilized across the computing spectrum. Towards this end, the thesis extends the state-of-the-art in approximate computing in the following important directions. Synthesis of Approximate Circuits: First, the thesis proposes a rigorous framework for the automatic synthesis of approximate circuits , which are the hardware building blocks of approximate computing platforms. Designing approximate circuits involves making judicious changes to the function implemented by the circuit such that its hardware complexity is lowered without violating the specified quality constraint. Inspired by classical approaches to Boolean optimization in logic synthesis, the thesis proposes two synthesis tools called SALSA and SASIMI that are general, i.e., applicable to any given circuit and quality specification. The framework is further extended to automatically design quality configurable circuits , which are approximate circuits with the capability to reconfigure their quality at runtime. Over a wide range of arithmetic circuits, complex modules and complete datapaths, the circuits synthesized using the proposed framework demonstrate significant benefits in area and energy. Programmable AxC Processors: Next, the thesis extends approximate computing to the realm of programmable processors by introducing the concept of quality programmable processors (QPPs). A key principle of QPPs is that the notion of quality is explicitly codified in their HW/SW interface i.e., the instruction set. Instructions in the ISA are extended with quality fields, enabling software to specify the accuracy level that must be met during their execution. The micro-architecture is designed with hardware mechanisms to understand these quality specifications and translate them into energy savings. As a first embodiment of QPPs, the thesis presents a quality programmable 1D/2D vector processor QP-Vec, which contains a 3-tiered hierarchy of processing elements. Based on an implementation of QP-Vec with 289 processing elements, energy benefits up to 2.5X are demonstrated across a wide range of applications. Software and Algorithms for AxC: Finally, the thesis addresses the problem of applying approximate computing to an important class of applications viz. machine learning classifiers such as deep learning networks. To this end, the thesis proposes two approaches—AxNN and scalable effort classifiers. Both approaches leverage domain- specific insights to transform a given application to an energy-efficient approximate version that meets a specified application output quality. In the context of deep learning networks, AxNN adapts backpropagation to identify neurons that contribute less significantly to the network’s accuracy, approximating these neurons (e.g., by using lower precision), and incrementally re-training the network to mitigate the impact of approximations on output quality. On the other hand, scalable effort classifiers leverage the heterogeneity in the inherent classification difficulty of inputs to dynamically modulate the effort expended by machine learning classifiers. This is achieved by building a chain of classifiers of progressively growing complexity (and accuracy) such that the number of stages used for classification scale with input difficulty. Scalable effort classifiers yield substantial energy benefits as a majority of the inputs require very low effort in real-world datasets. In summary, the concepts and techniques presented in this thesis broaden the applicability of approximate computing, thus taking a significant step towards bringing approximate computing to the mainstream. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.

    Task Runtime Prediction in Scientific Workflows Using an Online Incremental Learning Approach

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    Many algorithms in workflow scheduling and resource provisioning rely on the performance estimation of tasks to produce a scheduling plan. A profiler that is capable of modeling the execution of tasks and predicting their runtime accurately, therefore, becomes an essential part of any Workflow Management System (WMS). With the emergence of multi-tenant Workflow as a Service (WaaS) platforms that use clouds for deploying scientific workflows, task runtime prediction becomes more challenging because it requires the processing of a significant amount of data in a near real-time scenario while dealing with the performance variability of cloud resources. Hence, relying on methods such as profiling tasks' execution data using basic statistical description (e.g., mean, standard deviation) or batch offline regression techniques to estimate the runtime may not be suitable for such environments. In this paper, we propose an online incremental learning approach to predict the runtime of tasks in scientific workflows in clouds. To improve the performance of the predictions, we harness fine-grained resources monitoring data in the form of time-series records of CPU utilization, memory usage, and I/O activities that are reflecting the unique characteristics of a task's execution. We compare our solution to a state-of-the-art approach that exploits the resources monitoring data based on regression machine learning technique. From our experiments, the proposed strategy improves the performance, in terms of the error, up to 29.89%, compared to the state-of-the-art solutions.Comment: Accepted for presentation at main conference track of 11th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computin

    Cross-Layer Automated Hardware Design for Accuracy-Configurable Approximate Computing

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    Approximate Computing trades off computation accuracy against performance or energy efficiency. It is a design paradigm that arose in the last decade as an answer to diminishing returns from Dennard\u27s scaling and a shift in the prominent workloads. A range of modern workloads, categorized mainly as recognition, mining, and synthesis, features an inherent tolerance to approximations. Their characteristics, such as redundancies in their input data and robust-to-noise algorithms, allow them to produce outputs of acceptable quality, despite an approximation in some of their computations. Approximate Computing leverages the application tolerance by relaxing the exactness in computation towards primary design goals of increasing performance or improving energy efficiency. Existing techniques span across the abstraction layers of computer systems where cross-layer techniques are shown to offer a larger design space and yield higher savings. Currently, the majority of the existing work aims at meeting a single accuracy. The extent of approximation tolerance, however, significantly varies with a change in input characteristics and applications. In this dissertation, methods and implementations are presented for cross-layer and automated design of accuracy-configurable Approximate Computing to maximally exploit the performance and energy benefits. In particular, this dissertation addresses the following challenges and introduces novel contributions: A main Approximate Computing category in hardware is to scale either voltage or frequency beyond the safe limits for power or performance benefits, respectively. The rationale is that timing errors would be gradual and for an initial range tolerable. This scaling enables a fine-grain accuracy-configurability by varying the timing error occurrence. However, conventional synthesis tools aim at meeting a single delay for all paths within the circuit. Subsequently, with voltage or frequency scaling, either all paths succeed, or a large number of paths fail simultaneously, with a steep increase in error rate and magnitude. This dissertation presents an automated method for minimizing path delays by individually constraining the primary outputs of combinational circuits. As a result, it reduces the number of failing paths and makes the timing errors significantly more gradual, and also rarer and smaller on average. Additionally, it reveals that delays can be significantly reduced towards the least significant bit (LSB) and allows operating at a higher frequency when small operands are computed. Precision scaling, i.e., reducing the representation of data and its accuracy is widely used in multiple abstraction layers in Approximate Computing. Reducing data precision also reduces the transistor toggles, and therefore the dynamic power consumption. Application and architecture level precision scaling results in using only LSBs of the circuit. Arithmetic circuits often have less complexity and logic depth in LSBs compared to most significant bits (MSB). To take advantage of this circuit property, a delay-altering synthesis methodology is proposed. The method finds energy-optimal delay values under configurable precision usage and assigns them to primary outputs used for different precisions. Thereby, it enables dynamic frequency-precision scalable circuits for energy efficiency. Within the hardware architecture, it is possible to instantiate multiple units with the same functionality with different fixed approximation levels, where each block benefits from having fewer transistors and also synthesis relaxations. These blocks can be selected dynamically and thus allow to configure the accuracy during runtime. Instantiating such approximate blocks can be a lower dynamic power but higher area and leakage cost alternative to the current state-of-the-art gating mechanisms which switch off a group of paths in the circuit to reduce the toggling activity. Jointly, instantiating multiple blocks and gating mechanisms produce a large design space of accuracy-configurable hardware, where energy-optimal solutions require a cross-layer search in architecture and circuit levels. To that end, an approximate hardware synthesis methodology is proposed with joint optimizations in architecture and circuit for dynamic accuracy scaling, and thereby it enables energy vs. area trade-offs
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