104,619 research outputs found

    Robust-to-Dynamics Optimization

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    A robust-to-dynamics optimization (RDO) problem is an optimization problem specified by two pieces of input: (i) a mathematical program (an objective function f:Rn→Rf:\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R} and a feasible set Ω⊆Rn\Omega\subseteq\mathbb{R}^n), and (ii) a dynamical system (a map g:Rn→Rng:\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^n). Its goal is to minimize ff over the set S⊆Ω\mathcal{S}\subseteq\Omega of initial conditions that forever remain in Ω\Omega under gg. The focus of this paper is on the case where the mathematical program is a linear program and the dynamical system is either a known linear map, or an uncertain linear map that can change over time. In both cases, we study a converging sequence of polyhedral outer approximations and (lifted) spectrahedral inner approximations to S\mathcal{S}. Our inner approximations are optimized with respect to the objective function ff and their semidefinite characterization---which has a semidefinite constraint of fixed size---is obtained by applying polar duality to convex sets that are invariant under (multiple) linear maps. We characterize three barriers that can stop convergence of the outer approximations from being finite. We prove that once these barriers are removed, our inner and outer approximating procedures find an optimal solution and a certificate of optimality for the RDO problem in a finite number of steps. Moreover, in the case where the dynamics are linear, we show that this phenomenon occurs in a number of steps that can be computed in time polynomial in the bit size of the input data. Our analysis also leads to a polynomial-time algorithm for RDO instances where the spectral radius of the linear map is bounded above by any constant less than one. Finally, in our concluding section, we propose a broader research agenda for studying optimization problems with dynamical systems constraints, of which RDO is a special case

    Contingency-Constrained Unit Commitment With Intervening Time for System Adjustments

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    The N-1-1 contingency criterion considers the con- secutive loss of two components in a power system, with intervening time for system adjustments. In this paper, we consider the problem of optimizing generation unit commitment (UC) while ensuring N-1-1 security. Due to the coupling of time periods associated with consecutive component losses, the resulting problem is a very large-scale mixed-integer linear optimization model. For efficient solution, we introduce a novel branch-and-cut algorithm using a temporally decomposed bilevel separation oracle. The model and algorithm are assessed using multiple IEEE test systems, and a comprehensive analysis is performed to compare system performances across different contingency criteria. Computational results demonstrate the value of considering intervening time for system adjustments in terms of total cost and system robustness.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Net and Prune: A Linear Time Algorithm for Euclidean Distance Problems

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    We provide a general framework for getting expected linear time constant factor approximations (and in many cases FPTAS's) to several well known problems in Computational Geometry, such as kk-center clustering and farthest nearest neighbor. The new approach is robust to variations in the input problem, and yet it is simple, elegant and practical. In particular, many of these well studied problems which fit easily into our framework, either previously had no linear time approximation algorithm, or required rather involved algorithms and analysis. A short list of the problems we consider include farthest nearest neighbor, kk-center clustering, smallest disk enclosing kk points, kkth largest distance, kkth smallest mm-nearest neighbor distance, kkth heaviest edge in the MST and other spanning forest type problems, problems involving upward closed set systems, and more. Finally, we show how to extend our framework such that the linear running time bound holds with high probability

    Polynomial-time Tensor Decompositions with Sum-of-Squares

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    We give new algorithms based on the sum-of-squares method for tensor decomposition. Our results improve the best known running times from quasi-polynomial to polynomial for several problems, including decomposing random overcomplete 3-tensors and learning overcomplete dictionaries with constant relative sparsity. We also give the first robust analysis for decomposing overcomplete 4-tensors in the smoothed analysis model. A key ingredient of our analysis is to establish small spectral gaps in moment matrices derived from solutions to sum-of-squares relaxations. To enable this analysis we augment sum-of-squares relaxations with spectral analogs of maximum entropy constraints.Comment: to appear in FOCS 201

    Near-linear time approximation algorithms for optimal transport via Sinkhorn iteration

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    Computing optimal transport distances such as the earth mover's distance is a fundamental problem in machine learning, statistics, and computer vision. Despite the recent introduction of several algorithms with good empirical performance, it is unknown whether general optimal transport distances can be approximated in near-linear time. This paper demonstrates that this ambitious goal is in fact achieved by Cuturi's Sinkhorn Distances. This result relies on a new analysis of Sinkhorn iteration, which also directly suggests a new greedy coordinate descent algorithm, Greenkhorn, with the same theoretical guarantees. Numerical simulations illustrate that Greenkhorn significantly outperforms the classical Sinkhorn algorithm in practice

    A fast branch-and-prune algorithm for the position analysis of spherical mechanisms

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comDifferent branch-and-prune schemes can be found in the literature for numerically solving the position analysis of spherical mechanisms. For the prune operation, they all rely on the propagation of motion intervals. They differ in the way the problem is algebraically formulated. This paper exploits the fact that spherical kinematic loop equations can be formulated as sets of 3 multi-affine polynomials. Multi-affinity has an important impact on how the propagation of motion intervals can be performed because a multi-affine polynomial is uniquely determined by its values at the vertices of a closed hyperbox defined in its domain.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Online Metric-Weighted Linear Representations for Robust Visual Tracking

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    In this paper, we propose a visual tracker based on a metric-weighted linear representation of appearance. In order to capture the interdependence of different feature dimensions, we develop two online distance metric learning methods using proximity comparison information and structured output learning. The learned metric is then incorporated into a linear representation of appearance. We show that online distance metric learning significantly improves the robustness of the tracker, especially on those sequences exhibiting drastic appearance changes. In order to bound growth in the number of training samples, we design a time-weighted reservoir sampling method. Moreover, we enable our tracker to automatically perform object identification during the process of object tracking, by introducing a collection of static template samples belonging to several object classes of interest. Object identification results for an entire video sequence are achieved by systematically combining the tracking information and visual recognition at each frame. Experimental results on challenging video sequences demonstrate the effectiveness of the method for both inter-frame tracking and object identification.Comment: 51 pages. Appearing in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligenc

    Sharp analysis of low-rank kernel matrix approximations

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    We consider supervised learning problems within the positive-definite kernel framework, such as kernel ridge regression, kernel logistic regression or the support vector machine. With kernels leading to infinite-dimensional feature spaces, a common practical limiting difficulty is the necessity of computing the kernel matrix, which most frequently leads to algorithms with running time at least quadratic in the number of observations n, i.e., O(n^2). Low-rank approximations of the kernel matrix are often considered as they allow the reduction of running time complexities to O(p^2 n), where p is the rank of the approximation. The practicality of such methods thus depends on the required rank p. In this paper, we show that in the context of kernel ridge regression, for approximations based on a random subset of columns of the original kernel matrix, the rank p may be chosen to be linear in the degrees of freedom associated with the problem, a quantity which is classically used in the statistical analysis of such methods, and is often seen as the implicit number of parameters of non-parametric estimators. This result enables simple algorithms that have sub-quadratic running time complexity, but provably exhibit the same predictive performance than existing algorithms, for any given problem instance, and not only for worst-case situations
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