19,271 research outputs found

    A Secure Cooperative Sensing Protocol for Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Cognitive radio networks sense spectrum occupancy and manage themselves to operate in unused bands without disturbing licensed users. Spectrum sensing is more accurate if jointly performed by several reliable nodes. Even though cooperative sensing is an active area of research, the secure authentication of local sensing reports remains unsolved, thus empowering false results. This paper presents a distributed protocol based on digital signatures and hash functions, and an analysis of its security features. The system allows determining a final sensing decision from multiple sources in a quick and secure way.Las redes de radio cognitiva detectora de espectro se las arreglan para operar en las nuevas bandas sin molestar a los usuarios con licencia. La detección de espectro es más precisa si el conjunto está realizado por varios nodos fiables. Aunque la detección cooperativa es un área activa de investigación, la autenticación segura de informes locales de detección no ha sido resuelta, por lo tanto se pueden dar resultados falsos. Este trabajo presenta un protocolo distribuido basado en firmas digitales y en funciones hash, y un análisis de sus características de seguridad. El sistema permite determinar una decisión final de detección de múltiples fuentes de una manera rápida y segura.Les xarxes de ràdio cognitiva detectora d'espectre se les arreglen per operar en les noves bandes sense destorbar els usuaris amb llicència. La detecció d'espectre és més precisa si el conjunt està realitzat per diversos nodes fiables. Encara que la detecció cooperativa és una àrea activa d'investigació, l'autenticació segura d'informes locals de detecció no ha estat resolta, per tant es poden donar resultats falsos. Aquest treball presenta un protocol distribuït basat en signatures digitals i en funcions hash, i una anàlisi de les seves característiques de seguretat. El sistema permet determinar una decisió final de detecció de múltiples fonts d'una manera ràpida i segura

    Routing-Verification-as-a-Service (RVaaS): Trustworthy Routing Despite Insecure Providers

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    Computer networks today typically do not provide any mechanisms to the users to learn, in a reliable manner, which paths have (and have not) been taken by their packets. Rather, it seems inevitable that as soon as a packet leaves the network card, the user is forced to trust the network provider to forward the packets as expected or agreed upon. This can be undesirable, especially in the light of today's trend toward more programmable networks: after a successful cyber attack on the network management system or Software-Defined Network (SDN) control plane, an adversary in principle has complete control over the network. This paper presents a low-cost and efficient solution to detect misbehaviors and ensure trustworthy routing over untrusted or insecure providers, in particular providers whose management system or control plane has been compromised (e.g., using a cyber attack). We propose Routing-Verification-as-a-Service (RVaaS): RVaaS offers clients a flexible interface to query information relevant to their traffic, while respecting the autonomy of the network provider. RVaaS leverages key features of OpenFlow-based SDNs to combine (passive and active) configuration monitoring, logical data plane verification and actual in-band tests, in a novel manner

    Secure Vehicular Communication Systems: Implementation, Performance, and Research Challenges

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    Vehicular Communication (VC) systems are on the verge of practical deployment. Nonetheless, their security and privacy protection is one of the problems that have been addressed only recently. In order to show the feasibility of secure VC, certain implementations are required. In [1] we discuss the design of a VC security system that has emerged as a result of the European SeVeCom project. In this second paper, we discuss various issues related to the implementation and deployment aspects of secure VC systems. Moreover, we provide an outlook on open security research issues that will arise as VC systems develop from today's simple prototypes to full-fledged systems

    Implementation and Deployment of a Distributed Network Topology Discovery Algorithm

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    In the past few years, the network measurement community has been interested in the problem of internet topology discovery using a large number (hundreds or thousands) of measurement monitors. The standard way to obtain information about the internet topology is to use the traceroute tool from a small number of monitors. Recent papers have made the case that increasing the number of monitors will give a more accurate view of the topology. However, scaling up the number of monitors is not a trivial process. Duplication of effort close to the monitors wastes time by reexploring well-known parts of the network, and close to destinations might appear to be a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack as the probes converge from a set of sources towards a given destination. In prior work, authors of this report proposed Doubletree, an algorithm for cooperative topology discovery, that reduces the load on the network, i.e., router IP interfaces and end-hosts, while discovering almost as many nodes and links as standard approaches based on traceroute. This report presents our open-source and freely downloadable implementation of Doubletree in a tool we call traceroute@home. We describe the deployment and validation of traceroute@home on the PlanetLab testbed and we report on the lessons learned from this experience. We discuss how traceroute@home can be developed further and discuss ideas for future improvements

    Development of a Security Methodology for Cooperative Information Systems: The CooPSIS Project

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    Since networks and computing systems are vital components of today\u27s life, it is of utmost importance to endow them with the capability to survive physical and logical faults, as well as malicious or deliberate attacks. When the information system is obtained by federating pre-existing local systems, a methodology is needed to integrate security policies and mechanisms under a uniform structure. Therefore, in building distributed information systems, a methodology for analysis, design and implementation of security requirements of data and processes is essential for obtaining mutual trust between cooperating organizations. Moreover, when the information system is built as a cooperative set of e-services, security is related to the type of data, to the sensitivity context of the cooperative processes and to the security characteristics of the communication paradigms. The CoopSIS (Cooperative Secure Information Systems) project aims to develop methods and tools for the analysis, design, implementation and evaluation of secure and survivable distributed information systems of cooperative type, in particular with experimentation in the Public Administration Domain. This paper presents the basic issues of a methodology being conceived to build a trusted cooperative environment, where data sensitivity parameters and security requirements of processes are taken into account. The milestones phases of the security development methodology in the context of this project are illustrated

    Information Sharing Solutions for Nato Headquarters

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    NATO is an Alliance of 26 nations that operates on a consensus basis, not a majority basis. Thorough and timely information exchange between nations is fundamental to the Business Process. Current technology and practices at NATO HQ are inadequate to meet modern-day requirements despite the availability of demonstrated and accredited Cross-Domain technology solutions. This lack of integration between networks is getting more complicated with time, as nations continue to invest in IT and ignore the requirements for inter-networked gateways. This contributes to inefficiencies, fostering an atmosphere where shortcuts are taken in order to get the job done. The author recommends that NATO HQ should improve its presence on the Internet, building on the desired tenets of availability and security

    Big Data in Critical Infrastructures Security Monitoring: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Critical Infrastructures (CIs), such as smart power grids, transport systems, and financial infrastructures, are more and more vulnerable to cyber threats, due to the adoption of commodity computing facilities. Despite the use of several monitoring tools, recent attacks have proven that current defensive mechanisms for CIs are not effective enough against most advanced threats. In this paper we explore the idea of a framework leveraging multiple data sources to improve protection capabilities of CIs. Challenges and opportunities are discussed along three main research directions: i) use of distinct and heterogeneous data sources, ii) monitoring with adaptive granularity, and iii) attack modeling and runtime combination of multiple data analysis techniques.Comment: EDCC-2014, BIG4CIP-201