27,104 research outputs found

    Border Gateway Protocol to provide failover in multihoming environment

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    Nowadays Internet access across the globe is very crucial because of the huge size of useful data that the Internet stores. This stimulates most ISPs to choose a reliable routing protocol in order to preserve the security and guarantee of customer’s data on the Internet. By multi-homing a network using BGP, a more control of balancing the traffic load and achieving redundancy becomes possible. This will enhance network performance, quality throughput and better routing policies on the Internet. Single-homed Internet communication link between networks’ Internet service provider does not inspire with confidence because of excessive traffic and device or human error that may arise. We use BGP because of its ability to choose the best path to a destination particularly in a Multihoming environment. Our simulation results are achieved using GNS3 emulator and Wireshark network analyser. We carried out two simulations to run BGP Multihoming to the same service provider and to different service provider. In both scenarios we run the simulations in failover mode and in load-shearing mode. Simulation results show that BGP Multihoming to different service providers provides failover to ISP networks. For a home and enterprise network to have a certain level of failover or redundancy there is a need to employ the use of BGP Multihoming to different service provider

    Preserving Established Communications in IPv6 Multi-homed Sites with MEX

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    This research was supported by the SAM (Advanced Mobility Services) project, funded by the Spanish National R&D Programme under contract MCYT TIC2002-04531-C04-03.A proper support for multimedia communications transport has to provide fault tolerance capabilities such as the preservation of established connections in case of failures. While multi-homing addresses this issue, the currently available solution based in massive BGP route injection presents serious scalability limitations, since it contributes to the exponential growth of the BGP table size. Alternative solutions proposed for IPv6 fail to provide equivalent facilities to the current BGP based solution. In this paper we present MEX (Muti-homing through EXtension header) a novel proposal for the provision of IPv6 multi-homing capabilities. MEX preserves overall scalability by storing alternative route information in end-hosts while at the same time reduces packet loss by allowing routers to re-route in-course packets. This behavior is enabled by conveying alternative route information within packets inside a newly defined Extension Header. The resulting system provides fault tolerance capabilities and preserves scalability, while the incurred costs, namely deployment and packet overhead, are only imposed to those that benefit from it. An implementation of the MEX host and router components is also presented.Publicad

    Multi-homing tunnel broker

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    A proper support for communications has to provide fault tolerance capabilities such as the preservation of established connections in case of failures. Multihoming addresses this issue, but the currently available solution based in massive BGP route injection presents serious scalability limitations, since it contributes to the exponential growth of the BGP table size. An alternative solution based on the configuration of tunnels between the multihomed site exit routers and the ISP border routers has been proposed for IPv6 in RFC 3178. However, the amount of manual configuration imposed by this solution on the ISP side prevents its wide adoption. In particular, this solution requires at the ISP the manual configuration of a tunnel endpoint per each multihomed client that it serves. We present a multihoming tunnel broker (MHTB) that provides automatic creation of the tunnel endpoint at the ISP side.This work was supported by the SAM (Advanced Servers with Mobility)project, funded by the Spanish National research and Development Programme as TIC2002-04531-C04-03.Publicad

    Top-percentile traffic routing problem by dynamic programming

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    Multi-homing is a technology used by Internet Service Provider (ISP) to connect to the Internet via different network providers. To make full use of the underlying networks with minimum cost, an optimal routing strategy is required by ISPs. This study investigates the optimal routing strategy in case where network providers charge ISPs according to top-percentile pricing. We call this problem the Top-percentile Traffic Routing Problem (TpTRP). The TpTRP is a multistage stochastic optimisation problem in which routing decision should be made before knowing the amount of traffic that is to be routed in the following time period. The stochastic nature of the problem forms the critical difficulty of this study. In this paper several approaches are investigated in modelling and solving the problem. We begin by modelling the TpTRP as a multi-stage stochastic programming problem, which is hard to solve due to the integer variables introduced by top-percentile pricing. Several simplifications of the original TpTRP are then explored in the second part of this work. Some of these allow analytical solutions which lead to bounds on the achievable optimal solution. We also establish bounds by investigation several "naive" routing policies. In the end, we explore the solution of the TpTRP as a stochastic dynamic programming problem by a discretization of the state space. This SDP model gives us achievable routing policies on medium size instances of TpTRP, which of course improve the naive routing policies. With a classification of the SDP decision table, a crude routing policy for realistic size instances can be developed from the smaller size SDP model. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    End-Site Routing Support for IPv6 Multihoming

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    Multihoming is currently widely used to provide fault tolerance and traffic engineering capabilities. It is expected that, as telecommunication costs decrease, its adoption will become more and more prevalent. Current multihoming support is not designed to scale up to the expected number of multihomed sites, so alternative solutions are required, especially for IPv6. In order to preserve interdomain routing scalability, the new multihoming solution has to be compatible with Provider Aggregatable addressing. However, such addressing scheme imposes the configuration of multiple prefixes in multihomed sites, which in turn causes several operational difficulties within those sites that may even result in communication failures when all the ISPs are working properly. In this paper we propose the adoption of Source Address Dependent routing within the multihomed site to overcome the identified difficulties.Publicad

    Effectiveness of segment routing technology in reducing the bandwidth and cloud resources provisioning times in network function virtualization architectures

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    Network Function Virtualization is a new technology allowing for a elastic cloud and bandwidth resource allocation. The technology requires an orchestrator whose role is the service and resource orchestration. It receives service requests, each one characterized by a Service Function Chain, which is a set of service functions to be executed according to a given order. It implements an algorithm for deciding where both to allocate the cloud and bandwidth resources and to route the SFCs. In a traditional orchestration algorithm, the orchestrator has a detailed knowledge of the cloud and network infrastructures and that can lead to high computational complexity of the SFC Routing and Cloud and Bandwidth resource Allocation (SRCBA) algorithm. In this paper, we propose and evaluate the effectiveness of a scalable orchestration architecture inherited by the one proposed within the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and based on the functional separation of an NFV orchestrator in Resource Orchestrator (RO) and Network Service Orchestrator (NSO). Each cloud domain is equipped with an RO whose task is to provide a simple and abstract representation of the cloud infrastructure. These representations are notified of the NSO that can apply a simplified and less complex SRCBA algorithm. In addition, we show how the segment routing technology can help to simplify the SFC routing by means of an effective addressing of the service functions. The scalable orchestration solution has been investigated and compared to the one of a traditional orchestrator in some network scenarios and varying the number of cloud domains. We have verified that the execution time of the SRCBA algorithm can be drastically reduced without degrading the performance in terms of cloud and bandwidth resource costs

    Quantifying AS Path Inflation by Routing Policies

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    A route in the Internet may take a longer AS path than the shortest AS path due to routing policies. In this paper, we systematically analyze AS paths and quantify the extent to which routing policies inflate AS paths. The results show that AS path inflation in the Internet is more prevalent than expected. We first present the extent of AS path inflation observed from the RouteView and RIPE routing tables. We then employ three common routing policies to show the extent of AS path inflation. We find that No-Valley routing policy causes the least AS path inflation among the three routing policies. PreferCustomer-and-Peer-over-Provider policy causes the most AS path inflation. In addition, we find that single-homed stub ASes experience more path inflations than transit ASes and multi-homed ASes. The AS pairs with shortest AS path of 3 AS hops experience more path inflations than other AS pairs. Finally, we investigate the AS path inflation on the end-to-end path from end users to two popular content providers, Google and Comcast. Although the majority of the shortest AS paths from end users to the two providers consists of no more than three AS hops, the actual end-to-end paths that the traffic will take are longer than the shortest AS paths in many cases. Quantifying AS path inflation in the Internet has important implications on the extent of routing policies, traffic engineering performed on the Internet, and BGP convergence speed

    A QoS-Driven ISP Selection Mechanism for IPv6 Multi-homed Sites

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    A global solution for the provision of QoS in IPng sites must include ISP selection based on per-application requirements. In this article we present a new site-local architecture for QoS-driven ISP selection in multi-homed domains, performed in a per application basis. This architecture proposes the novel use of existent network services, a new type of routing header, and the modification of address selection mechanisms to take into account QoS requirements. This proposal is an evolution of current technology, and therefore precludes the addition of new protocols, enabling fast deployment. The sitelocal scope of the proposed solution results in ISP transparency and thus in ISP independency.This research was supported by the LONG (Laboratories Over the Next Generation Networks) project IST-1999-20393.Publicad

    Measuring Effectiveness of Address Schemes for AS-level Graphs

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    This dissertation presents measures of efficiency and locality for Internet addressing schemes. Historically speaking, many issues, faced by the Internet, have been solved just in time, to make the Internet just work~\cite{justWork}. Consensus, however, has been reached that today\u27s Internet routing and addressing system is facing serious scaling problems: multi-homing which causes finer granularity of routing policies and finer control to realize various traffic engineering requirements, an increased demand for provider-independent prefix allocations which injects unaggregatable prefixes into the Default Free Zone (DFZ) routing table, and ever-increasing Internet user population and mobile edge devices. As a result, the DFZ routing table is again growing at an exponential rate. Hierarchical, topology-based addressing has long been considered crucial to routing and forwarding scalability. Recently, however, a number of research efforts are considering alternatives to this traditional approach. With the goal of informing such research, we investigated the efficiency of address assignment in the existing (IPv4) Internet. In particular, we ask the question: ``how can we measure the locality of an address scheme given an input AS-level graph?\u27\u27 To do so, we first define a notion of efficiency or locality based on the average number of bit-hops required to advertize all prefixes in the Internet. In order to quantify how far from ``optimal the current Internet is, we assign prefixes to ASes ``from scratch in a manner that preserves observed semantics, using three increasingly strict definitions of equivalence. Next we propose another metric that in some sense quantifies the ``efficiency of the labeling and is independent of forwarding/routing mechanisms. We validate the effectiveness of the metric by applying it to a series of address schemes with increasing randomness given an input AS-level graph. After that we apply the metric to the current Internet address scheme across years and compare the results with those of compact routing schemes