10 research outputs found

    Speech segmentation and speaker diarisation for transcription and translation

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    This dissertation outlines work related to Speech Segmentation – segmenting an audio recording into regions of speech and non-speech, and Speaker Diarization – further segmenting those regions into those pertaining to homogeneous speakers. Knowing not only what was said but also who said it and when, has many useful applications. As well as providing a richer level of transcription for speech, we will show how such knowledge can improve Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system performance and can also benefit downstream Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks such as machine translation and punctuation restoration. While segmentation and diarization may appear to be relatively simple tasks to describe, in practise we find that they are very challenging and are, in general, ill-defined problems. Therefore, we first provide a formalisation of each of the problems as the sub-division of speech within acoustic space and time. Here, we see that the task can become very difficult when we want to partition this domain into our target classes of speakers, whilst avoiding other classes that reside in the same space, such as phonemes. We present a theoretical framework for describing and discussing the tasks as well as introducing existing state-of-the-art methods and research. Current Speaker Diarization systems are notoriously sensitive to hyper-parameters and lack robustness across datasets. Therefore, we present a method which uses a series of oracle experiments to expose the limitations of current systems and to which system components these limitations can be attributed. We also demonstrate how Diarization Error Rate (DER), the dominant error metric in the literature, is not a comprehensive or reliable indicator of overall performance or of error propagation to subsequent downstream tasks. These results inform our subsequent research. We find that, as a precursor to Speaker Diarization, the task of Speech Segmentation is a crucial first step in the system chain. Current methods typically do not account for the inherent structure of spoken discourse. As such, we explored a novel method which exploits an utterance-duration prior in order to better model the segment distribution of speech. We show how this method improves not only segmentation, but also the performance of subsequent speech recognition, machine translation and speaker diarization systems. Typical ASR transcriptions do not include punctuation and the task of enriching transcriptions with this information is known as ‘punctuation restoration’. The benefit is not only improved readability but also better compatibility with NLP systems that expect sentence-like units such as in conventional machine translation. We show how segmentation and diarization are related tasks that are able to contribute acoustic information that complements existing linguistically-based punctuation approaches. There is a growing demand for speech technology applications in the broadcast media domain. This domain presents many new challenges including diverse noise and recording conditions. We show that the capacity of existing GMM-HMM based speech segmentation systems is limited for such scenarios and present a Deep Neural Network (DNN) based method which offers a more robust speech segmentation method resulting in improved speech recognition performance for a television broadcast dataset. Ultimately, we are able to show that the speech segmentation is an inherently ill-defined problem for which the solution is highly dependent on the downstream task that it is intended for


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    The challenge of translation varies from one sentence to another, or even between phrases of a sentence. We investigate whether variations in difficulty can be located automatically for Statistical Machine Translation (SMT). Furthermore, we hypothesize that customization of a SMT system based on difficulty information, improves the translation quality.We assume a binary categorization for phrases: easy vs. difficult. Our focus is on the Difficult to Translate Phrases (DTPs). Our experiments show that for a sentence, improving the translation of the DTP improves the translation of the surrounding non-difficult phrases too. To locate the most difficult phrase of each sentence, we use machine learning and construct a difficulty classifier. To improve the translation of DTPs, we introduce customization methods for three components of the SMT system: I. language model; II. translation model; III. decoding weights. With each method, we construct a new component that is dedicated for the translation of difficult phrases. Our experiments on Arabic-to-English translation show that DTP-specific system customization is mostly successful.Overall, we demonstrate that translation difficulty is an important source of information for machine translation and can be used to enhance its performance

    Using contextual information to understand searching and browsing behavior

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    There is great imbalance in the richness of information on the web and the succinctness and poverty of search requests of web users, making their queries only a partial description of the underlying complex information needs. Finding ways to better leverage contextual information and make search context-aware holds the promise to dramatically improve the search experience of users. We conducted a series of studies to discover, model and utilize contextual information in order to understand and improve users' searching and browsing behavior on the web. Our results capture important aspects of context under the realistic conditions of different online search services, aiming to ensure that our scientific insights and solutions transfer to the operational settings of real world applications

    Accessing spoken interaction through dialogue processing [online]

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    Zusammenfassung Unser Leben, unsere Leistungen und unsere Umgebung, alles wird derzeit durch Schriftsprache dokumentiert. Die rasante Fortentwicklung der technischen Möglichkeiten Audio, Bilder und Video aufzunehmen, abzuspeichern und wiederzugeben kann genutzt werden um die schriftliche Dokumentation von menschlicher Kommunikation, zum Beispiel Meetings, zu unterstützen, zu ergänzen oder gar zu ersetzen. Diese neuen Technologien können uns in die Lage versetzen Information aufzunehmen, die anderweitig verloren gehen, die Kosten der Dokumentation zu senken und hochwertige Dokumente mit audiovisuellem Material anzureichern. Die Indizierung solcher Aufnahmen stellt die Kerntechnologie dar um dieses Potential auszuschöpfen. Diese Arbeit stellt effektive Alternativen zu schlüsselwortbasierten Indizes vor, die Suchraumeinschränkungen bewirken und teilweise mit einfachen Mitteln zu berechnen sind. Die Indizierung von Sprachdokumenten kann auf verschiedenen Ebenen erfolgen: Ein Dokument gehört stilistisch einer bestimmten Datenbasis an, welche durch sehr einfache Merkmale bei hoher Genauigkeit automatisch bestimmt werden kann. Durch diese Art von Klassifikation kann eine Reduktion des Suchraumes um einen Faktor der Größenordnung 4­10 erfolgen. Die Anwendung von thematischen Merkmalen zur Textklassifikation bei einer Nachrichtendatenbank resultiert in einer Reduktion um einen Faktor 18. Da Sprachdokumente sehr lang sein können müssen sie in thematische Segmente unterteilt werden. Ein neuer probabilistischer Ansatz sowie neue Merkmale (Sprecherinitia­ tive und Stil) liefern vergleichbare oder bessere Resultate als traditionelle schlüsselwortbasierte Ansätze. Diese thematische Segmente können durch die vorherrschende Aktivität charakterisiert werden (erzählen, diskutieren, planen, ...), die durch ein neuronales Netz detektiert werden kann. Die Detektionsraten sind allerdings begrenzt da auch Menschen diese Aktivitäten nur ungenau bestimmen. Eine maximale Reduktion des Suchraumes um den Faktor 6 ist bei den verwendeten Daten theoretisch möglich. Eine thematische Klassifikation dieser Segmente wurde ebenfalls auf einer Datenbasis durchgeführt, die Detektionsraten für diesen Index sind jedoch gering. Auf der Ebene der einzelnen Äußerungen können Dialogakte wie Aussagen, Fragen, Rückmeldungen (aha, ach ja, echt?, ...) usw. mit einem diskriminativ trainierten Hidden Markov Model erkannt werden. Dieses Verfahren kann um die Erkennung von kurzen Folgen wie Frage/Antwort­Spielen erweitert werden (Dialogspiele). Dialogakte und ­spiele können eingesetzt werden um Klassifikatoren für globale Sprechstile zu bauen. Ebenso könnte ein Benutzer sich an eine bestimmte Dialogaktsequenz erinnern und versuchen, diese in einer grafischen Repräsentation wiederzufinden. In einer Studie mit sehr pessimistischen Annahmen konnten Benutzer eines aus vier ähnlichen und gleichwahrscheinlichen Gesprächen mit einer Genauigkeit von ~ 43% durch eine graphische Repräsentation von Aktivität bestimmt. Dialogakte könnte in diesem Szenario ebenso nützlich sein, die Benutzerstudie konnte aufgrund der geringen Datenmenge darüber keinen endgültigen Aufschluß geben. Die Studie konnte allerdings für detailierte Basismerkmale wie Formalität und Sprecheridentität keinen Effekt zeigen. Abstract Written language is one of our primary means for documenting our lives, achievements, and environment. Our capabilities to record, store and retrieve audio, still pictures, and video are undergoing a revolution and may support, supplement or even replace written documentation. This technology enables us to record information that would otherwise be lost, lower the cost of documentation and enhance high­quality documents with original audiovisual material. The indexing of the audio material is the key technology to realize those benefits. This work presents effective alternatives to keyword based indices which restrict the search space and may in part be calculated with very limited resources. Indexing speech documents can be done at a various levels: Stylistically a document belongs to a certain database which can be determined automatically with high accuracy using very simple features. The resulting factor in search space reduction is in the order of 4­10 while topic classification yielded a factor of 18 in a news domain. Since documents can be very long they need to be segmented into topical regions. A new probabilistic segmentation framework as well as new features (speaker initiative and style) prove to be very effective compared to traditional keyword based methods. At the topical segment level activities (storytelling, discussing, planning, ...) can be detected using a machine learning approach with limited accuracy; however even human annotators do not annotate them very reliably. A maximum search space reduction factor of 6 is theoretically possible on the databases used. A topical classification of these regions has been attempted on one database, the detection accuracy for that index, however, was very low. At the utterance level dialogue acts such as statements, questions, backchannels (aha, yeah, ...), etc. are being recognized using a novel discriminatively trained HMM procedure. The procedure can be extended to recognize short sequences such as question/answer pairs, so called dialogue games. Dialog acts and games are useful for building classifiers for speaking style. Similarily a user may remember a certain dialog act sequence and may search for it in a graphical representation. In a study with very pessimistic assumptions users are able to pick one out of four similar and equiprobable meetings correctly with an accuracy ~ 43% using graphical activity information. Dialogue acts may be useful in this situation as well but the sample size did not allow to draw final conclusions. However the user study fails to show any effect for detailed basic features such as formality or speaker identity

    The role of visual adaptation in cichlid fish speciation

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    D. Shane Wright (1) , Ole Seehausen (2), Ton G.G. Groothuis (1), Martine E. Maan (1) (1) University of Groningen; GELIFES; EGDB(2) Department of Fish Ecology & Evolution, EAWAG Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Biogeochemistry, Kastanienbaum AND Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Aquatic Ecology, University of Bern.In less than 15,000 years, Lake Victoria cichlid fishes have radiated into as many as 500 different species. Ecological and sexual sel ection are thought to contribute to this ongoing speciation process, but genetic differentiation remains low. However, recent work in visual pigment genes, opsins, has shown more diversity. Unlike neighboring Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika, Lake Victoria is highly turbid, resulting in a long wavelength shift in the light spectrum with increasing depth, providing an environmental gradient for exploring divergent coevolution in sensory systems and colour signals via sensory drive. Pundamilia pundamila and Pundamilia nyererei are two sympatric species found at rocky islands across southern portions of Lake Victoria, differing in male colouration and the depth they reside. Previous work has shown species differentiation in colour discrimination, corresponding to divergent female preferences for conspecific male colouration. A mechanistic link between colour vision and preference would provide a rapid route to reproductive isolation between divergently adapting populations. This link is tested by experimental manip ulation of colour vision - raising both species and their hybrids under light conditions mimicking shallow and deep habitats. We quantify the expression of retinal opsins and test behaviours important for speciation: mate choice, habitat preference, and fo raging performance


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    Proceedings of the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2018

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    On behalf of the Program Committee, a very warm welcome to the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-­‐it 2018). This edition of the conference is held in Torino. The conference is locally organised by the University of Torino and hosted into its prestigious main lecture hall “Cavallerizza Reale”. The CLiC-­‐it conference series is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC) which, after five years of activity, has clearly established itself as the premier national forum for research and development in the fields of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, where leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry meet to share their research results, experiences, and challenges