41,732 research outputs found

    Implementasi Data Mining Dalam Menganalisis Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan Menggunakan Metode Rough Set

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    Abstract. PT. Pusako Tarinka is a company engaged in lodging services. The company always tries to maintain a good reputation for its customers. Good quality service will give better satisfaction to the customers who use the services of the company. However, the company does not have a measuring tool to determine the level of customer satisfaction with the services rendered. Rough set is one method of data mining related to analysis and data classification categories and aims to synthesize approach to the concept of a table of data obtained. Rough set discovers hidden relationships of the data set and reduct classification attributes of a series of attributes, and reduct will produce general rule. The results illustrate that the level of customer satisfaction confidence is a major factor in determining the level of customer satisfaction which is then supported by the integrity, pride, and passion.Keywords: Data Mining, Rough Set, Customer Satisfaction.Abstrak. PT. Pusako Tarinka merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa. Kegiatan utama PT. Pusako Tarinka adalah memberikan pelayanan jasa penginapan. Perusahaan selalu berusaha untuk mempertahankan reputasi yang baik di mata pelanggannya. Kualitas pelayanan yang baik akan memberikan kepuasan lebih kepada pelanggan yang menggunakan jasa perusahaan tersebut. Namun perusahaan tidak memiliki alat ukur untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pelanggan terhadap pelayanan yang telah diberikan. Rough Set merupakan salah satu metode data mining yang berkaitan dengan analisis kategori dan klasifikasi data dan bertujuan untuk mensintesis pendekatan konsep dari tabel data yang diperoleh. Rough set menemukan hubungan tersembunyi dari kumpulan data dan reduct atribut dari serangkaian klasifikasi atribut, dan reduct tersebut akan menghasilkan general rule. Hasil rule tingkat kepuasan pelanggan menggambarkan bahwa confidence (kepercayaan) adalah dimensi utama dalam penentuan tingkat kepuasan pelanggan yang kemudian didukung oleh integrity (integritas), pride (kebanggaan), dan passion (keinginan).Kata kunci: Data Mining, Rough Set, Kepuasan Pelanggan

    An intelligent recommendation system framework for student relationship management

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    In order to enhance student satisfaction, many services have been provided in order to meet student needs. A recommendation system is a significant service which can be used to assist students in several ways. This paper proposes a conceptual framework of an Intelligent Recommendation System in order to support Student Relationship Management (SRM) for a Thai private university. This article proposed the system architecture of an Intelligent Recommendation System (IRS) which aims to assist students to choose an appropriate course for their studies. Moreover, this study intends to compare different data mining techniques in various recommendation systems and to determine appropriate algorithms for the proposed electronic Intelligent Recommendation System (IRS). The IRS also aims to support Student Relationship Management (SRM) in the university. The IRS has been designed using data mining and artificial intelligent techniques such as clustering, association rule and classification

    Deriving consensus rankings via multicriteria decision making methodology

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    Purpose - This paper seeks to take a cautionary stance to the impact of the marketing mix on customer satisfaction, via a case study deriving consensus rankings for benchmarking on selected retail stores in Malaysia. Design/methodology/approach - The ELECTRE I model is used in deriving consensus rankings via multicriteria decision making method for benchmarking base on the marketing mix model 4P's. Descriptive analysis is used to analyze best practice among the four marketing tactics. Findings - Outranking methods in consequence constitute a strong base on which to found the entire structure of the behavioral theory of benchmarking applied to development of marketing strategy. Research limitations/implications - This study looks only at a limited part of the puzzle of how consumer satisfaction translates into behavioral outcomes. Practical implications - The study provides managers with guidance on how to generate a rough outline of potential marketing activities that can be used to take advantage of capabilities and convert weaknesses and threats. Originality/value - The paper interestingly portrays the effective usage of multicriteria decision-making and ranking method to help marketing managers predict their marketing trends

    Scope Management of Non-Functional Requirements

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    In order to meet commitments in software projects, a realistic assessment must be made of project scope. Such an assessment relies on the availability of knowledge on the user-defined project requirements and their effort estimates and priorities, as well as their risk. This knowledge enables analysts, managers and software engineers to identify the most significant requirements from the list of requirements initially defined by the user. In practice, this scope assessment is applied to the Functional Requirements (FRs) provided by users who are unaware of, or ignore, the Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs). This paper presents ongoing research which aims at managing NFRs during the software development process. Establishing the relative priority of each NFR, and obtaining a rough estimate of the effort and risk associated with it, is integral to the software development process and to resource management. Our work extends the taxonomy of the NFR framework by integrating the concept of the "hardgoal". A functional size measure of NFRs is applied to facilitate the effort estimation process. The functional size measurement method we have chosen is COSMICFFP, which is theoretically sound and the de facto standard in the software industry

    Mapping customer needs to engineering characteristics: an aerospace perspective for conceptual design

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    Designing complex engineering systems, such as an aircraft or an aero-engine, is immensely challenging. Formal Systems Engineering (SE) practices are widely used in the aerospace industry throughout the overall design process to minimise the overall design effort, corrective re-work, and ultimately overall development and manufacturing costs. Incorporating the needs and requirements from customers and other stakeholders into the conceptual and early design process is vital for the success and viability of any development programme. This paper presents a formal methodology, the Value-Driven Design (VDD) methodology that has been developed for collaborative and iterative use in the Extended Enterprise (EE) within the aerospace industry, and that has been applied using the Concept Design Analysis (CODA) method to map captured Customer Needs (CNs) into Engineering Characteristics (ECs) and to model an overall ‘design merit’ metric to be used in design assessments, sensitivity analyses, and engineering design optimisation studies. Two different case studies with increasing complexity are presented to elucidate the application areas of the CODA method in the context of the VDD methodology for the EE within the aerospace secto

    Desirable typologies of organizational culture in quality management implementation. Communicational findings

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    The authors of this article present the findings of a longitudinal research carried out in the years 2007 and 2008 in a production and service company active in the food & beverages industry. The goal of the research was to identify the one model of organizational culture perceived by the employees as the most appropriate for an efficient implementation of a quality management system. The research method used was the enquiry based on the questionnaire. The methodological means chosen was the Culture Type Identification Questionnaire developed by Charles Handy (1983) based on the typology elaborated by Roger Harrison. The analysis and interpretation of the obtained data converge towards the more general thesis according to which the diagnosis of the pre-existing culture type in a changing organization, correlated with the identification of the model the employees strive for, facilitates the process of adopting a new attitudinal, cognitive and behavioral pattern, in a relatively homogeneous and tension-free approach. Specifically, the research has confirmed the hypothesis according to which the type of task-oriented culture is more appropriate with the quality management desiderata, and the transition from an entrepreneurial culture to a quality-oriented corporative one strongly depends on what the employees perceive as being the real and the ideal state, and not on a formal infusion of values, norms, principles, policies or organizational strategies.organizational culture, communication, quality management, Charles Handy's typology, human resources, behavior, organizational change.

    APOM-project: a pilot study of pharmacy organization and management

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    Recently, in a joint cooperation of Stichting VNA, SAL Apotheken, the Faculty of Management and Organization, and the University Centre for Pharmacy, University of Groningen in the Netherlands, a Ph.D-study started regarding Apot(he)ek, Organization and Management (APOM). The APOM-project deals with the structuring and steering of pharmacy organization. The manageability of the internal pharmacy organization, and the manageability of the direct environment of pharmacy organization is the subject matter. The theoretical background of the APOM-project is described. A literature study was made to find mixes of objectives. Three mixes of objectives in pharmacy organization are postulated; the product mix, the process mix, and the customer mix. The typology will be used as a basic starting point for the empirical study in the next phase of the APOM-project.
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