2,173 research outputs found

    E-Governance in Ireland: New Technologies, Local Government and Civic Participation

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    Exploring Low E-Participation in Policy Making in Ghana: A Case Study of Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly

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    The way people interact and collaborate with others in this modern society in terms of business and governance has seen drastic modification. Previously, demographic difference and distances of geographic locations always distance and separated citizen from the government. Fortunately, the emergence of Information Communication Technology (ICT) which has provided online platforms have helped bridged this gap. This study employed explanatory research design coupled with cross sectional and convenient sampling techniques to select a sample size of 219 respondents for the study. Primary and secondary data were used for the research. The study also employed the ordinary least squares multiple regression econometric model in estimating the impact of factors that influence E-participation in policy making of local government in Ghana Finally, the study concluded that trust factors have a negative influence on electronic participation in policy making of local government in Ghana and is not statistically significant whereas social factors such as culture and gender inequalities have a positive impact E-participation in policy making of local government in Ghana. Technical factors consisting of technological infrastructure and information technology literacy also has a positive impact on E-participation in policy making of local government in Ghana. Keywords: Electronic Participation (E-Participation), Policy Making, Local Government, Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-2-01 Publication date: January 31st 2020

    The Effect Of Internet Use On Political Participation: Could The Internet Increase Political Participation In Thailand?

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    The Internet, as part of information and communication technology, provides citizens with access to information, and allows them to interact with others in online communities. It could also increase the users' political potentials by decreasing the costs and resources' restraints. Given these benefits, this research asks whether or not Internet use would increase political participation in Thailand. Using the 2010 Asian Barometer data conducted in Thailand, the relationship between Internet use and political participation was tested. The results indicate that Internet use positively correlated with political participation, after controlling for individual resource measurement, namely demographic characteristics, education attainment, socio-economic status, political efficacy, and organisational skills. The odds of the respondents, who used the Internet to contact news media to solve their problems with government officials or policies, and to get together with others to raise an issue or sign a petition, were greater than those who did not use the Internet. The findings suggest that the Internet had mobilised people to actively engage in political participation. Policy recommendations aiming at promoting Internet use to encourage political participation and to strengthen the Thai democratic system as a whole are listed at the end of the research

    Internet and social media in Malaysia: Development, challenges and potentials

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    The penetration of the Internet and social media has helped Malaysia abreast with the other developed countries. Nonetheless, being a multicultural country, Malaysia has to ensure her multiracial population lives in harmony and peace. This happens with the help integrated the media control and regulations exercise in Malaysia: the Printing Presses and Publications Act, Film Censorship Act, Broadcasting Act, Communication and Multimedia Act, and media ownership control. Many researches have been conducted pertaining to the Internet and social media that have been published locally in line with the development of the Internet and the social media in Malaysia. Similarly, the new media is also subjected to its being controlled through methods such as controlling the Internet, blocking and filtering, and content removal. The paper also looks into the impact of the Internet and social media on its civil society, thus creating a momentum to promote toward giving suggestions for future research involving not only theories but also models using more sophisticated analyses. More research can be done and the future of research is bright. Other areas that can be looked at are the impacts of the Internet and social media on the young populace of the nation

    Digital media and democratization: The role of x in promoting participatory democracy in Rwanda.

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    Amidst the ever-evolving landscape of digital media\u27s impact on democracy, this study explored the nuanced relationship between X and participatory democracy in Rwanda. Anchored on the Theory of Public Sphere and New Media Theory, this research shed light on the multifaceted interactions between citizens and politicians on X in Rwanda. By quantifying the interactions between politicians and citizens, finding out whether accountability mechanisms exist on the platform, and citizen-driven concerns; the study aimed to offer a comprehensive understanding of X\u27s role in promoting participatory democracy in Rwanda. Situated within the Rwandan political context, this study gains significance as it navigates the unexplored ground of X\u27s role in democratic practices within a country with a complex political history. The emergence of X as a platform for official communication and citizen engagement in Rwanda underscores the urgency of assessing its contribution to accountability and discourse within a rapidly evolving political landscape. Employing the quantitative content analysis method, this research examined the frequency of interactions and recurring concerns that emerge from citizen-politician interactions. The quantitative approach enabled a nuanced exploration of the issues that occupy the center of political accountability discourse. Findings revealed that politicians engage either frequently or occasionally on X in interactions that gives citizens the capability to hold them accountable in shaping citizens’ priorities. The study also found that various subjects are discussed on X in Rwanda, where politics and social interactions take the lead. By synthesizing the perspectives of the Theory of Public Sphere and New Media Theory, this research offers practical insights for policymakers and digital media practitioners seeking to enhance democratic engagement

    Government 2.5: The Impact of Social Media on Public Sector Accessibility

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    Innovative approaches to communicating with the masses continue to evolve in the private sector, while accessibility of goods, services, and public information within federal, state, and local government organizations has been declining for decades. This situation has resulted in a lack of trust and sense of isolation from communities. At the same time, the implementation and use of social media have increased exponentially. Despite the simultaneous occurrence of these events, limited research has explored the connection between them. Specifically, the purpose of this case study was to address the central research question of whether the adoption of social media platforms results in increased accessibility of goods and services within the public sector. Rogers\u27s diffusion of innovations theory founded the framework for this study. Data were collected within a local government organization through semistructured interviews with 15 employees and 15 clients, observations of daily operations, and analyses of postings made on selected social media platforms. Inductive coding and a comparative method of analysis generated emerging themes and patterns. Key findings of this study indicated significant increases in public accessibility of goods and services as the result of the implementation and use of social media. Relative to diffusion of innovations theory, findings illustrated the spread of new technology through certain channels among employees and clients. Recommendations focus on establishing strategies to ensure widespread diffusion of social media and to address socioeconomic disparities. Government agencies can use this research as a means to advance social change through open communication, an engaged workforce, and increased transparency

    Democracy of Pressure Groups

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    · The report contains positive references to profit, capital, liberty and freedom (including free-market economy), and the struggle of the world’s poor in the developing world – if we dared, and cared to ask them, that is, to achieve these. These references might be too sacrilegious to be tasteful to some. · The report attempts to show the weaknesses of the activism of the pressure groups, and how empty their rhetoric is. This is of course apart from their unethical conduct in trying to force their views on others. The report refutes comments made against businesses, globalization, privatization, and trade deregulation. At the same time, the need of government in providing property rights is emphasized. · Hope this report will leave a feeling that the biggest reason for differences between the prosperity of a rich and a poor country is neither racial nor cultural, but the system of law and order, property rights, and freedom of action in private, economic and social lives; which work as catalysts to prosperity, growth and the fight against poverty .liberty, council of canadians, canada, trade, free, NAFTA, WTO, Exxon

    Can Social Networks Create Social Capital in Politics?.

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    This research paper attempts to question if Social Capital can be created through the Internet, specifically, through Social Networks. There are various examples of Social Capital creation through Social Networks. The paper will attempt to show that Social Networks nowadays influence a lot in our daily lives and increasingly in the trends around the world. What this paper will achieve is to determine and establish that it is possible to create Social Capital in Social Networks, if certain conditions are accomplished by the State, including a high-level of education, a wide scale access to the internet, the active participation in politics and that occasionally catalyzing event that encourage online participation. Through these conditions and events social capital is created.En esta investigación se quiere probar que se puede crear capital social a través del internet. Específicamente a través de las redes sociales. Con varios ejemplos de creación de capital social a través de redes sociales, se ha intentado demostrar que las redes sociales hoy en día influyen mucho en la vida diaria y más que nada en la vida política de muchas personas del mundo. Lo que se ha logrado determinar y establecer es que, sí hay como crear capital social en las redes sociales, siempre y cuando existan ciertas características que se cumplan. Como por ejemplo, un buen nivel de educación, una buena penetración del internet en el país, la participación activa de la gente en política y que haya algún tipo de situación adversa o que necesite que la gente se una para que se cree este capital social