11,085 research outputs found

    Seeing the light : experimental signatures of emergent electromagnetism in a quantum spin ice

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    The "spin ice" state found in the rare earth pyrochlore magnets Ho2Ti2O7 and Dy2Ti2O7 offers a beautiful realisation of classical magnetostatics, complete with magnetic monopole excitations. It has been suggested that in "quantum spin ice" materials, quantum-mechanical tunnelling between different ice configurations could convert the magnetostatics of spin ice into a quantum spin liquid which realises a fully dynamical, lattice-analogue of quantum electromagnetism. Here we explore how such a state might manifest itself in experiment, within the minimal microscopic model of a such a quantum spin ice. We develop a lattice field theory for this model, and use this to make explicit predictions for the dynamical structure factor which would be observed in neutron scattering experiments on a quantum spin ice. We find that "pinch points", seen in quasi-elastic scattering, which are the signal feature of a classical spin ice, fade away as a quantum ice is cooled to its zero-temperature ground state. We also make explicit predictions for the ghostly, linearly dispersing magnetic excitations which are the "photons" of this emergent electromagnetism. The predictions of this field theory are shown to be in quantitative agreement with Quantum Monte Carlo simulations at zero temperature.Comment: 26 pages, 18 figures, minor revision

    Understanding interference experiments with polarized light through photon trajectories

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    Bohmian mechanics allows to visualize and understand the quantum-mechanical behavior of massive particles in terms of trajectories. As shown by Bialynicki-Birula, Electromagnetism also admits a hydrodynamical formulation when the existence of a wave function for photons (properly defined) is assumed. This formulation thus provides an alternative interpretation of optical phenomena in terms of photon trajectories, whose flow yields a pictorial view of the evolution of the electromagnetic energy density in configuration space. This trajectory-based theoretical framework is considered here to study and analyze the outcome from Young-type diffraction experiments within the context of the Arago-Fresnel laws. More specifically, photon trajectories in the region behind the two slits are obtained in the case where the slits are illuminated by a polarized monochromatic plane wave. Expressions to determine electromagnetic energy flow lines and photon trajectories within this scenario are provided, as well as a procedure to compute them in the particular case of gratings totally transparent inside the slits and completely absorbing outside them. As is shown, the electromagnetic energy flow lines obtained allow to monitor at each point of space the behavior of the electromagnetic energy flow and, therefore, to evaluate the effects caused on it by the presence (right behind each slit) of polarizers with the same or different polarization axes. This leads to a trajectory-based picture of the Arago-Fresnel laws for the interference of polarized light.Comment: 36 pages, 6 figure

    Magnetic monopoles and vortices in the standard model of electroweak interactions

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    These lectures start with an elementary introduction to the subject of magnetic monopoles which should be accesible from any physics background. In the Weinberg-Salam model of electroweak interactions, magnetic monopoles appear at the ends of a type of non-topological vortices called electroweak strings. These will also be discussed, as well as recent simulations of their formation during a phase transition which indicate that, in the (unphysical) range of parameters in which the strings are classically stable, they can form with a density comparable to topological vortices.Comment: 19 pages, Les Houches lectures, NATO-ASI on Topological defects and the non-equilibrium dynamics of symmetry breaking phase transitions, Feb. 9

    Conductor losses calculation in two-dimensional simulations of H-plane rectangular waveguides

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    This paper presents a novel numerical approach to simulate H-plane rectangular-waveguide microwave circuits considering a reduced quasi-2D simulation domain with benefits for computational cost and time. With the aim to evaluate the attenuation of the full height 3D component, we propose a modified expression for the waveguide top/bottom wall conductivity. Numerical 2D simulations are validated against results from full wave 3-D commercial electromagnetic simulator. After a benchmark on a simple straight waveguide model, the method has been successfully applied to an asymmetric un-balanced power splitter, where an accurate power loss prediction is mandatory. Simulation time and memory consumption can be reduced by a factor ten and seven respectively, in comparison with complete 3D geometries. Finally, we show that, also for quasi-2D E-bend waveguide, a case where the translational H-plane symmetry is broken, the error on conductor losses computation is mitigated by our approach since the method remains still valid in a first approximation

    Mathematical Nature of Reality, Plus Gravitation-Electromagnetism Unification, Derived from Revised Gravitational Tidal Forces and Mass-from-Gravity Concept

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    This article had its beginning with Einstein's 1919 paper "Do gravitational fields play an essential role in the structure of elementary particles?" Together with General Relativity's statement that gravity is not a pull but is a push caused by the curvature of space-time, a hypothesis for Earth's ocean tides was developed that does not solely depend on the Sun and Moon as Kepler and Newton believed. It also borrows from Galileo. The breakup of planets and asteroids by white dwarfs, neutron stars or black holes is popularly ascribed by today's science to tidal forces (gravitation emanating from the stellar body and having a greater effect on the near side of a planet/asteroid than the farthest side). Remembering Einstein's 1919 paper, it was apparent that my revised idea of tidal forces improves on current accounts because it views matter and mass as unified with space-time whose curvature is gravitation. Unification is a necessity for modern science's developing view of one united and entangled universe – expressed in the Unified Field Theory, the Theory of Everything, String theory and Loop Quantum Gravity. The writing of this article was also assisted by visualizing the gravitational fields forming space-time being themselves formed by a multitude of weak and presently undetectable gravitational waves. The final part of this article concludes that the section BITS AND TOPOLOGY will lead to the conclusions in ETERNAL LIFE, WORLD PEACE AND PHYSICS' UNIFICATION. The final part also compares cosmology to biological enzymes and biology's substrate of reacting "chemicals" - using virtual particles, hidden variables, gravitation, electromagnetism, electronics’ binary digits, plus topology’s Mobius strip and figure-8 Klein bottle. The product is mass - enzyme, substrate and product are all considered mathematical in nature. Also, gravitation and electromagnetism are united using logic and topology – showing there’s no need in this article for things like mathematical formalism, field equations or tensor calculus

    Characterizing Electrons in Primary and Secondary Magnetic Islands During Magnetic Reconnection

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    The physics underlying particle-in-cell simulations that are widely employed in studying plasma dynamics are reviewed. Results from a two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation of fully kinetic, undriven, collisionless magnetic reconnection are studied to compare the electrons in a primary magnetic island formed from an ion current sheet and the electrons in a secondary island formed in an electron current layer. We find that the secondary island is born with a strong out-of-plane current density due to localized peaks in the electron density and out-of-plane electron velocity; the secondary island retains these features as it evolves, distinguishing it from the primary island. For the first time distinct features in electron velocity distributions are established for both types of islands. These magnetic island comparisons and their connection to in situ Cluster observations are analysis techniques valuable to NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale mission to launch in 2014 which is capable of resolving the various types of electron distributions discussed in this thesis

    Gauge Field Preheating at the End of Inflation

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    Here we consider the possibility of preheating the Universe via the parametric amplification of a massless, U(1) abelian gauge field. We assume that the gauge field is coupled to the inflaton via a conformal factor with one free parameter. We present the results of high-resolution three-dimensional simulations of this model and show this mechanism efficiently preheats the Universe to a radiation-dominated final state.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure