491 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Burst Failure Robustness of Control Systems in the Fog

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    This paper investigates the robustness of control systems when a controller is run in a Fog environment. Control systems in the Fog are introduced and a discussion regarding relevant faults is presented. A preliminary investigation of the robustness properties of a MinSeg case study is presented and commented. The discussion is then used to outline future lines of research

    Graph measures and network robustness

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    Network robustness research aims at finding a measure to quantify network robustness. Once such a measure has been established, we will be able to compare networks, to improve existing networks and to design new networks that are able to continue to perform well when it is subject to failures or attacks. In this paper we survey a large amount of robustness measures on simple, undirected and unweighted graphs, in order to offer a tool for network administrators to evaluate and improve the robustness of their network. The measures discussed in this paper are based on the concepts of connectivity (including reliability polynomials), distance, betweenness and clustering. Some other measures are notions from spectral graph theory, more precisely, they are functions of the Laplacian eigenvalues. In addition to surveying these graph measures, the paper also contains a discussion of their functionality as a measure for topological network robustness

    On the maxbias curve of residual admissible robust regression estimates

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    The robustness properties of a regression estimate are throughly described by its maxbias curve. However, this function is difficult to compute, especially when the regressors are not elliptically distributed. In this paper, we propose a general method for computing maxbias curves, valid for a large number of robust regression estimates, namely, those estimates defined by residual admissible functionals. Our results are also useful to compute maxbias curves when the regressors are not elliptically distributed. \Ve provide several examples of application of the method which include S-, T-, and signed R-estimates. MM-estimates are also studied under a related, although slightly different, approach

    Study of two robust controls for an hydraulic actuator

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    Two robust control design methodologies are analyzed and compared in this article: the H-infinity control system design and the CRONE control system design. The aim of this article is to give practical considerations that will help a designer to choose between these two methodologies. The example of an electrohydraulic actuator is given in order to evaluate the implementation of each methodology and to compare the final performance

    Decision Tools Regarding Time Constraints Violation in Manufacturing Workshops

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    This paper is dedicated to the study of constraints violation in manufacturing workshops with time constraints. In such systems, every operation duration is included between minimal and maximal values. P-time Petri nets are used for modeling. A new theorem is introduced, constituting a decision tool about the occurrence of constraints violation at the level of a synchronization transition when various types of time disturbances occur. It shows the robustness properties of a manufacturing system on a range that may include delay and advance disturbances. The theoretical result is illustrated step by step on a given workshop. Two other lemmas are elaborated contributing to the study of the constraints violation problem. The final goal is to generalize the robustness property towards simultaneous occurrence of two delays at two points of the system, each having its own robustness range
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