7 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Techniques Used to Detect Copy-Move Tampering for Real-World Electronic Images

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    Evolution of high computational powerful computers, easy availability of several innovative editing software package and high-definition quality-based image capturing tools follows to effortless result in producing image forgery. Though, threats for security and misinterpretation of digital images and scenes have been observed to be happened since a long period and also a lot of research has been established in developing diverse techniques to authenticate the digital images. On the contrary, the research in this region is not limited to checking the validity of digital photos but also to exploring the specific signs of distortion or forgery. This analysis would not require additional prior information of intrinsic content of corresponding digital image or prior embedding of watermarks. In this paper, recent growth in the area of digital image tampering identification have been discussed along with benchmarking study has been shown with qualitative and quantitative results. With variety of methodologies and concepts, different applications of forgery detection have been discussed with corresponding outcomes especially using machine and deep learning methods in order to develop efficient automated forgery detection system. The future applications and development of advanced soft-computing based techniques in digital image forgery tampering has been discussed

    Comparative Analysis of Techniques Used to Detect Copy-Move Tampering for Real-World Electronic Images

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    Evolution of high computational powerful computers, easy availability of several innovative editing software package and high-definition quality-based image capturing tools follows to effortless result in producing image forgery. Though, threats for security and misinterpretation of digital images and scenes have been observed to be happened since a long period and also a lot of research has been established in developing diverse techniques to authenticate the digital images. On the contrary, the research in this region is not limited to checking the validity of digital photos but also to exploring the specific signs of distortion or forgery. This analysis would not require additional prior information of intrinsic content of corresponding digital image or prior embedding of watermarks. In this paper, recent growth in the area of digital image tampering identification have been discussed along with benchmarking study has been shown with qualitative and quantitative results. With variety of methodologies and concepts, different applications of forgery detection have been discussed with corresponding outcomes especially using machine and deep learning methods in order to develop efficient automated forgery detection system. The future applications and development of advanced soft-computing based techniques in digital image forgery tampering has been discussed

    A survey on passive digital video forgery detection techniques

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    Digital media devices such as smartphones, cameras, and notebooks are becoming increasingly popular. Through digital platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, and others, people share digital images, videos, and audio in large quantities. Especially in a crime scene investigation, digital evidence plays a crucial role in a courtroom. Manipulating video content with high-quality software tools is easier, which helps fabricate video content more efficiently. It is therefore necessary to develop an authenticating method for detecting and verifying manipulated videos. The objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the passive methods for detecting video forgeries. This survey has the primary goal of studying and analyzing the existing passive techniques for detecting video forgeries. First, an overview of the basic information needed to understand video forgery detection is presented. Later, it provides an in-depth understanding of the techniques used in the spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal domain analysis of videos, datasets used, and their limitations are reviewed. In the following sections, standard benchmark video forgery datasets and the generalized architecture for passive video forgery detection techniques are discussed in more depth. Finally, identifying loopholes in existing surveys so detecting forged videos much more effectively in the future are discussed

    Datasets, Clues and State-of-the-Arts for Multimedia Forensics: An Extensive Review

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    With the large chunks of social media data being created daily and the parallel rise of realistic multimedia tampering methods, detecting and localising tampering in images and videos has become essential. This survey focusses on approaches for tampering detection in multimedia data using deep learning models. Specifically, it presents a detailed analysis of benchmark datasets for malicious manipulation detection that are publicly available. It also offers a comprehensive list of tampering clues and commonly used deep learning architectures. Next, it discusses the current state-of-the-art tampering detection methods, categorizing them into meaningful types such as deepfake detection methods, splice tampering detection methods, copy-move tampering detection methods, etc. and discussing their strengths and weaknesses. Top results achieved on benchmark datasets, comparison of deep learning approaches against traditional methods and critical insights from the recent tampering detection methods are also discussed. Lastly, the research gaps, future direction and conclusion are discussed to provide an in-depth understanding of the tampering detection research arena

    Detection of intentionally made changes in image content

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    Digital images and video signals represent the most frequently transmitted contents. Namely, with the development of modern digital cameras and smartphones, the use of multimedia content increases every day. They are used in everyday life, for getting information and also as authenticated proofs or corroboratory evidence in different areas like: forensic studies, law enforcement, journalism and others...Multifraktalna analiza se pokazala kao dobar alat za analizu postojećih slika, kao i segmentaciju određenih regiona, izdvajanje ivica, uglova slike i slično. Kako kopirani i nalepljeni delovi imaju sličnu strukturu, može se primeniti multifraktalna analiza, koja u osnovi analizira samosličnost. Multifraktalni spektar daje globalni opis slike (ili, opštije, fenomena koji se ispituje). Vrednost Hölder-ovog eksponenta zavisi od položaja u strukturi i opisuje lokalnu regularnost signala. Naime, različiti objekti na slici imaju različite spektre, različite pozicije maksimuma, minimuma, prve nule itd, što se pokazalo kao interesantan skup različitih parametara pomoću kojih se mogu detektovati namerne promene na slikama..