26,910 research outputs found

    Wide baseline pose estimation from video with a density-based uncertainty model

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    International audienceRobust wide baseline pose estimation is an essential step in the deployment of smart camera networks. In this work, we highlight some current limitations of conventional strategies for relative pose estimation in difficult urban scenes. Then, we propose a solution which relies on an adaptive search of corresponding interest points in synchronized video streams which allows us to converge robustly toward a high-quality solution. The core idea of our algorithm is to build across the image space a nonstationary mapping of the local pose estimation uncertainty, based on the spatial distribution of interest points. Subsequently, the mapping guides the selection of new observations from the video stream in order to prioritize the coverage of areas of high uncertainty. With an additional step in the initial stage, the proposed algorithm may also be used for refining an existing pose estimation based on the video data; this mode allows for performing a data-driven self-calibration task for stereo rigs for which accuracy is critical, such as onboard medical or vehicular systems. We validate our method on three different datasets which cover typical scenarios in pose estimation. The results show a fast and robust convergence of the solution, with a significant improvement, compared to single image-based alternatives, of the RMSE of ground-truth matches, and of the maximum absolute error

    Camera pose estimation in unknown environments using a sequence of wide-baseline monocular images

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    In this paper, a feature-based technique for the camera pose estimation in a sequence of wide-baseline images has been proposed. Camera pose estimation is an important issue in many computer vision and robotics applications, such as, augmented reality and visual SLAM. The proposed method can track captured images taken by hand-held camera in room-sized workspaces with maximum scene depth of 3-4 meters. The system can be used in unknown environments with no additional information available from the outside world except in the first two images that are used for initialization. Pose estimation is performed using only natural feature points extracted and matched in successive images. In wide-baseline images unlike consecutive frames of a video stream, displacement of the feature points in consecutive images is notable and hence cannot be traced easily using patch-based methods. To handle this problem, a hybrid strategy is employed to obtain accurate feature correspondences. In this strategy, first initial feature correspondences are found using similarity of their descriptors and then outlier matchings are removed by applying RANSAC algorithm. Further, to provide a set of required feature matchings a mechanism based on sidelong result of robust estimator was employed. The proposed method is applied on indoor real data with images in VGA quality (640Ă—480 pixels) and on average the translation error of camera pose is less than 2 cm which indicates the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed approach

    Generic 3D Representation via Pose Estimation and Matching

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    Though a large body of computer vision research has investigated developing generic semantic representations, efforts towards developing a similar representation for 3D has been limited. In this paper, we learn a generic 3D representation through solving a set of foundational proxy 3D tasks: object-centric camera pose estimation and wide baseline feature matching. Our method is based upon the premise that by providing supervision over a set of carefully selected foundational tasks, generalization to novel tasks and abstraction capabilities can be achieved. We empirically show that the internal representation of a multi-task ConvNet trained to solve the above core problems generalizes to novel 3D tasks (e.g., scene layout estimation, object pose estimation, surface normal estimation) without the need for fine-tuning and shows traits of abstraction abilities (e.g., cross-modality pose estimation). In the context of the core supervised tasks, we demonstrate our representation achieves state-of-the-art wide baseline feature matching results without requiring apriori rectification (unlike SIFT and the majority of learned features). We also show 6DOF camera pose estimation given a pair local image patches. The accuracy of both supervised tasks come comparable to humans. Finally, we contribute a large-scale dataset composed of object-centric street view scenes along with point correspondences and camera pose information, and conclude with a discussion on the learned representation and open research questions.Comment: Published in ECCV16. See the project website http://3drepresentation.stanford.edu/ and dataset website https://github.com/amir32002/3D_Street_Vie

    Abnormal Infant Movements Classification With Deep Learning on Pose-Based Features

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    The pursuit of early diagnosis of cerebral palsy has been an active research area with some very promising results using tools such as the General Movements Assessment (GMA). In our previous work, we explored the feasibility of extracting pose-based features from video sequences to automatically classify infant body movement into two categories, normal and abnormal. The classification was based upon the GMA, which was carried out on the video data by an independent expert reviewer. In this paper we extend our previous work by extracting the normalised pose-based feature sets, Histograms of Joint Orientation 2D (HOJO2D) and Histograms of Joint Displacement 2D (HOJD2D), for use in new deep learning architectures. We explore the viability of using these pose-based feature sets for automated classification within a deep learning framework by carrying out extensive experiments on five new deep learning architectures. Experimental results show that the proposed fully connected neural network FCNet performed robustly across different feature sets. Furthermore, the proposed convolutional neural network architectures demonstrated excellent performance in handling features in higher dimensionality. We make the code, extracted features and associated GMA labels publicly available

    Deep Autoencoder for Combined Human Pose Estimation and body Model Upscaling

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    We present a method for simultaneously estimating 3D human pose and body shape from a sparse set of wide-baseline camera views. We train a symmetric convolutional autoencoder with a dual loss that enforces learning of a latent representation that encodes skeletal joint positions, and at the same time learns a deep representation of volumetric body shape. We harness the latter to up-scale input volumetric data by a factor of 4Ă—4 \times, whilst recovering a 3D estimate of joint positions with equal or greater accuracy than the state of the art. Inference runs in real-time (25 fps) and has the potential for passive human behaviour monitoring where there is a requirement for high fidelity estimation of human body shape and pose

    Video Registration in Egocentric Vision under Day and Night Illumination Changes

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    With the spread of wearable devices and head mounted cameras, a wide range of application requiring precise user localization is now possible. In this paper we propose to treat the problem of obtaining the user position with respect to a known environment as a video registration problem. Video registration, i.e. the task of aligning an input video sequence to a pre-built 3D model, relies on a matching process of local keypoints extracted on the query sequence to a 3D point cloud. The overall registration performance is strictly tied to the actual quality of this 2D-3D matching, and can degrade if environmental conditions such as steep changes in lighting like the ones between day and night occur. To effectively register an egocentric video sequence under these conditions, we propose to tackle the source of the problem: the matching process. To overcome the shortcomings of standard matching techniques, we introduce a novel embedding space that allows us to obtain robust matches by jointly taking into account local descriptors, their spatial arrangement and their temporal robustness. The proposal is evaluated using unconstrained egocentric video sequences both in terms of matching quality and resulting registration performance using different 3D models of historical landmarks. The results show that the proposed method can outperform state of the art registration algorithms, in particular when dealing with the challenges of night and day sequences

    PoseTrack: A Benchmark for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking

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    Human poses and motions are important cues for analysis of videos with people and there is strong evidence that representations based on body pose are highly effective for a variety of tasks such as activity recognition, content retrieval and social signal processing. In this work, we aim to further advance the state of the art by establishing "PoseTrack", a new large-scale benchmark for video-based human pose estimation and articulated tracking, and bringing together the community of researchers working on visual human analysis. The benchmark encompasses three competition tracks focusing on i) single-frame multi-person pose estimation, ii) multi-person pose estimation in videos, and iii) multi-person articulated tracking. To facilitate the benchmark and challenge we collect, annotate and release a new %large-scale benchmark dataset that features videos with multiple people labeled with person tracks and articulated pose. A centralized evaluation server is provided to allow participants to evaluate on a held-out test set. We envision that the proposed benchmark will stimulate productive research both by providing a large and representative training dataset as well as providing a platform to objectively evaluate and compare the proposed methods. The benchmark is freely accessible at https://posetrack.net.Comment: www.posetrack.ne
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