8 research outputs found

    Free trade and implications for hunger

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    Free Trade are the numerous forms of elimination of trade barriers among regions on the world. Usually they the intent to eliminate the trade barriers by the construction of trade agreements that usually allow various types of international economic integration agreements, namely, free trade agreements, customs unions, common markets, and economic unions, etc. This paper refers to the elimination of barriers among countries and regions on trade mainly in countries in development promote the economic development by bringing new countries with competitive advantages to the international commerce. Also, new innovative techniques of production foods are referred, as aquaponics production in order to contribute to zero hunger. As a consequence, the international supply of food generally increases at the beginning the prices decrease and allow to increase the demand of food, that means a construction, in ceteris paribus of a new market equilibrium higher than the initial that will contribute for food security and for the reduction of hunger around the world. This is also one of the Sustainable Goals from United Nations to achieve.N/

    Distribución de alimentos de los comités de vaso de leche: programa social desarrollado por la municipalidad provincial de San Martín

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      The research was proposed in order to design a proposal for a strategic model that contributes to the distribution of food by the glass of milk committees of the provincial municipality of San Martín, 2021. The research was of a basic type, with a descriptive and purposeful design . There are strategic decision-making processes that, according to the theory of organizational information processing, the vision of the company allows arguing procedural rationality and politicization as a negative effect on the internationalization of SMEs. The importance of the strategic intelligence of business leaders for the development and growth of the organization under their charge was evidenced. The globalization of food production was shown to influence the distribution structure of food supply chains. in modeling a sustainable food grain supply chain distribution system, they mentioned that food demand, environmental degradation, post-harvest losses and scarcity of resources encourage decision-makers in developing countries to integrate economic and environmental aspects in the design of the food distribution network. The most important problem of the competitiveness of Russian universities is the lack of strategic flexibility, which affects the entire university education system for Russia. Concluding that the strategic model is a powerful tool in the management of social programs that allows the fulfillment of the strategic objectives of any type of organization in an efficient way; In addition to the distribution of food, it plays a main role in generating development for society and the strategic model plays an important role in determining the distribution of food.La investigación se planteó con el fin de diseñar una propuesta de modelo estratégico que contribuya a la distribución de alimentos de los comités de vaso de leche de la municipalidad provincial de San Martín, 2021. La investigación fue de tipo básico, con un diseño descriptivo propositivo. Existen procesos de toma de decisiones estratégicas que, de acuerdo a la teoría del procesamiento de información organizacional, la visión de la empresa permite argumentar la racionalidad procedimental y politización como un efecto negativo en la internacionalización de las pymes. Se evidenció la importancia que tiene la inteligencia estratégica de los líderes empresariales para el desarrollo y crecimiento de su organización a su cargo. Se demostró que la globalización de la producción de los alimentos influye en la estructura de la distribución de las cadenas de suministros de alimentos. en modelización de un sistema de distribución de la cadena de suministro de cereales alimentarios sostenible, mencionaron que la demanda de los alimentos, la degradación ambiental, las perdidas postcosecha y la escasez de recursos alientan a los tomadores de decisiones de los países en desarrollo a integrar los aspectos económicos y ambientales en el diseño de la red de distribución de los alimentos. El problema más importante de la competitividad de las universidades rusas es la falta de flexibilidad estratégica, que afecta a todo el sistema de educación universitaria para Rusia. Concluyendo que el modelo estratégico es una herramienta poderosa en la gestión de programas sociales que permite el cumplimiento de los objetivos estratégicos de cualquier tipo de organización de una manera eficiente; además que la distribución de los alimentos, cumple una función principal en la generación de desarrollo para la sociedad y el modelo estratégico cumple un papel importante en la determinación de la distribución de alimentos

    Procedure for an effective quick and targeted distribution of product to final beneficiaries by a social food bank

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    Humanitarian food banks throughout Europe periodically deliver baskets of food products to vulnerable families. These entities occasionally receive large, unexpected quantities of perishable products, sometimes very specific (e.g., gluten-free, vegan), to be distributed urgently. The highly random nature of these arrivals has hindered their study in literature. The purpose of this work is to define a procedure for an effective, quick and targeted distribution to beneficiaries, of large quantities of sometimes very specific perishable products. The research methodology starts with an in-depth on-site analysis of a real food bank, interviews with managers and beneficiaries, and definition of the procedure requirements. Next, the procedure is designed, defining how to select the appropriate beneficiaries for the targeted distribution, using free and common-use tools to announce the product distribution and allow the collection request by interested beneficiaries. It is technically easy to use, taking into account that food banks’ workforce is composed mainly of volunteers, with a high turnover. Training material is prepared for volunteers and beneficiaries to overcome the digital gap. The procedure is validated with the network of small food banks El Rebost, from Terrassa (Spain): 129 lots of food products have been successfully delivered to targeted beneficiaries.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::2 - Fam zero::2.2 - Per a 2030, posar fi a totes les formes de malnutrició, incloent-hi aconseguir, a tot tardar el 2025, les fites convingudes internacionalment sobre el retard del creixement i l’emaciació dels menors de 5 anys, i abordar les necessitats de nutrició de les adolescents, dones embarassades i lactants, així com de les persones gransObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::2 - Fam zeroObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::2 - Fam zero::2.1 - Per a 2030, posar fi a la fam i assegurar l’accés de totes les persones, en particular de les persones pobres i en situacions vulnerables, inclosos els lactants, a una alimentació sana, nutritiva i suficient durant tot l’anyPostprint (published version

    Conditions under which adjustability lowers the cost of a robust linear program

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    The adjustable robust counterpart (ARC) of an uncertain linear program extends the robust counterpart (RC) by allowing some decision variables to adjust to the realizations of some uncertain parameters. The ARC may produce a less conservative and costly solution than the RC does but cases are known in which it does not. While the literature documents some examples of cost savings provided by adjustability (particularly affine adjustability), it is not straightforward to determine in advance whether they will materialize. The affine adjustable robust counterpart, while having a tractable structure, still may be much larger than the original problem. We establish conditions under which affine adjustability may lower the optimal cost with a numerical condition that can be checked in small representative instances. As demonstrated in applications, the conditions provide insights into constraint relationships that allow adjustability to have its intended effect

    Conditions under which adjustability lowers the cost of a robust linear program

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    The adjustable robust counterpart (ARC) of an uncertain linear program extends the robust counterpart (RC) by allowing some decision variables to adjust to the realizations of some uncertain parameters. The ARC may product a less conservative solution than the RC does but cases are known in which it does not. While the literature documents some examples of cost savings provided by adjustability (particularly affine adjustability), it is not straightforward to determine in advance whether they will materialize. The affine adjustable robust counterpart, while having a tractable structure, still may be much larger than the original problem. We establish conditions under which affine adjustability may lover the optimal cost with a numerical condition that can be checked in small representative instances. As demonstrated in applications, the conditions provide insights into constraint relationships that allow adjustability to make a difference

    Nature-inspired Methods for Stochastic, Robust and Dynamic Optimization

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    Nature-inspired algorithms have a great popularity in the current scientific community, being the focused scope of many research contributions in the literature year by year. The rationale behind the acquired momentum by this broad family of methods lies on their outstanding performance evinced in hundreds of research fields and problem instances. This book gravitates on the development of nature-inspired methods and their application to stochastic, dynamic and robust optimization. Topics covered by this book include the design and development of evolutionary algorithms, bio-inspired metaheuristics, or memetic methods, with empirical, innovative findings when used in different subfields of mathematical optimization, such as stochastic, dynamic, multimodal and robust optimization, as well as noisy optimization and dynamic and constraint satisfaction problems