1,208 research outputs found

    Computing a Nonnegative Matrix Factorization -- Provably

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    In the Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) problem we are given an n×mn \times m nonnegative matrix MM and an integer r>0r > 0. Our goal is to express MM as AWA W where AA and WW are nonnegative matrices of size n×rn \times r and r×mr \times m respectively. In some applications, it makes sense to ask instead for the product AWAW to approximate MM -- i.e. (approximately) minimize \norm{M - AW}_F where \norm{}_F denotes the Frobenius norm; we refer to this as Approximate NMF. This problem has a rich history spanning quantum mechanics, probability theory, data analysis, polyhedral combinatorics, communication complexity, demography, chemometrics, etc. In the past decade NMF has become enormously popular in machine learning, where AA and WW are computed using a variety of local search heuristics. Vavasis proved that this problem is NP-complete. We initiate a study of when this problem is solvable in polynomial time: 1. We give a polynomial-time algorithm for exact and approximate NMF for every constant rr. Indeed NMF is most interesting in applications precisely when rr is small. 2. We complement this with a hardness result, that if exact NMF can be solved in time (nm)o(r)(nm)^{o(r)}, 3-SAT has a sub-exponential time algorithm. This rules out substantial improvements to the above algorithm. 3. We give an algorithm that runs in time polynomial in nn, mm and rr under the separablity condition identified by Donoho and Stodden in 2003. The algorithm may be practical since it is simple and noise tolerant (under benign assumptions). Separability is believed to hold in many practical settings. To the best of our knowledge, this last result is the first example of a polynomial-time algorithm that provably works under a non-trivial condition on the input and we believe that this will be an interesting and important direction for future work.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figure

    A Nonconvex Splitting Method for Symmetric Nonnegative Matrix Factorization: Convergence Analysis and Optimality

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    Symmetric nonnegative matrix factorization (SymNMF) has important applications in data analytics problems such as document clustering, community detection and image segmentation. In this paper, we propose a novel nonconvex variable splitting method for solving SymNMF. The proposed algorithm is guaranteed to converge to the set of Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) points of the nonconvex SymNMF problem. Furthermore, it achieves a global sublinear convergence rate. We also show that the algorithm can be efficiently implemented in parallel. Further, sufficient conditions are provided which guarantee the global and local optimality of the obtained solutions. Extensive numerical results performed on both synthetic and real data sets suggest that the proposed algorithm converges quickly to a local minimum solution.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (to appear

    Bi-Objective Nonnegative Matrix Factorization: Linear Versus Kernel-Based Models

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    Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is a powerful class of feature extraction techniques that has been successfully applied in many fields, namely in signal and image processing. Current NMF techniques have been limited to a single-objective problem in either its linear or nonlinear kernel-based formulation. In this paper, we propose to revisit the NMF as a multi-objective problem, in particular a bi-objective one, where the objective functions defined in both input and feature spaces are taken into account. By taking the advantage of the sum-weighted method from the literature of multi-objective optimization, the proposed bi-objective NMF determines a set of nondominated, Pareto optimal, solutions instead of a single optimal decomposition. Moreover, the corresponding Pareto front is studied and approximated. Experimental results on unmixing real hyperspectral images confirm the efficiency of the proposed bi-objective NMF compared with the state-of-the-art methods