189 research outputs found

    Light Field Depth Estimation Based on Stitched-EPI

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    Depth estimation is one of the most essential problems for light field applications. In EPI-based methods, the slope computation usually suffers low accuracy due to the discretization error and low angular resolution. In addition, recent methods work well in most regions but often struggle with blurry edges over occluded regions and ambiguity over texture-less regions. To address these challenging issues, we first propose the stitched-EPI and half-stitched-EPI algorithms for non-occluded and occluded regions, respectively. The algorithms improve slope computation by shifting and concatenating lines in different EPIs but related to the same point in 3D scene, while the half-stitched-EPI only uses non-occluded part of lines. Combined with the joint photo-consistency cost proposed by us, the more accurate and robust depth map can be obtained in both occluded and non-occluded regions. Furthermore, to improve the depth estimation in texture-less regions, we propose a depth propagation strategy that determines their depth from the edge to interior, from accurate regions to coarse regions. Experimental and ablation results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves accurate and robust depth maps in all regions effectively.Comment: 15 page

    Unsupervised Light Field Depth Estimation via Multi-view Feature Matching with Occlusion Prediction

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    Depth estimation from light field (LF) images is a fundamental step for some applications. Recently, learning-based methods have achieved higher accuracy and efficiency than the traditional methods. However, it is costly to obtain sufficient depth labels for supervised training. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised framework to estimate depth from LF images. First, we design a disparity estimation network (DispNet) with a coarse-to-fine structure to predict disparity maps from different view combinations by performing multi-view feature matching to learn the correspondences more effectively. As occlusions may cause the violation of photo-consistency, we design an occlusion prediction network (OccNet) to predict the occlusion maps, which are used as the element-wise weights of photometric loss to solve the occlusion issue and assist the disparity learning. With the disparity maps estimated by multiple input combinations, we propose a disparity fusion strategy based on the estimated errors with effective occlusion handling to obtain the final disparity map. Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves superior performance on both the dense and sparse LF images, and also has better generalization ability to the real-world LF images

    VommaNet: an End-to-End Network for Disparity Estimation from Reflective and Texture-less Light Field Images

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    The precise combination of image sensor and micro-lens array enables lenslet light field cameras to record both angular and spatial information of incoming light, therefore, one can calculate disparity and depth from light field images. In turn, 3D models of the recorded objects can be recovered, which is a great advantage over other imaging system. However, reflective and texture-less areas in light field images have complicated conditions, making it hard to correctly calculate disparity with existing algorithms. To tackle this problem, we introduce a novel end-to-end network VommaNet to retrieve multi-scale features from reflective and texture-less regions for accurate disparity estimation. Meanwhile, our network has achieved similar or better performance in other regions for both synthetic light field images and real-world data compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms. Currently, we achieve the best score for mean squared error (MSE) on HCI 4D Light Field Benchmark

    3D Face Reconstruction from Light Field Images: A Model-free Approach

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    Reconstructing 3D facial geometry from a single RGB image has recently instigated wide research interest. However, it is still an ill-posed problem and most methods rely on prior models hence undermining the accuracy of the recovered 3D faces. In this paper, we exploit the Epipolar Plane Images (EPI) obtained from light field cameras and learn CNN models that recover horizontal and vertical 3D facial curves from the respective horizontal and vertical EPIs. Our 3D face reconstruction network (FaceLFnet) comprises a densely connected architecture to learn accurate 3D facial curves from low resolution EPIs. To train the proposed FaceLFnets from scratch, we synthesize photo-realistic light field images from 3D facial scans. The curve by curve 3D face estimation approach allows the networks to learn from only 14K images of 80 identities, which still comprises over 11 Million EPIs/curves. The estimated facial curves are merged into a single pointcloud to which a surface is fitted to get the final 3D face. Our method is model-free, requires only a few training samples to learn FaceLFnet and can reconstruct 3D faces with high accuracy from single light field images under varying poses, expressions and lighting conditions. Comparison on the BU-3DFE and BU-4DFE datasets show that our method reduces reconstruction errors by over 20% compared to recent state of the art

    EPINET: A Fully-Convolutional Neural Network Using Epipolar Geometry for Depth from Light Field Images

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    Light field cameras capture both the spatial and the angular properties of light rays in space. Due to its property, one can compute the depth from light fields in uncontrolled lighting environments, which is a big advantage over active sensing devices. Depth computed from light fields can be used for many applications including 3D modelling and refocusing. However, light field images from hand-held cameras have very narrow baselines with noise, making the depth estimation difficult. any approaches have been proposed to overcome these limitations for the light field depth estimation, but there is a clear trade-off between the accuracy and the speed in these methods. In this paper, we introduce a fast and accurate light field depth estimation method based on a fully-convolutional neural network. Our network is designed by considering the light field geometry and we also overcome the lack of training data by proposing light field specific data augmentation methods. We achieved the top rank in the HCI 4D Light Field Benchmark on most metrics, and we also demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on real-world light-field images.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2018, Total 10 page
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