4 research outputs found

    Robust Techniques for Bearing Estimation in Contaminated Gaussian Noise

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    The problem of estimating directions-of-arrival (DOA) of radiating sources from measurements provided by a passive array of sensors is frequently encountered in radar, sonar, radio astronomy and seismology. In this study various robust methods for the DOA estimation problem are developed, where the term robustness refers to insensitivity against small deviation in the underlying Gaussian noise assumption. The first method utilizes an eigenvector method and robust reconstruction of the correlation matrix by time series modeling of the array data; Secondly, a decentralized processing scheme is considered for geographically distributed array sites. The method provides reliable estimates even when a few of the subarray sites are malfunctioning. The above two techniques are useful for narrow band and incoherent sources. The third robust method, which utilizes Radon Transform, is capable of handling both the narrow band and wide band sources as well as the incoherent or coherent sources. The technique is also Useful in situations of very low SNR and colored noise with unknown correlation structure. The fourth method is an efficient narrow band robust maximum likelihood DOA estimation algorithm which is capable of handling coherent signals as well as the single snapshot cases. Furthermore, relationships between eigenvector methods and a ML DOA estimation, where the source signals are treated as sample functions of Gaussian random processes, are investigate

    Array and multichannel signal processing using nonparametric statistics

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    In array signal processing a group of sensors located at distinct spatial locations is deployed to measure a propagating wavefield. The multichannel output is then processed to provide information about parameters of interest. Application areas include smart antennas in communications, radar, sonar and biomedicine. When deriving array signal processing algorithms the noise is typically modeled as a white Gaussian random process. A shortcoming of the estimation procedures derived under Gaussian assumption is that they are extremely sensitive to deviations from the assumed model, i.e. they are not robust. In real-world applications the assumption of white Gaussian noise is not always valid. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in estimation methods which work reliably in both Gaussian and non-Gaussian noise. In this thesis, new statistical procedures for array and multichannel signal processing are developed. In the area of array signal processing, the work concentrates on high-resolution subspace-based Direction Of Arrival (DOA) estimation and estimation of the number of source signals. Robust methods for DOA estimation and estimation of the number of source signals are derived. Spatial-smoothing based extensions of the techniques to deal with coherent signals are also derived. The methods developed are based on multivariate nonparametric statistics, in particular sign and rank covariance matrices. It is shown that these statistics may be used to obtain convergent estimates of the signal and noise subspaces for a large family of symmetric noise distributions. Simulations reveal that the techniques developed exhibit near-optimal performance when the noise distribution is Gaussian and are highly reliable if the noise is non-Gaussian. Multivariate nonparametric statistics are also applied to frequency estimation and estimation of the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix. Theoretical justification for the techniques is shown and their robust performance is illustrated in simulations.reviewe

    On the Development of Distributed Estimation Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have lately witnessed tremendous demand, as evidenced by the increasing number of day-to-day applications. The sensor nodes aim at estimating the parameters of their corresponding adaptive filters to achieve the desired response for the event of interest. Some of the burning issues related to linear parameter estimation in WSNs have been addressed in this thesis mainly focusing on reduction of communication overhead and latency, and robustness to noise. The first issue deals with the high communication overhead and latency in distributed parameter estimation techniques such as diffusion least mean squares (DLMS) and incremental least mean squares (ILMS) algorithms. Subsequently the poor performance demonstrated by these distributed techniques in presence of impulsive noise has been dealt separately. The issue of source localization i.e. estimation of source bearing in WSNs, where the existing decentralized algorithms fail to perform satisfactorily, has been resolved in this thesis. Further the same issue has been dealt separately independent of nodal connectivity in WSNs. This thesis proposes two algorithms namely the block diffusion least mean squares (BDLMS) and block incremental least mean squares (BILMS) algorithms for reducing the communication overhead in WSNs. The theoretical and simulation studies demonstrate that BDLMS and BILMS algorithms provide the same performances as that of DLMS and ILMS, but with significant reduction in communication overheads per node. The latency also reduces by a factor as high as the block-size used in the proposed algorithms. With an aim to develop robustness towards impulsive noise, this thesis proposes three robust distributed algorithms i.e. saturation nonlinearity incremental LMS (SNILMS), saturation nonlinearity diffusion LMS (SNDLMS) and Wilcoxon norm diffusion LMS (WNDLMS) algorithms. The steady-state analysis of SNILMS algorithm is carried out based on spatial-temporal energy conservation principle. The theoretical and simulation results show that these algorithms are robust to impulsive noise. The SNDLMS algorithm is found to provide better performance than SNILMS and WNDLMS algorithms. In order to develop a distributed source localization technique, a novel diffusion maximum likelihood (ML) bearing estimation algorithm is proposed in this thesis which needs less communication overhead than the centralized algorithms. After forming a random array with its neighbours, each sensor node estimates the source bearing by optimizing the ML function locally using a diffusion particle swarm optimization algorithm. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm performs better than the centralized multiple signal classification (MUSIC) algorithm in terms of probability of resolution and root mean square error. Further, in order to make the proposed algorithm independent of nodal connectivity, a distributed in-cluster bearing estimation technique is proposed. Each cluster of sensors estimates the source bearing by optimizing the ML function locally in cooperation with other clusters. The simulation results demonstrate improved performance of the proposed method in comparison to the centralized and decentralized MUSIC algorithms, and the distributed in-network algorith

    Channel Prediction for Mobile MIMO Wireless Communication Systems

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    Temporal variation and frequency selectivity of wireless channels constitute a major drawback to the attainment of high gains in capacity and reliability offered by multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver of a mobile communication system. Limited feedback and adaptive transmission schemes such as adaptive modulation and coding, antenna selection, power allocation and scheduling have the potential to provide the platform of attaining the high transmission rate, capacity and QoS requirements in current and future wireless communication systems. Theses schemes require both the transmitter and receiver to have accurate knowledge of Channel State Information (CSI). In Time Division Duplex (TDD) systems, CSI at the transmitter can be obtained using channel reciprocity. In Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) systems, however, CSI is typically estimated at the receiver and fed back to the transmitter via a low-rate feedback link. Due to the inherent time delays in estimation, processing and feedback, the CSI obtained from the receiver may become outdated before its actual usage at the transmitter. This results in significant performance loss, especially in high mobility environments. There is therefore a need to extrapolate the varying channel into the future, far enough to account for the delay and mitigate the performance degradation. The research in this thesis investigates parametric modeling and prediction of mobile MIMO channels for both narrowband and wideband systems. The focus is on schemes that utilize the additional spatial information offered by multiple sampling of the wave-field in multi-antenna systems to aid channel prediction. The research has led to the development of several algorithms which can be used for long range extrapolation of time-varyingchannels. Based on spatial channel modeling approaches, simple and efficient methods for the extrapolation of narrowband MIMO channels are proposed. Various extensions were also developed. These include methods for wideband channels, transmission using polarized antenna arrays, and mobile-to-mobile systems. Performance bounds on the estimation and prediction error are vital when evaluating channel estimation and prediction schemes. For this purpose, analytical expressions for bound on the estimation and prediction of polarized and non-polarized MIMO channels are derived. Using the vector formulation of the Cramer Rao bound for function of parameters, readily interpretable closed-form expressions for the prediction error bounds were found for cases with Uniform Linear Array (ULA) and Uniform Planar Array (UPA). The derived performance bounds are very simple and so provide insight into system design. The performance of the proposed algorithms was evaluated using standardized channel models. The effects of the temporal variation of multipath parameters on prediction is studied and methods for jointly tracking the channel parameters are developed. The algorithms presented can be utilized to enhance the performance of limited feedback and adaptive MIMO transmission schemes