4 research outputs found

    Review of baseline studies on energy policies and indicators in Malaysia for future sustainable energy development

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    Malaysia's framework for energy development was established in the early 1970s. Henceforth, many successive policies were introduced as potential resources for electricity generation and utilization. Currently, as a signatory to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Malaysia is sparing no effort to comply with the policy to meet the challenges of mitigating over-dependence on fossil fuels, reducing carbon levels, and achieving sustainable national development. This paper reviewsthe baseline studies on electrical energy policies and the measurement indicators used in Malaysia's electric power system. This research involves a comprehensive survey of electrical energy policies in Malaysia that focus on issues pertaining to energy supply, utilization, its environmental impact and considerations, renewable energy (RE) policies, production and consumption, energy efficiency, and feed-in tariffs. Fourteen energy indicators for sustainable development in Malaysia were investigated through the identification of energy policies in significant areas, such as reliability, safety, adequacy and cost-effectiveness of energy supply; increasing energy efficiency; minimizing environmental impact; and enhancing quality of life in terms of social well-being. The policies and the indicators are classified into different sustainable dimensions and summarized in tables along with the corresponding key references. In this study, future energy planning and options, especially in nuclear and RE programs, as well as the conflictbetweenthem,areillustratedthroughtheoverallperformancerelativetotargetsandbenchmarksfor past and future projections up to the year 2030. This review seeks to examine the past, present, and future policies and indicators to provide a sufficient overview of Malaysian energy policies for optimizing sustainable development. The goal is for this review to lead to increased efforts to accommodate the increasing demand for the management and utilization of RE, promote energy efficiency, and improve performance in achieving sustainable national developmen

    Técnicas de control robusto basado en modelo de referencia e inyección de la corriente de carga aplicadas a rectificadores monofásicos con corrección activa del factor de potencia

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    La proliferación en los últimos años de equipos electrónicos conectados a redes de distribución eléctrica, ha provocado la aparición de standards internacionales, como por ejemplo la norma EN 68000-3-2, que regulan la distorsión armónica de baja frecuencia que dichos equipos pueden introducir en la red. En este contexto, los rectificadores con alto factor de potencia constituyen una de las soluciones más adecuadas para reducir la distorsión armónica de la corriente consumida de la red eléctrica. En su versión monofásica y cuando no se requiere devolver energía a la red, los rectificadores con alto factor de potencia suelen implementarse mediante la asociación en cascada de un rectificador pasivo (diodos) y un convertidor dc-dc de tipo boost. Un lazo de regulación de corriente se encarga de mantener la distorsión de la corriente de entrada próxima a cero, recibiendo una señal de consigna de un lazo de regulación de la tensión de salida. Este último lazo se encarga de mantener la tensión de salida cercana a un cierto valor de referencia. El problema más documentado en la literatura al respecto es la pobre respuesta dinámica del lazo de regulación de tensión, debido a que dicho lazo debe ser extremadamente lento para no producir distorsión en la corriente de entrada. En esta tesis se propone la aplicación de las técnicas de control Robust Model Following (RMF) y Load Injection Current (LI2) al diseño del lazo de regulación de la tensión de salida. Dichas técnicas permiten reducir considerablemente la impedancia de salida del convertidor en lazo cerrado, sin que se requiera aumentar la velocidad de respuesta del lazo de tensión. En consecuencia, mejoran de forma notable la respuesta dinámica del convertidor sin distorsionar la corriente de entrada. Una ventaja adicional de las técnicas propuestas es su bajo coste de implementación, lo que las convierte en una alternativa muy interesante para ser implementadas en equipos industriales.Benavent García, JM. (2010). Técnicas de control robusto basado en modelo de referencia e inyección de la corriente de carga aplicadas a rectificadores monofásicos con corrección activa del factor de potencia [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8684Palanci

    High Efficiency Power Converters for Vehicular Applications

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    The use of power electronics in the electrical propulsion systems leads to the optimal and efficient utilization of the traction motors and the energy sources (batteries and/or fuel cells) through the recourse to suitable power converters and their proper control. Power electronics is also used for implementing the multiple conversions of the energy delivered by the sources to feed the various loads, most of them requiring different waveforms of voltage (ac or dc) and/or different levels of voltage. This work focuses on the solutions aimed at improving the efficiency of power converters for vehicular applications, which is of great importance because of the limited amount of energy that can be stored in the electric vehicles. The study takes into consideration both the traction applications and the battery charging applications whether it is done by conductive means or by wireless power transfer (WPT) systems. The improvement in traction drive efficiency results in an increment of the drivetrain efficiency of the vehicle, leading to an extension in the driving range, while the employment of efficient power converters is required to charge batteries with increasingly large capacity. The losses of power devices are even more significant when they operate at high frequencies to compact the size of the filter elements and/or the transformers. The losses of power devices can be minimized by making the commutation soft or by replacing the conventional devices with the new generation devices based on wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductor materials. In this work, the properties of the WBG semiconductor materials are illustrated and the operation of the devices based on these materials are analyzed to grasp better their characteristics and performance. The losses of individual devices (i.e. diode, IGBT, MOSFET) as well as the operation of power converters for various applications are examined in detail. To evaluate the performance of the SiC devices in electric vehicle applications, an AC traction drive for the propulsion of a typical compact C-class electric car has been considered. Two versions of the inverter have been investigated, one built up with conventional Si IGBTs and the other one with SiC MOSFETs, and the losses in the semiconductor devices of the two versions have been found along the standard New European Driving Cycle (NEDC). By comparing the results, it is emerged that the usage of the SiC MOSFETs reduces the losses in the traction inverter of about 5%, yielding an equal increase in the car range. To complete the study, calculation of the efficiency has been extended to the whole traction drive, including the traction motor and the gear. Afterwards, a power factor correction (PFC) circuit, which is commonly used to mitigate the distortion in line current, has been studied. The study is started by considering the basic and the interleaved PFC configurations and by defining their circuit parameters. After selecting the interleaved configuration, the magnitude of voltages and currents in the PFC rectifier has been determined and the values obtained have been verified by a power circuit simulation software. The digital signal processing (DSP) has been also studied as it is used for the control operation of the PFC. At last, a prototype of PFC rectifier with interleaved configuration is designed. The design process and the specification of the components are described in brief. A prototype of synchronous rectifier (SR) is designed for the output stage of a WPT system. With respect to conventional rectifiers, in SRs the diodes are replaced by MOSFETs with their antiparallel diodes. MOSFETs are bidirectional devices that conduct with a low voltage drop. During the dead time, the diodes in antiparallel to the MOSFETs are conducting. At the end of dead-time, signals are applied at the MOSFET gates that make conducting all along the remaining period, thus reducing the conduction losses. The dead-time length is optimized by using fast switching devices based on SiC semiconductor materials. The prototype is designed and tested at the line frequency. The experimental results obtained from the prototype corroborate both the analytical results and the simulation results. As SR exhibits is working with high efficiency at the line frequency, it is expected that at the higher operating frequencies of the WPT systems, the performance of SR will be even better. A DC-DC isolated power converters used to setup the battery charger through wire system are studied. Two topologies of DC-DC converters, i.e. Dual Active Bridge (DAB) and Single Active Bridge (SAB) converters, are considered. For both the topologies operation are described at steady state. For SAB converter, two possible modes of operation are examined: discontinuous current conduction (DCM) and continuous current conduction (CCM). Soft-switching operation of both SAB and DAB converters, obtained by the insertion of auxiliary capacitors, is analyzed. Moreover, the soft-switching operating zone for the two converters are found as a function of the their output voltages and currents. Finally, the comparative analysis of soft-switching operation of SAB versus DAB converter is presented. The thesis work has been carried out at the Laboratory of “Electric Systems for Automation and Automotive” headed by Prof. Giuseppe Buja. The laboratory belongs to the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Padova, Italy

    Control robusto basado en modelo de referencia de convertidores multinivel. Aplicación a filtros activos en conexión paralelo para corrección de armónicos en redes eléctricas de media tensión

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    En esta Tesis se presentan dos aportaciones novedosas principales. La primera es la propuesta del control Robusto basado en modelo de referencia (RMF) para regular las corrientes de salida y la tensión del Bus DC de un convertidor NPC de tres niveles, trabajando como Filtro Activo Paralelo (FAP) en redes de media tensión. La segunda aportación importante de la tesis es el desarrollo de nuevos modelos de pequeña señal del convertidor NPC-FAP de tres niveles, que permiten diseñar con mayor precisión tanto los reguladores de corriente como los reguladores de tensión de Bus de continua (DC) del convertidor. Se ha propuesto una metodología de modelado de convertidores trifásicos en el sistema de referencia síncrono dq0, y se han desarrollado los modelos de pequeña y gran señal del convertidor NPC de tres niveles, para una aplicación de filtro activo paralelo a tres hilos. Se han obtenido las funciones de transferencia necesarias para el control lineal del convertidor, deduciendo las funciones de transferencia necesarias para el control de la corriente inyectada por el filtro y de la tensión de Bus DC del convertidor. Se ha realizado un estudio de nuevas alternativas para el control de las corrientes del FAP y de la tensión del Bus DC. Tras analizar el control convencional PI, se propone un nuevo control robusto RMF, aplicando ambos controles tanto a la regulación de armónicos de corriente como al control de la tensión de Bus DC. Se analiza también un "controlador resonante" basado en Integradores Generalizados (PIS) aplicado al control de corriente del convertidor. En todos los casos se desarrolla una metodología de diseño de los controladores, tanto en tiempo continuo como en tiempo discreto, y se lleva a cabo un análisis comparativo entre los distintos reguladores propuestos, tanto de corriente como de tensión. Se llega a la conclusión de que la mejor opción para el lazo de corriente es el controlador PIS, mientras que el controlador RMF es el óptimo para el lazoMunduate Tellería, A. (2007). Control robusto basado en modelo de referencia de convertidores multinivel. Aplicación a filtros activos en conexión paralelo para corrección de armónicos en redes eléctricas de media tensión [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/1942Palanci