6,223 research outputs found

    Tight Bounds for Maximal Identifiability of Failure Nodes in Boolean Network Tomography

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    We study maximal identifiability, a measure recently introduced in Boolean Network Tomography to characterize networks' capability to localize failure nodes in end-to-end path measurements. We prove tight upper and lower bounds on the maximal identifiability of failure nodes for specific classes of network topologies, such as trees and dd-dimensional grids, in both directed and undirected cases. We prove that directed dd-dimensional grids with support nn have maximal identifiability dd using 2d(n1)+22d(n-1)+2 monitors; and in the undirected case we show that 2d2d monitors suffice to get identifiability of d1d-1. We then study identifiability under embeddings: we establish relations between maximal identifiability, embeddability and graph dimension when network topologies are model as DAGs. Our results suggest the design of networks over NN nodes with maximal identifiability Ω(logN)\Omega(\log N) using O(logN)O(\log N) monitors and a heuristic to boost maximal identifiability on a given network by simulating dd-dimensional grids. We provide positive evidence of this heuristic through data extracted by exact computation of maximal identifiability on examples of small real networks

    A network tomography approach for traffic monitoring in smart cities

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    Various urban planning and managing activities required by a Smart City are feasible because of traffic monitoring. As such, the thesis proposes a network tomography-based approach that can be applied to road networks to achieve a cost-efficient, flexible, and scalable monitor deployment. Due to the algebraic approach of network tomography, the selection of monitoring intersections can be solved through the use of matrices, with its rows representing paths between two intersections, and its columns representing links in the road network. Because the goal of the algorithm is to provide a cost-efficient, minimum error, and high coverage monitor set, this problem can be translated into an optimization problem over a matroid, which can be solved efficiently by a greedy algorithm. Also as supplementary, the approach is capable of handling noisy measurements and a measurement-to-path matching. The approach proves a low error and a 90% coverage with only 20% nodes selected as monitors in a downtown San Francisco, CA topology --Abstract, page iv

    Active Learning of Multiple Source Multiple Destination Topologies

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    We consider the problem of inferring the topology of a network with MM sources and NN receivers (hereafter referred to as an MM-by-NN network), by sending probes between the sources and receivers. Prior work has shown that this problem can be decomposed into two parts: first, infer smaller subnetwork components (i.e., 11-by-NN's or 22-by-22's) and then merge these components to identify the MM-by-NN topology. In this paper, we focus on the second part, which had previously received less attention in the literature. In particular, we assume that a 11-by-NN topology is given and that all 22-by-22 components can be queried and learned using end-to-end probes. The problem is which 22-by-22's to query and how to merge them with the given 11-by-NN, so as to exactly identify the 22-by-NN topology, and optimize a number of performance metrics, including the number of queries (which directly translates into measurement bandwidth), time complexity, and memory usage. We provide a lower bound, N2\lceil \frac{N}{2} \rceil, on the number of 22-by-22's required by any active learning algorithm and propose two greedy algorithms. The first algorithm follows the framework of multiple hypothesis testing, in particular Generalized Binary Search (GBS), since our problem is one of active learning, from 22-by-22 queries. The second algorithm is called the Receiver Elimination Algorithm (REA) and follows a bottom-up approach: at every step, it selects two receivers, queries the corresponding 22-by-22, and merges it with the given 11-by-NN; it requires exactly N1N-1 steps, which is much less than all (N2)\binom{N}{2} possible 22-by-22's. Simulation results over synthetic and realistic topologies demonstrate that both algorithms correctly identify the 22-by-NN topology and are near-optimal, but REA is more efficient in practice

    PAINT: Path Aware Iterative Network Tomography for Link Metric Inference

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