8 research outputs found

    Robust adaptive motion/force tracking control of uncertain nonholonomic mechanical systems

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    The position/force tracking control of Lagrangian mechanical systems with classical nonholonomic constraints is addressed in this paper. The main feature of this paper is that 1) control strategy is developed at the dynamic level and can deal with model uncertainties in the mechanical systems; 2) the proposed control law ensures the desired trajectory tracking of the configuration state of the closed-loop system; 3) the tracking error of constraint force is bounded with a controllable bound; and 4) a global asymptotic stability result is obtained in the Lyapunov sense. A detailed numerical example is presented to illustrate the developed method

    Robust adaptive motion/force tracking control of uncertain nonholonomic mechanical systems

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    The position/force tracking control of Lagrangian mechanical systems with classical nonholonomic constraints is addressed in this paper. The main feature of this paper is that 1) control strategy is developed at the dynamic level and can deal with model uncertainties in the mechanical systems; 2) the proposed control law ensures the desired trajectory tracking of the configuration state of the closed-loop system; 3) the tracking error of constraint force is bounded with a controllable bound; and 4) a global asymptotic stability result is obtained in the Lyapunov sense. A detailed numerical example is presented to illustrate the developed method

    Perception Based Navigation for Underactuated Robots.

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    Robot autonomous navigation is a very active field of robotics. In this thesis we propose a hierarchical approach to a class of underactuated robots by composing a collection of local controllers with well understood domains of attraction. We start by addressing the problem of robot navigation with nonholonomic motion constraints and perceptual cues arising from onboard visual servoing in partially engineered environments. We propose a general hybrid procedure that adapts to the constrained motion setting the standard feedback controller arising from a navigation function in the fully actuated case. This is accomplished by switching back and forth between moving "down" and "across" the associated gradient field toward the stable manifold it induces in the constrained dynamics. Guaranteed to avoid obstacles in all cases, we provide conditions under which the new procedure brings initial configurations to within an arbitrarily small neighborhood of the goal. We summarize with simulation results on a sample of visual servoing problems with a few different perceptual models. We document the empirical effectiveness of the proposed algorithm by reporting the results of its application to outdoor autonomous visual registration experiments with the robot RHex guided by engineered beacons. Next we explore the possibility of adapting the resulting first order hybrid feedback controller to its dynamical counterpart by introducing tunable damping terms in the control law. Just as gradient controllers for standard quasi-static mechanical systems give rise to generalized "PD-style" controllers for dynamical versions of those standard systems, we show that it is possible to construct similar "lifts" in the presence of non-holonomic constraints notwithstanding the necessary absence of point attractors. Simulation results corroborate the proposed lift. Finally we present an implementation of a fully autonomous navigation application for a legged robot. The robot adapts its leg trajectory parameters by recourse to a discrete gradient descent algorithm, while managing its experiments and outcome measurements autonomously via the navigation visual servoing algorithms proposed in this thesis.Ph.D.Electrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/58412/1/glopes_1.pd

    Interaction Control of Parallel Robots Based on Skill Primitives

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    Roboter sind als universell einsetzbare Werkzeuge unverzichtbarer Bestandteil des weiterhin bestehenden Trends hin zur Automatisierung der Produktion. Die vorliegende Dissertation leistet einen Beitrag das besondere Potential von Parallelrobotern, das diese gegenĂŒber den hauptsĂ€chlich in der Industrie eingesetzten seriellen Robotern besitzen, zu nutzen. In der Arbeit wird eine umfassendes Kontaktregelungskonzept fĂŒr Parallelroboter auf der Basis von Aktionsprimitiven vorgestellt, das eine sensorbasierte und fehlertolerante Programmierung von Roboteraufgaben ermöglicht. Eine unterlagerte Antriebsregelung, deren StabilitĂ€t durch einen Beweis auf Basis der PassivitĂ€tstheorie gewĂ€hrleistet wird, berĂŒcksichtigt die dynamischen Eigenschaften von Parallelrobotern. Die Kontaktregelung umfasst die Gesamtheit der VorgĂ€nge zwischen dem Endeffektor des Parallelroboters und der Umgebung wĂ€hrend einer Montageaufgabe: Eine entwickelte Systemdynamik im Umgebungskontakt berĂŒcksichtigt die im Task-Frame des Aktionsprimitivs auftretenden KrĂ€fte und Momente in realistischer Weise. Abpralleffekte bei der Aufnahme des Umgebungskontakts durch den Endeffektor werden mit den GesetzmĂ€ĂŸigkeiten der nicht-glatten Mechanik beschrieben und durch die Regelung bedĂ€mpft. Die StabilitĂ€t des Systemverhaltens in diesem Zustand wird durch Moreaus Stoßprozess validiert. Experimentelle Untersuchungen zeigen abschließend die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit der vorgestellten Regelungskonzepte in der praktischen Anwendung.The trend toward a fully automated production of goods is still a major topic for the industry. Robots as universal and programmable automation devices play an important role in this process. In comparison to serial robots, parallel kinematic machines posses some characteristics that make them most suitable for high-speed assembly tasks. In this thesis, an interaction control concept for parallel kinematic machines based on robot programming with skill primitives is presented that utilizes the capabilities of parallel kinematic machines. The use of skill primitives allows a sensor-based and fault tolerant programming of robot tasks. A subordinated drive control takes the special characteristics of parallel kinematic machines into account. Its stability is verified using a passivity based approach. A global approach describing all effects occurring while the end-effector establishes contact with a surface of the environment characterizes the interaction control concept. The constraint system dynamics introduces an environment dependent interaction frame of the skill primitive. Thus, forces and torques in the task frame are modeled realistically during a robot task. Impacts of the robot's end-effector on the environment surface and the system behavior during the transition phase are described using non-smooth mechanics. The impacts are damped by the interaction control and stability of the algorithms is validated by simulations using Moreau's sweeping process. Finally, experiments proof the performance of the introduced control concept for realistic tasks of the parallel robot

    Modeling and Robust Control of Two Collaborative Robot Manipulators Handling a Flexibile Object

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    Robots are often used in industry to handle flexible objects, such as frames, beams, thin plates, rubber tubes, leather goods and composite materials. Moving long flexible objects in a desired path and also precise positioning and orienting the objects need a collaborative action between two robot arms. Most of the earlier studies have dealt with manipulation of rigid objects and only a few have focused on the collaborative manipulators handling flexible objects. Such studies on handling of flexible objects generally used finite element method or assumed mode method for deriving the dynamic model of the flexible objects. These approximation methods require more number of sensors to feedback the vibration measurements or require an observer. Unlike in the earlier studies, this thesis concerns with development of a dynamic model of the flexible object in partial differential equation (PDE) form and design of a robust control strategy for collaborative manipulation of the flexible objects by two rigid robot arms. Two planar rigid manipulators each with three links and revolute joints handling a flexible object is considered during the model development. Kinematic and dynamic equations of the flexible object are derived without using any approximation techniques. The resulting dynamic equation of the flexible object together with the manipulator dynamic equations form the combined dynamic model of the system. The developed complete system of dynamic equations is described by the PDE’s having rigid as well as flexible parameters coupled together. Such a coupled system must be controlled without using any form of approximation techniques and this is accomplished using the singular perturbation approach. By utilizing this technique, slow and fast subsystems are identified in two different time scales and controller is designed for each subsystem. The key issue in developing a control algorithm is that, it should be robust against uncertain parameters of the manipulators and the flexible object and it should also achieve the exponential convergence. Hence, for the slow subsystem, sliding mode control algorithm is developed and for the fast subsystem, a simple feedback control algorithm is designed. In general, usage of singular perturbation technique necessitates exponential stability of the slow and fast subsystems, which is evaluated by satisfying the Tikhnov’s theorem. Hence, the exponential stability analysis for both the subsystems is performed. Simulation results are presented to validate the composite control scheme. As a further consideration in the improvement of control law for the slow subsystem, two modified control algorithms are suggested. The first one focused on the avoidance of velocity signal measurement which is useful to eliminate the need of velocity sensors and the second controller aims at avoiding the complex regressor in the control law. The capability of those controllers is illustrated through simulation studies. The extension of earlier analysis has been carried out by developing the complete system of dynamic equations in joint space

    Modeling and Robust Control of Two Collaborative Robot Manipulators Handling a Flexibile Object

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    Robots are often used in industry to handle flexible objects, such as frames, beams, thin plates, rubber tubes, leather goods and composite materials. Moving long flexible objects in a desired path and also precise positioning and orienting the objects need a collaborative action between two robot arms. Most of the earlier studies have dealt with manipulation of rigid objects and only a few have focused on the collaborative manipulators handling flexible objects. Such studies on handling of flexible objects generally used finite element method or assumed mode method for deriving the dynamic model of the flexible objects. These approximation methods require more number of sensors to feedback the vibration measurements or require an observer. Unlike in the earlier studies, this thesis concerns with development of a dynamic model of the flexible object in partial differential equation (PDE) form and design of a robust control strategy for collaborative manipulation of the flexible objects by two rigid robot arms. Two planar rigid manipulators each with three links and revolute joints handling a flexible object is considered during the model development. Kinematic and dynamic equations of the flexible object are derived without using any approximation techniques. The resulting dynamic equation of the flexible object together with the manipulator dynamic equations form the combined dynamic model of the system. The developed complete system of dynamic equations is described by the PDE’s having rigid as well as flexible parameters coupled together. Such a coupled system must be controlled without using any form of approximation techniques and this is accomplished using the singular perturbation approach. By utilizing this technique, slow and fast subsystems are identified in two different time scales and controller is designed for each subsystem. The key issue in developing a control algorithm is that, it should be robust against uncertain parameters of the manipulators and the flexible object and it should also achieve the exponential convergence. Hence, for the slow subsystem, sliding mode control algorithm is developed and for the fast subsystem, a simple feedback control algorithm is designed. In general, usage of singular perturbation technique necessitates exponential stability of the slow and fast subsystems, which is evaluated by satisfying the Tikhnov’s theorem. Hence, the exponential stability analysis for both the subsystems is performed. Simulation results are presented to validate the composite control scheme. As a further consideration in the improvement of control law for the slow subsystem, two modified control algorithms are suggested. The first one focused on the avoidance of velocity signal measurement which is useful to eliminate the need of velocity sensors and the second controller aims at avoiding the complex regressor in the control law. The capability of those controllers is illustrated through simulation studies. The extension of earlier analysis has been carried out by developing the complete system of dynamic equations in joint space

    Recent Advances in Robust Control

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    Robust control has been a topic of active research in the last three decades culminating in H_2/H_\infty and \mu design methods followed by research on parametric robustness, initially motivated by Kharitonov's theorem, the extension to non-linear time delay systems, and other more recent methods. The two volumes of Recent Advances in Robust Control give a selective overview of recent theoretical developments and present selected application examples. The volumes comprise 39 contributions covering various theoretical aspects as well as different application areas. The first volume covers selected problems in the theory of robust control and its application to robotic and electromechanical systems. The second volume is dedicated to special topics in robust control and problem specific solutions. Recent Advances in Robust Control will be a valuable reference for those interested in the recent theoretical advances and for researchers working in the broad field of robotics and mechatronics