8 research outputs found

    Robust watermarking of point-sampled geometry

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    We present a new scheme for digital watermarking of point-sampled geometry based on spectral analysis. By extending existing algorithms designed for polygonal data to unstructured point clouds, our method is particularly suited for scanned models, where the watermark can be directly embedded in the raw data obtained from the 3D acquisition device. To handle large data sets efficiently, we apply a fast hierarchical clustering algorithm that partitions the model into a set of patches. Each patch is mapped into the space of eigenfunctions of an approximate Laplacian operator to obtain a decomposition of the patch surface into discrete frequency bands. The watermark is then embedded into the low frequency components to minimize visual artifacts in the model geometry. During extraction, the target model is resampled at optimal resolution using an MLS projection. After extracting a watermark from this model, the corresponding bit stream is analyzed using statistical methods based on correlation. We have applied our method to a number of point-sampled models of different geometric and topological complexity. These experiments show that our watermarking scheme is robust against numerous attacks, including low-pass filtering, resampling, affine transformations, cropping, additive random noise, and combinations of the above

    CopyRNeRF: Protecting the CopyRight of Neural Radiance Fields

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    Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have the potential to be a major representation of media. Since training a NeRF has never been an easy task, the protection of its model copyright should be a priority. In this paper, by analyzing the pros and cons of possible copyright protection solutions, we propose to protect the copyright of NeRF models by replacing the original color representation in NeRF with a watermarked color representation. Then, a distortion-resistant rendering scheme is designed to guarantee robust message extraction in 2D renderings of NeRF. Our proposed method can directly protect the copyright of NeRF models while maintaining high rendering quality and bit accuracy when compared among optional solutions.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted by iccv 2023 non-camera-ready versio

    Local Patch Blind Spectral Watermarking Method for 3D Graphics

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    An Oblivious Watermarking for 3-D Polygonal Meshes Using Distribution of Vertex Norms

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    Robust digital watermarking techniques for multimedia protection

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    The growing problem of the unauthorized reproduction of digital multimedia data such as movies, television broadcasts, and similar digital products has triggered worldwide efforts to identify and protect multimedia contents. Digital watermarking technology provides law enforcement officials with a forensic tool for tracing and catching pirates. Watermarking refers to the process of adding a structure called a watermark to an original data object, which includes digital images, video, audio, maps, text messages, and 3D graphics. Such a watermark can be used for several purposes including copyright protection, fingerprinting, copy protection, broadcast monitoring, data authentication, indexing, and medical safety. The proposed thesis addresses the problem of multimedia protection and consists of three parts. In the first part, we propose new image watermarking algorithms that are robust against a wide range of intentional and geometric attacks, flexible in data embedding, and computationally fast. The core idea behind our proposed watermarking schemes is to use transforms that have different properties which can effectively match various aspects of the signal's frequencies. We embed the watermark many times in all the frequencies to provide better robustness against attacks and increase the difficulty of destroying the watermark. The second part of the thesis is devoted to a joint exploitation of the geometry and topology of 3D objects and its subsequent application to 3D watermarking. The key idea consists of capturing the geometric structure of a 3D mesh in the spectral domain by computing the eigen-decomposition of the mesh Laplacian matrix. We also use the fact that the global shape features of a 3D model may be reconstructed using small low-frequency spectral coefficients. The eigen-analysis of the mesh Laplacian matrix is, however, prohibitively expensive. To lift this limitation, we first partition the 3D mesh into smaller 3D sub-meshes, and then we repeat the watermark embedding process as much as possible in the spectral coefficients of the compressed 3D sub-meshes. The visual error of the watermarked 3D model is evaluated by computing a nonlinear visual error metric between the original 3D model and the watermarked model obtained by our proposed algorithm. The third part of the thesis is devoted to video watermarking. We propose robust, hybrid scene-based MPEG video watermarking techniques based on a high-order tensor singular value decomposition of the video image sequences. The key idea behind our approaches is to use the scene change analysis to embed the watermark repeatedly in a fixed number of the intra-frames. These intra-frames are represented as 3D tensors with two dimensions in space and one dimension in time. We embed the watermark information in the singular values of these high-order tensors, which have good stability and represent the video properties. Illustration of numerical experiments with synthetic and real data are provided to demonstrate the potential and the much improved performance of the proposed algorithms in multimedia watermarking

    Nouvelles méthodes de synchronisation de nuages de points 3D pour l'insertion de données cachées

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    This thesis addresses issues relating to the protection of 3D object meshes. For instance, these objects can be created using CAD tool developed by the company STRATEGIES. In an industrial context, 3D meshes creators need to have tools in order to verify meshes integrity, or check permission for 3D printing for example.In this context we study data hiding on 3D meshes. This approach allows us to insert information in a secure and imperceptible way in a mesh. This may be an identifier, a meta-information or a third-party content, for instance, in order to transmit secretly a texture. Data hiding can address these problems by adjusting the trade-off between capacity, imperceptibility and robustness. Generally, data hiding methods consist of two stages, the synchronization and the embedding. The synchronization stage consists of finding and ordering available components for insertion. One of the main challenges is to propose an effective synchronization method that defines an order on mesh components. In our work, we propose to use mesh vertices, specifically their geometric representation in space, as basic components for synchronization and embedding. We present three new synchronisation methods based on the construction of a Hamiltonian path in a vertex cloud. Two of these methods jointly perform the synchronization stage and the embedding stage. This is possible thanks to two new high-capacity embedding methods (from 3 to 24 bits per vertex) that rely on coordinates quantization. In this work we also highlight the constraints of this kind of synchronization. We analyze the different approaches proposed with several experimental studies. Our work is assessed on various criteria including the capacity and imperceptibility of the embedding method. We also pay attention to security aspects of the proposed methods.Cette thèse aborde les problèmes liés à la protection de maillages d'objets 3D. Ces objets peuvent, par exemple, être créés à l'aide d'outil de CAD développés par la société STRATEGIES. Dans un cadre industriel, les créateurs de maillages 3D ont besoin de disposer d'outils leur permettant de vérifier l'intégrité des maillages, ou de vérifier des autorisations pour l'impression 3D par exemple. Dans ce contexte nous étudions l'insertion de données cachées dans des maillages 3D. Cette approche permet d'insérer de façon imperceptible et sécurisée de l'information dans un maillage. Il peut s'agir d'un identifiant, de méta-informations ou d'un contenu tiers, par exemple, pour transmettre de façon secrète une texture. L'insertion de données cachées permet de répondre à ces problèmes en jouant sur le compromis entre la capacité, l'imperceptibilité et la robustesse. Généralement, les méthodes d'insertion de données cachées se composent de deux phases, la synchronisation et l'insertion. La synchronisation consiste à trouver et ordonner les éléments disponibles pour l'insertion. L'un des principaux challenges est de proposer une méthode de synchronisation 3D efficace qui définit un ordre sur les composants des maillages. Dans nos travaux, nous proposons d'utiliser les sommets du maillage, plus précisément leur représentation géométrique dans l'espace comme composants de base pour la synchronisation et l'insertion. Nous présentons donc trois nouvelles méthodes de synchronisation de la géométrie des maillages basées sur la construction d'un chemin hamiltonien dans un nuage de sommets. Deux de ces méthodes permettent de manière conjointe de synchroniser les sommets et de cacher un message. Cela est possible grâce à deux nouvelles méthodes d'insertion haute capacité (de 3 à 24 bits par sommet) qui s'appuient sur la quantification des coordonnées. Dans ces travaux nous mettons également en évidence les contraintes propres à ce type de synchronisation. Nous discutons des différentes approches proposées dans plusieurs études expérimentales. Nos travaux sont évalués sur différents critères dont la capacité et l'imperceptibilité de la méthode d'insertion. Nous portons également notre attention aux aspects sécurité des méthodes

    Robust watermarking of point-sampled geometry

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