29 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Image Denoising Methods

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    The advancement of imaging devices and countless images generated everyday pose an increasingly high demand on image denoising, which still remains a challenging task in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency. To improve denoising quality, numerous denoising techniques and approaches have been proposed in the past decades, including different transforms, regularization terms, algebraic representations and especially advanced deep neural network (DNN) architectures. Despite their sophistication, many methods may fail to achieve desirable results for simultaneous noise removal and fine detail preservation. In this paper, to investigate the applicability of existing denoising techniques, we compare a variety of denoising methods on both synthetic and real-world datasets for different applications. We also introduce a new dataset for benchmarking, and the evaluations are performed from four different perspectives including quantitative metrics, visual effects, human ratings and computational cost. Our experiments demonstrate: (i) the effectiveness and efficiency of representative traditional denoisers for various denoising tasks, (ii) a simple matrix-based algorithm may be able to produce similar results compared with its tensor counterparts, and (iii) the notable achievements of DNN models, which exhibit impressive generalization ability and show state-of-the-art performance on various datasets. In spite of the progress in recent years, we discuss shortcomings and possible extensions of existing techniques. Datasets, code and results are made publicly available and will be continuously updated at https://github.com/ZhaomingKong/Denoising-Comparison.Comment: In this paper, we intend to collect and compare various denoising methods to investigate their effectiveness, efficiency, applicability and generalization ability with both synthetic and real-world experiment

    Structure-aware image denoising, super-resolution, and enhancement methods

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    Denoising, super-resolution and structure enhancement are classical image processing applications. The motive behind their existence is to aid our visual analysis of raw digital images. Despite tremendous progress in these fields, certain difficult problems are still open to research. For example, denoising and super-resolution techniques which possess all the following properties, are very scarce: They must preserve critical structures like corners, should be robust to the type of noise distribution, avoid undesirable artefacts, and also be fast. The area of structure enhancement also has an unresolved issue: Very little efforts have been put into designing models that can tackle anisotropic deformations in the image acquisition process. In this thesis, we design novel methods in the form of partial differential equations, patch-based approaches and variational models to overcome the aforementioned obstacles. In most cases, our methods outperform the existing approaches in both quality and speed, despite being applicable to a broader range of practical situations.Entrauschen, Superresolution und Strukturverbesserung sind klassische Anwendungen der Bildverarbeitung. Ihre Existenz bedingt sich in dem Bestreben, die visuelle Begutachtung digitaler Bildrohdaten zu unterstützen. Trotz erheblicher Fortschritte in diesen Feldern bedürfen bestimmte schwierige Probleme noch weiterer Forschung. So sind beispielsweise Entrauschungsund Superresolutionsverfahren, welche alle der folgenden Eingenschaften besitzen, sehr selten: die Erhaltung wichtiger Strukturen wie Ecken, Robustheit bezüglich der Rauschverteilung, Vermeidung unerwünschter Artefakte und niedrige Laufzeit. Auch im Gebiet der Strukturverbesserung liegt ein ungelöstes Problem vor: Bisher wurde nur sehr wenig Forschungsaufwand in die Entwicklung von Modellen investieret, welche anisotrope Deformationen in bildgebenden Verfahren bewältigen können. In dieser Arbeit entwerfen wir neue Methoden in Form von partiellen Differentialgleichungen, patch-basierten Ansätzen und Variationsmodellen um die oben erwähnten Hindernisse zu überwinden. In den meisten Fällen übertreffen unsere Methoden nicht nur qualitativ die bisher verwendeten Ansätze, sondern lösen die gestellten Aufgaben auch schneller. Zudem decken wir mit unseren Modellen einen breiteren Bereich praktischer Fragestellungen ab


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    A novel multispectral image filtering technique is proposed in this article. Since the multispectral images are often corrupted by mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise during the sensing and acquisition process, a nonlinear anisotropic diffusion-based restoration approach that deals efficiently with this type of noise mixture is considered here. A second-order vector-valued reaction-diffusion model that leads to a system of well-posed single-valued anisotropic diffusion equations coupled by correlation terms is introduced for this purpose. A finite difference method-based fast-converging approximation algorithm that solves numerically this nonlinear diffusion-based system is then proposed. This iterative numerical approximation scheme is successfully used for removing both the additive Gaussian and quantum noises while preserving the essential features of the multi-valued image. The effectiveness of the described mixed denoising technique is illustrated by the results of the restoration experiments and method comparisons that are also presented here. The proposed restoration approach enhances considerably the spectral image quality, making it well-prepared for the further MSI analysis and computer vision processes, such as the geospatial and remote sensing image analysis

    Super-resolution:A comprehensive survey

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    Sparse and low-rank techniques for the efficient restoration of images

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    Image reconstruction is a key problem in numerous applications of computer vision and medical imaging. By removing noise and artifacts from corrupted images, or by enhancing the quality of low-resolution images, reconstruction methods are essential to provide high-quality images for these applications. Over the years, extensive research efforts have been invested toward the development of accurate and efficient approaches for this problem. Recently, considerable improvements have been achieved by exploiting the principles of sparse representation and nonlocal self-similarity. However, techniques based on these principles often suffer from important limitations that impede their use in high-quality and large-scale applications. Thus, sparse representation approaches consider local patches during reconstruction, but ignore the global structure of the image. Likewise, because they average over groups of similar patches, nonlocal self-similarity methods tend to over-smooth images. Such methods can also be computationally expensive, requiring a hour or more to reconstruct a single image. Furthermore, existing reconstruction approaches consider either local patch-based regularization or global structure regularization, due to the complexity of combining both regularization strategies in a single model. Yet, such combined model could improve upon existing techniques by removing noise or reconstruction artifacts, while preserving both local details and global structure in the image. Similarly, current approaches rarely consider external information during the reconstruction process. When the structure to reconstruct is known, external information like statistical atlases or geometrical priors could also improve performance by guiding the reconstruction. This thesis addresses limitations of the prior art through three distinct contributions. The first contribution investigates the histogram of image gradients as a powerful prior for image reconstruction. Due to the trade-off between noise removal and smoothing, image reconstruction techniques based on global or local regularization often over-smooth the image, leading to the loss of edges and textures. To alleviate this problem, we propose a novel prior for preserving the distribution of image gradients modeled as a histogram. This prior is combined with low-rank patch regularization in a single efficient model, which is then shown to improve reconstruction accuracy for the problems of denoising and deblurring. The second contribution explores the joint modeling of local and global structure regularization for image restoration. Toward this goal, groups of similar patches are reconstructed simultaneously using an adaptive regularization technique based on the weighted nuclear norm. An innovative strategy, which decomposes the image into a smooth component and a sparse residual, is proposed to preserve global image structure. This strategy is shown to better exploit the property of structure sparsity than standard techniques like total variation. The proposed model is evaluated on the problems of completion and super-resolution, outperforming state-of-the-art approaches for these tasks. Lastly, the third contribution of this thesis proposes an atlas-based prior for the efficient reconstruction of MR data. Although popular, image priors based on total variation and nonlocal patch similarity often over-smooth edges and textures in the image due to the uniform regularization of gradients. Unlike natural images, the spatial characteristics of medical images are often restricted by the target anatomical structure and imaging modality. Based on this principle, we propose a novel MRI reconstruction method that leverages external information in the form of an probabilistic atlas. This atlas controls the level of gradient regularization at each image location, via a weighted total-variation prior. The proposed method also exploits the redundancy of nonlocal similar patches through a sparse representation model. Experiments on a large scale dataset of T1-weighted images show this method to be highly competitive with the state-of-the-art