1,350 research outputs found

    Deep Clustering and Deep Network Compression

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    The use of deep learning has grown increasingly in recent years, thereby becoming a much-discussed topic across a diverse range of fields, especially in computer vision, text mining, and speech recognition. Deep learning methods have proven to be robust in representation learning and attained extraordinary achievement. Their success is primarily due to the ability of deep learning to discover and automatically learn feature representations by mapping input data into abstract and composite representations in a latent space. Deep learning’s ability to deal with high-level representations from data has inspired us to make use of learned representations, aiming to enhance unsupervised clustering and evaluate the characteristic strength of internal representations to compress and accelerate deep neural networks.Traditional clustering algorithms attain a limited performance as the dimensionality in-creases. Therefore, the ability to extract high-level representations provides beneficial components that can support such clustering algorithms. In this work, we first present DeepCluster, a clustering approach embedded in a deep convolutional auto-encoder. We introduce two clustering methods, namely DCAE-Kmeans and DCAE-GMM. The DeepCluster allows for data points to be grouped into their identical cluster, in the latent space, in a joint-cost function by simultaneously optimizing the clustering objective and the DCAE objective, producing stable representations, which is appropriate for the clustering process. Both qualitative and quantitative evaluations of proposed methods are reported, showing the efficiency of deep clustering on several public datasets in comparison to the previous state-of-the-art methods.Following this, we propose a new version of the DeepCluster model to include varying degrees of discriminative power. This introduces a mechanism which enables the imposition of regularization techniques and the involvement of a supervision component. The key idea of our approach is to distinguish the discriminatory power of numerous structures when searching for a compact structure to form robust clusters. The effectiveness of injecting various levels of discriminatory powers into the learning process is investigated alongside the exploration and analytical study of the discriminatory power obtained through the use of two discriminative attributes: data-driven discriminative attributes with the support of regularization techniques, and supervision discriminative attributes with the support of the supervision component. An evaluation is provided on four different datasets.The use of neural networks in various applications is accompanied by a dramatic increase in computational costs and memory requirements. Making use of the characteristic strength of learned representations, we propose an iterative pruning method that simultaneously identifies the critical neurons and prunes the model during training without involving any pre-training or fine-tuning procedures. We introduce a majority voting technique to compare the activation values among neurons and assign a voting score to evaluate their importance quantitatively. This mechanism effectively reduces model complexity by eliminating the less influential neurons and aims to determine a subset of the whole model that can represent the reference model with much fewer parameters within the training process. Empirically, we demonstrate that our pruning method is robust across various scenarios, including fully-connected networks (FCNs), sparsely-connected networks (SCNs), and Convolutional neural networks (CNNs), using two public datasets.Moreover, we also propose a novel framework to measure the importance of individual hidden units by computing a measure of relevance to identify the most critical filters and prune them to compress and accelerate CNNs. Unlike existing methods, we introduce the use of the activation of feature maps to detect valuable information and the essential semantic parts, with the aim of evaluating the importance of feature maps, inspired by novel neural network interpretability. A majority voting technique based on the degree of alignment between a se-mantic concept and individual hidden unit representations is utilized to evaluate feature maps’ importance quantitatively. We also propose a simple yet effective method to estimate new convolution kernels based on the remaining crucial channels to accomplish effective CNN compression. Experimental results show the effectiveness of our filter selection criteria, which outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines.To conclude, we present a comprehensive, detailed review of time-series data analysis, with emphasis on deep time-series clustering (DTSC), and a founding contribution to the area of applying deep clustering to time-series data by presenting the first case study in the context of movement behavior clustering utilizing the DeepCluster method. The results are promising, showing that the latent space encodes sufficient patterns to facilitate accurate clustering of movement behaviors. Finally, we identify state-of-the-art and present an outlook on this important field of DTSC from five important perspectives

    Deep Ensembles for Semantic Segmentation on Road Detection

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    Obstacle and Change Detection Using Monocular Vision

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    We explore change detection using videos of change-free paths to detect any changes that occur while travelling the same paths in the future. This approach benefits from learning the background model of the given path as preprocessing, detecting changes starting from the first frame, and determining the current location in the path. Two approaches are explored: a geometry-based approach and a deep learning approach. In our geometry-based approach, we use feature points to match testing frames to training frames. Matched frames are used to determine the current location within the training video. The frames are then processed by first registering the test frame onto the training frame through a homography of the previously matched feature points. Finally, a comparison is made to determine changes by using a region of interest (ROI) of the direct path of the robot in both frames. This approach performs well in many tests with various floor patterns, textures and complexities in the background of the path. In our deep learning approach, we use an ensemble of unsupervised dimensionality reduction models. We first extract feature points within a ROI and extract small frame samples around the feature points. The frame samples are used as training inputs and labels for our unsupervised models. The approach aims at learning a compressed feature representation of the frame samples in order to have a compact representation of background. We use the distribution of the training samples to directly compare the learned background to test samples with a classification of background or change using a majority vote. This approach performs well using just two models in the ensemble and achieves an overall accuracy of 98.0% with a 4.1% improvement over the geometry-based approach

    Deep Neural Networks and Data for Automated Driving

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    This open access book brings together the latest developments from industry and research on automated driving and artificial intelligence. Environment perception for highly automated driving heavily employs deep neural networks, facing many challenges. How much data do we need for training and testing? How to use synthetic data to save labeling costs for training? How do we increase robustness and decrease memory usage? For inevitably poor conditions: How do we know that the network is uncertain about its decisions? Can we understand a bit more about what actually happens inside neural networks? This leads to a very practical problem particularly for DNNs employed in automated driving: What are useful validation techniques and how about safety? This book unites the views from both academia and industry, where computer vision and machine learning meet environment perception for highly automated driving. Naturally, aspects of data, robustness, uncertainty quantification, and, last but not least, safety are at the core of it. This book is unique: In its first part, an extended survey of all the relevant aspects is provided. The second part contains the detailed technical elaboration of the various questions mentioned above

    How to Certify Machine Learning Based Safety-critical Systems? A Systematic Literature Review

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    Context: Machine Learning (ML) has been at the heart of many innovations over the past years. However, including it in so-called 'safety-critical' systems such as automotive or aeronautic has proven to be very challenging, since the shift in paradigm that ML brings completely changes traditional certification approaches. Objective: This paper aims to elucidate challenges related to the certification of ML-based safety-critical systems, as well as the solutions that are proposed in the literature to tackle them, answering the question 'How to Certify Machine Learning Based Safety-critical Systems?'. Method: We conduct a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of research papers published between 2015 to 2020, covering topics related to the certification of ML systems. In total, we identified 217 papers covering topics considered to be the main pillars of ML certification: Robustness, Uncertainty, Explainability, Verification, Safe Reinforcement Learning, and Direct Certification. We analyzed the main trends and problems of each sub-field and provided summaries of the papers extracted. Results: The SLR results highlighted the enthusiasm of the community for this subject, as well as the lack of diversity in terms of datasets and type of models. It also emphasized the need to further develop connections between academia and industries to deepen the domain study. Finally, it also illustrated the necessity to build connections between the above mention main pillars that are for now mainly studied separately. Conclusion: We highlighted current efforts deployed to enable the certification of ML based software systems, and discuss some future research directions.Comment: 60 pages (92 pages with references and complements), submitted to a journal (Automated Software Engineering). Changes: Emphasizing difference traditional software engineering / ML approach. Adding Related Works, Threats to Validity and Complementary Materials. Adding a table listing papers reference for each section/subsection
