28 research outputs found


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    Teknologi pengenalan wajah berpotensi untuk diterapkan pada berbagai bidang dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini melakukan pengembangan teknologi pengenalan wajah dengan mengusulkan metode Convolutional Neural Network-Restricted Boltzmann Machine (CNN-RBM) berbasis Principal Component Analysis (PCA) menggunakan set data Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW). CNN-RBM berbasis PCA memanfaatkan PCA sebagai pereduksi dimensi pada input, kemudian menggunakan CNN sebagai ekstraksi fitur, dan menggunakan RBM pada tahap klasifikasi wajah. Hasil eksperimen membuktikan bahwa CNN-RBM berbasis PCA mampu mengungguli baseline dengan peningkatan akurasi sebesar 1,6%. Face recognition technology can be applied in various fields of in everyday life. This research develops face recognition technology using Convolutional Neural Network-Restricted Boltzmann Machine (CNN-RBM) based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) set data. PCN-based CNN-RBM uses PCA as a dimension reduction in input, then uses CNN as a feature extraction, and uses RBM in face classification. The experimental results prove that PCN-based CNN-RBM was able to outperform the baseline with 1,6% accuracy improvement

    Separation of cardiac and respiratory components from the electrical bio-impedance signal using PCA and fast ICA

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    This paper is an attempt to separate cardiac and respiratory signals from an electrical bio-impedance (EBI) dataset. For this two well-known algorithms, namely Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA), were used to accomplish the task. The ability of the PCA and the ICA methods first reduces the dimension and attempt to separate the useful components of the EBI, the cardiac and respiratory ones accordingly. It was investigated with an assumption, that no motion artefacts are present. To carry out this procedure the two channel complex EBI measurements were provided using classical Kelvin type four electrode configurations for the each complex channel. Thus four real signals were used as inputs for the PCA and fast ICA. The results showed, that neither PCA nor ICA nor combination of them can not accurately separate the components at least are used only two complex (four real valued) input components.Comment: 4 pages, International Conference on Control, Engineering and Information Technology (CEIT'13