70 research outputs found

    Dynamic Object Tracking Control for a Non-Holonomic Wheeled Autonomous Robot

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    [[abstract]]This paper is devoted to design and implement a non-holonomic wheeled mobile robot that possesses dynamic object-tracking capability by using real-time image processing. Two motion control laws are proposed using Lyapunov’s direct method and computed-torque method. Simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of the developed schemes. The overall experimental setup of the mobile robot developed in this paper is composed of a Windows based personal computer, Programmable Interface Controllers, a mobile robot, and an omni-directional vision system. Finally, the image-based real-time implementation experiments of the mobile robot demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed schemes.[[incitationindex]]EI[[booktype]]紙本[[booktype]]電子

    Optimized state feedback regulation of 3DOF helicopter system via extremum seeking

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    In this paper, an optimized state feedback regulation of a 3 degree of freedom (DOF) helicopter is designed via extremum seeking (ES) technique. Multi-parameter ES is applied to optimize the tracking performance via tuning State Vector Feedback with Integration of the Control Error (SVFBICE). Discrete multivariable version of ES is developed to minimize a cost function that measures the performance of the controller. The cost function is a function of the error between the actual and desired axis positions. The controller parameters are updated online as the optimization takes place. This method significantly decreases the time in obtaining optimal controller parameters. Simulations were conducted for the online optimization under both fixed and varying operating conditions. The results demonstrate the usefulness of using ES for preserving the maximum attainable performance

    Tracking control of redundant mobile manipulator: An RNN based metaheuristic approach

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    In this paper, we propose a topology of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based on a metaheuristic optimization algorithm for the tracking control of mobile-manipulator while enforcing nonholonomic constraints. Traditional approaches for tracking control of mobile robots usually require the computation of Jacobian-inverse or linearization of its mathematical model. The proposed algorithm uses a nature-inspired optimization approach to directly solve the nonlinear optimization problem without any further transformation. First, we formulate the tracking control as a constrained optimization problem. The optimization problem is formulated on position-level to avoid the computationally expensive Jacobian-inversion. The nonholonomic limitation is ensured by adding equality constraints to the formulated optimization problem. We then present the Beetle Antennae Olfactory Recurrent Neural Network (BAORNN) algorithm to solve the optimization problem efficiently using very few mathematical operations. We present a theoretical analysis of the proposed algorithm and show that its computational cost is linear with respect to the degree of freedoms (DOFs), i.e., O(m). Additionally, we also prove its stability and convergence. Extensive simulation results are prepared using a simulated model of IIWA14, a 7-DOF industrial-manipulator, mounted on a differentially driven cart. Comparison results with particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm are also presented to prove the accuracy and numerical efficiency of the proposed controller. The results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is several times (around 75 in the worst case) faster in execution as compared to PSO, and suitable for real-time implementation. The tracking results for three different trajectories; circular, rectangular, and rhodonea paths are presented

    Feedforward model with cascading proportional derivative active force control for an articulated arm mobile manipulator

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    This thesis presents an approach for controlling a mobile manipulator (MM) using a two degree of freedom (DOF) controller which essentially comprises a cascading proportional-derivative (CPD) control and feedforward active force control (FAFC). MM possesses both features of mobile platform and industrial arm manipulator. This has greatly improved the performance of MM with increased workspace capacity and better operation dexterity. The added mobility advantage to a MM, however, has increased the complexity of the MM dynamic system. A robust controller that can deal with the added complexity of the MM dynamic system was therefore needed. The AFC which can be considered as one of the novelties in the research creates a torque feedback within the dynamic system to allow for the compensation of sudden disturbances in the dynamic system. AFC also allows faster computational performance by using a fixed value of the estimated inertia matrix (IN) of the system. A feedforward of the dynamic system was also implemented to complement the IN for a better trajectory tracking performance. A localisation technique using Kalman filter (KF) was also incorporated into the CPD-FAFC scheme to solve some MM navigation problems. A simulation and experimental studies were performed to validate the effectiveness of the MM controller. Simulation was performed using a co-simulation technique which combined the simultaneous execution of the MSC Adams and MATLAB/Simulink software. The experimental study was carried out using a custom built MM experimental rig (MMer) which was developed based on the mechatronic approach. A comparative studies between the proposed CPD-FAFC with other type of controllers was also performed to further strengthen the outcome of the system. The experimental results affirmed the effectiveness of the proposed AFC-based controller and were in good agreement with the simulation counterpart, thereby verifying and validating the proposed research concepts and models

    Bio-inspired robotic control in underactuation: principles for energy efficacy, dynamic compliance interactions and adaptability.

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    Biological systems achieve energy efficient and adaptive behaviours through extensive autologous and exogenous compliant interactions. Active dynamic compliances are created and enhanced from musculoskeletal system (joint-space) to external environment (task-space) amongst the underactuated motions. Underactuated systems with viscoelastic property are similar to these biological systems, in that their self-organisation and overall tasks must be achieved by coordinating the subsystems and dynamically interacting with the environment. One important question to raise is: How can we design control systems to achieve efficient locomotion, while adapt to dynamic conditions as the living systems do? In this thesis, a trajectory planning algorithm is developed for underactuated microrobotic systems with bio-inspired self-propulsion and viscoelastic property to achieve synchronized motion in an energy efficient, adaptive and analysable manner. The geometry of the state space of the systems is explicitly utilized, such that a synchronization of the generalized coordinates is achieved in terms of geometric relations along the desired motion trajectory. As a result, the internal dynamics complexity is sufficiently reduced, the dynamic couplings are explicitly characterised, and then the underactuated dynamics are projected onto a hyper-manifold. Following such a reduction and characterization, we arrive at mappings of system compliance and integrable second-order dynamics with the passive degrees of freedom. As such, the issue of trajectory planning is converted into convenient nonlinear geometric analysis and optimal trajectory parameterization. Solutions of the reduced dynamics and the geometric relations can be obtained through an optimal motion trajectory generator. Theoretical background of the proposed approach is presented with rigorous analysis and developed in detail for a particular example. Experimental studies are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Towards compliance interactions with the environment, accurate modelling or prediction of nonlinear friction forces is a nontrivial whilst challenging task. Frictional instabilities are typically required to be eliminated or compensated through efficiently designed controllers. In this work, a prediction and analysis framework is designed for the self-propelled vibro-driven system, whose locomotion greatly relies on the dynamic interactions with the nonlinear frictions. This thesis proposes a combined physics-based and analytical-based approach, in a manner that non-reversible characteristic for static friction, presliding as well as pure sliding regimes are revealed, and the frictional limit boundaries are identified. Nonlinear dynamic analysis and simulation results demonstrate good captions of experimentally observed frictional characteristics, quenching of friction-induced vibrations and satisfaction of energy requirements. The thesis also performs elaborative studies on trajectory tracking. Control schemes are designed and extended for a class of underactuated systems with concrete considerations on uncertainties and disturbances. They include a collocated partial feedback control scheme, and an adaptive variable structure control scheme with an elaborately designed auxiliary control variable. Generically, adaptive control schemes using neural networks are designed to ensure trajectory tracking. Theoretical background of these methods is presented with rigorous analysis and developed in detail for particular examples. The schemes promote the utilization of linear filters in the control input to improve the system robustness. Asymptotic stability and convergence of time-varying reference trajectories for the system dynamics are shown by means of Lyapunov synthesis

    Modeling and Control of the UGV Argo J5 with a Custom-Built Landing Platform

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    This thesis aims to develop a detailed dynamic model and implement several navigation controllers for path tracking and dynamic self-leveling of the Argo J5 Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) with a custom-built landing platform. The overall model is derived by combining the Argo J5 driveline system with the wheelsterrain interaction (using terramechanics theory and mobile robot kinetics), while the landing platform model follows the Euler-Lagrange formulation. Different controllers are, then, derived, implemented to demonstrate: i.) self-leveling accuracy of the landing platform, ii.) trajectory tracking capabilities of the Argo J5 when moving in uneven terrains. The novelty of the Argo J5 model is the addition of a vertical load on each wheel through derivation of the shear stress depending on the point’s position in 3D space on each wheel. Static leveling of the landing platform within one degree of the horizon is evaluated by implementing Proportional Derivative (PD), Proportional Integral Derivative (PID), Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR), feedback linearization, and Passivity Based Adaptive Controller (PBAC) techniques. A PD controller is used to evaluate the performance of the Argo J5 on different terrains. Further, for the Argo J5 - landing platform ensemble, PBAC and Neural Network Based Adaptive Controller (NNBAC) are derived and implemented to demonstrate dynamic self-leveling. The emphasis is on different controller implementation for complex real systems such as Argo J5 - Landing platform. Results, obtained via extensive simulation studies in a Matlab/Simulink environment that consider real system parameters and hardware limitations, contribute to understanding navigation performance in a variety of terrains with unknown properties and illustrate the Argo J5 velocity, wheel rolling resistance, wheel turning resistance and shear stress on different terrains

    Development of Robust Control Strategies for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

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    The resources of the energy and chemical balance in the ocean sustain mankind in many ways. Therefore, ocean exploration is an essential task that is accomplished by deploying Underwater Vehicles. An Underwater Vehicle with autonomy feature for its navigation and control is called Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). Among the task handled by an AUV, accurately positioning itself at a desired position with respect to the reference objects is called set-point control. Similarly, tracking of the reference trajectory is also another important task. Battery recharging of AUV, positioning with respect to underwater structure, cable, seabed, tracking of reference trajectory with desired accuracy and speed to avoid collision with the guiding vehicle in the last phase of docking are some significant applications where an AUV needs to perform the above tasks. Parametric uncertainties in AUV dynamics and actuator torque limitation necessitate to design robust control algorithms to achieve motion control objectives in the face of uncertainties. Sliding Mode Controller (SMC), H / μ synthesis, model based PID group controllers are some of the robust controllers which have been applied to AUV. But SMC suffers from less efficient tuning of its switching gains due to model parameters and noisy estimated acceleration states appearing in its control law. In addition, demand of high control effort due to high frequency chattering is another drawback of SMC. Furthermore, real-time implementation of H / μ synthesis controller based on its stability study is restricted due to use of linearly approximated dynamic model of an AUV, which hinders achieving robustness. Moreover, model based PID group controllers suffer from implementation complexities and exhibit poor transient and steady-state performances under parametric uncertainties. On the other hand model free Linear PID (LPID) has inherent problem of narrow convergence region, i.e.it can not ensure convergence of large initial error to zero. Additionally, it suffers from integrator-wind-up and subsequent saturation of actuator during the occurrence of large initial error. But LPID controller has inherent capability to cope up with the uncertainties. In view of addressing the above said problem, this work proposes wind-up free Nonlinear PID with Bounded Integral (BI) and Bounded Derivative (BD) for set-point control and combination of continuous SMC with Nonlinear PID with BI and BD namely SM-N-PID with BI and BD for trajectory tracking. Nonlinear functions are used for all P,I and D controllers (for both of set-point and tracking control) in addition to use of nonlinear tan hyperbolic function in SMC(for tracking only) such that torque demand from the controller can be kept within a limit. A direct Lyapunov analysis is pursued to prove stable motion of AUV. The efficacies of the proposed controllers are compared with other two controllers namely PD and N-PID without BI and BD for set-point control and PD plus Feedforward Compensation (FC) and SM-NPID without BI and BD for tracking control. Multiple AUVs cooperatively performing a mission offers several advantages over a single AUV in a non-cooperative manner; such as reliability and increased work efficiency, etc. Bandwidth limitation in acoustic medium possess challenges in designing cooperative motion control algorithm for multiple AUVs owing to the necessity of communication of sensors and actuator signals among AUVs. In literature, undirected graph based approach is used for control design under communication constraints and thus it is not suitable for large number of AUVs participating in a cooperative motion plan. Formation control is a popular cooperative motion control paradigm. This thesis models the formation as a minimally persistent directed graph and proposes control schemes for maintaining the distance constraints during the course of motion of entire formation. For formation control each AUV uses Sliding Mode Nonlinear PID controller with Bounded Integrator and Bounded Derivative. Direct Lyapunov stability analysis in the framework of input-to-state stability ensures the stable motion of formation while maintaining the desired distance constraints among the AUVs

    Control of Liquid Sloshing Container Using Active Force Control Method

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    This  paper  presents  a  robust  control  method  to  relieve  the  sloshing  of  liquid container transport using Active Force Control (AFC) method. A model of two degree-of- freedom (2-DOF)  liquid  container  transfer  was implemented  in this research as  the  main dynamical system to be controlled. The surface of liquid is maintained in a flat position, so that changes the slope of liquid surface countered by changing the acceleration of container. The focus of this research is how to use AFC method being applied to the system, so that it can suppress liquid sloshing. The control scheme were simulated, compare between PID-AFC and pure PID.  Simulations has been conducted, the results show that the PID-AFC have superior performance to suppress the sloshing compared with pure PID, especially if disturbance occurred