157,673 research outputs found

    Self-supervised out-of-distribution detection in wireless capsule endoscopy images.

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    While deep learning has displayed excellent performance in a broad spectrum of application areas, neural networks still struggle to recognize what they have not seen, i.e., out-of-distribution (OOD) inputs. In the medical field, building robust models that are able to detect OOD images is highly critical, as these rare images could show diseases or anomalies that should be detected. In this study, we use wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) images to present a novel patch-based self-supervised approach comprising three stages. First, we train a triplet network to learn vector representations of WCE image patches. Second, we cluster the patch embeddings to group patches in terms of visual similarity. Third, we use the cluster assignments as pseudolabels to train a patch classifier and use the Out-of-Distribution Detector for Neural Networks (ODIN) for OOD detection. The system has been tested on the Kvasir-capsule, a publicly released WCE dataset. Empirical results show an OOD detection improvement compared to baseline methods. Our method can detect unseen pathologies and anomalies such as lymphangiectasia, foreign bodies and blood with > 0.6. This work presents an effective solution for OOD detection models without needing labeled images

    Hybrid Energy Based Model in the Feature Space for Out-of-Distribution Detection

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    Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is a critical requirement for the deployment of deep neural networks. This paper introduces the HEAT model, a new post-hoc OOD detection method estimating the density of in-distribution (ID) samples using hybrid energy-based models (EBM) in the feature space of a pre-trained backbone. HEAT complements prior density estimators of the ID density, e.g. parametric models like the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), to provide an accurate yet robust density estimation. A second contribution is to leverage the EBM framework to provide a unified density estimation and to compose several energy terms. Extensive experiments demonstrate the significance of the two contributions. HEAT sets new state-of-the-art OOD detection results on the CIFAR-10 / CIFAR-100 benchmark as well as on the large-scale Imagenet benchmark. The code is available at: https://github.com/MarcLafon/heatood

    Density Uncertainty Layers for Reliable Uncertainty Estimation

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    Assessing the predictive uncertainty of deep neural networks is crucial for safety-related applications of deep learning. Although Bayesian deep learning offers a principled framework for estimating model uncertainty, the approaches that are commonly used to approximate the posterior often fail to deliver reliable estimates of predictive uncertainty. In this paper we propose a novel criterion for predictive uncertainty, that a model's predictive variance should be grounded in the empirical density of the input. It should produce higher uncertainty for inputs that are improbable in the training data and lower uncertainty for those inputs that are more probable. To operationalize this criterion, we develop the density uncertainty layer, an architectural element for a stochastic neural network that guarantees that the density uncertain criterion is satisfied. We study neural networks with density uncertainty layers on the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 uncertainty benchmarks. Compared to existing approaches, we find that density uncertainty layers provide reliable uncertainty estimates and robust out-of-distribution detection performance

    Signal detection in extracellular neural ensemble recordings using higher criticism

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    Information processing in the brain is conducted by a concerted action of multiple neural populations. Gaining insights in the organization and dynamics of such populations can best be studied with broadband intracranial recordings of so-called extracellular field potential, reflecting neuronal spiking as well as mesoscopic activities, such as waves, oscillations, intrinsic large deflections, and multiunit spiking activity. Such signals are critical for our understanding of how neuronal ensembles encode sensory information and how such information is integrated in the large networks underlying cognition. The aforementioned principles are now well accepted, yet the efficacy of extracting information out of the complex neural data, and their employment for improving our understanding of neural networks, critically depends on the mathematical processing steps ranging from simple detection of action potentials in noisy traces - to fitting advanced mathematical models to distinct patterns of the neural signal potentially underlying intra-processing of information, e.g. interneuronal interactions. Here, we present a robust strategy for detecting signals in broadband and noisy time series such as spikes, sharp waves and multi-unit activity data that is solely based on the intrinsic statistical distribution of the recorded data. By using so-called higher criticism - a second-level significance testing procedure comparing the fraction of observed significances to an expected fraction under the global null - we are able to detect small signals in correlated noisy time-series without prior filtering, denoising or data regression. Results demonstrate the efficiency and reliability of the method and versatility over a wide range of experimental conditions and suggest the appropriateness of higher criticism to characterize neuronal dynamics without prior manipulation of the data

    Uncertainty-Estimation with Normalized Logits for Out-of-Distribution Detection

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    Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is critical for preventing deep learning models from making incorrect predictions to ensure the safety of artificial intelligence systems. Especially in safety-critical applications such as medical diagnosis and autonomous driving, the cost of incorrect decisions is usually unbearable. However, neural networks often suffer from the overconfidence issue, making high confidence for OOD data which are never seen during training process and may be irrelevant to training data, namely in-distribution (ID) data. Determining the reliability of the prediction is still a difficult and challenging task. In this work, we propose Uncertainty-Estimation with Normalized Logits (UE-NL), a robust learning method for OOD detection, which has three main benefits. (1) Neural networks with UE-NL treat every ID sample equally by predicting the uncertainty score of input data and the uncertainty is added into softmax function to adjust the learning strength of easy and hard samples during training phase, making the model learn robustly and accurately. (2) UE-NL enforces a constant vector norm on the logits to decouple the effect of the increasing output norm from optimization process, which causes the overconfidence issue to some extent. (3) UE-NL provides a new metric, the magnitude of uncertainty score, to detect OOD data. Experiments demonstrate that UE-NL achieves top performance on common OOD benchmarks and is more robust to noisy ID data that may be misjudged as OOD data by other methods.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, 7 tables, preprin

    Close Category Generalization for Out-of-Distribution Classification

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    Out-of-distribution generalization is a core challenge in machine learning. We introduce and propose a solution to a new type of out-of-distribution evaluation, which we call close category generalization. This task specifies how a classifier should extrapolate to unseen classes by considering a bi-criteria objective: (i) on in-distribution examples, output the correct label, and (ii) on out-of-distribution examples, output the label of the nearest neighbor in the training set. In addition to formalizing this problem, we present a new training algorithm to improve the close category generalization of neural networks. We compare to many baselines, including robust algorithms and out-of-distribution detection methods, and we show that our method has better or comparable close category generalization. Then, we investigate a related representation learning task, and we find that performing well on close category generalization correlates with learning a good representation of an unseen class and with finding a good initialization for few-shot learning. The code is available at https://github.com/yangarbiter/close-category-generalizatio