93 research outputs found

    Adaptive beamforming and switching in smart antenna systems

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    The ever increasing requirement for providing large bandwidth and seamless data access to commuters has prompted new challenges to wireless solution providers. The communication channel characteristics between mobile clients and base station change rapidly with the increasing traveling speed of vehicles. Smart antenna systems with adaptive beamforming and switching technology is the key component to tackle the challenges. As a spatial filter, beamformer has long been widely used in wireless communication, radar, acoustics, medical imaging systems to enhance the received signal from a particular looking direction while suppressing noise and interference from other directions. The adaptive beamforming algorithm provides the capability to track the varying nature of the communication channel characteristics. However, the conventional adaptive beamformer assumes that the Direction of Arrival (DOA) of the signal of interest changes slowly, although the interference direction could be changed dynamically. The proliferation of High Speed Rail (HSR) and seamless wireless communication between infrastructure ( roadside, trackside equipment) and the vehicles (train, car, boat etc.) brings a unique challenge for adaptive beamforming due to its rapid change of DOA. For a HSR train with 250km/h, the DOA change speed can be up to 4⁰ per millisecond. To address these unique challenges, faster algorithms to calculate the beamforming weight based on the rapid-changing DOA are needed. In this dissertation, two strategies are adopted to address the challenges. The first one is to improve the weight calculation speed. The second strategy is to improve the speed of DOA estimation for the impinging signal by leveraging on the predefined constrained route for the transportation market. Based on these concepts, various algorithms in beampattern generation and adaptive weight control are evaluated and investigated in this thesis. The well known Generalized Sidelobe Cancellation (GSC) architecture is adopted in this dissertation. But it faces serious signal cancellation problem when the estimated DOA deviates from the actual DOA which is severe in high mobility scenarios as in the transportation market. Algorithms to improve various parts of the GSC are proposed in this dissertation. Firstly, a Cyclic Variable Step Size (CVSS) algorithm for adjusting the Least Mean Square (LMS) step size with simplicity for implementation is proposed and evaluated. Secondly, a Kalman filter based solution to fuse different sensor information for a faster estimation and tracking of the DOA is investigated and proposed. Thirdly, to address the DOA mismatch issue caused by the rapid DOA change, a fast blocking matrix generation algorithm named Simplifized Zero Placement Algorithm (SZPA) is proposed to mitigate the signal cancellation in GSC. Fourthly, to make the beam pattern robust against DOA mismatch, a fast algorithm for the generation of at beam pattern named Zero Placement Flat Top (ZPFT) for the fixed beamforming path in GSC is proposed. Finally, to evaluate the effectiveness and performance of the beamforming algorithms, wireless channel simulation is needed. One of the challenging aspects for wireless simulation is the coupling between Probability Density Function (PDF) and Power Spectral Density (PSD) for a random variable. In this regard, a simplified solution to simulate Non Gaussian wireless channel is proposed, proved and evaluated for the effectiveness of the algorithm. With the above optimizations, the controlled simulation shows that the at top beampattern can be generated 380 times faster than iterative optimization method and blocking matrix can be generated 9 times faster than normal SVD method while the same overall optimum state performance can be achieved

    Robust Positioning in the Presence of Multipath and NLOS GNSS Signals

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    GNSS signals can be blocked and reflected by nearby objects, such as buildings, walls, and vehicles. They can also be reflected by the ground and by water. These effects are the dominant source of GNSS positioning errors in dense urban environments, though they can have an impact almost anywhere. Non- line-of-sight (NLOS) reception occurs when the direct path from the transmitter to the receiver is blocked and signals are received only via a reflected path. Multipath interference occurs, as the name suggests, when a signal is received via multiple paths. This can be via the direct path and one or more reflected paths, or it can be via multiple reflected paths. As their error characteristics are different, NLOS and multipath interference typically require different mitigation techniques, though some techniques are applicable to both. Antenna design and advanced receiver signal processing techniques can substantially reduce multipath errors. Unless an antenna array is used, NLOS reception has to be detected using the receiver's ranging and carrier-power-to-noise-density ratio (C/N0) measurements and mitigated within the positioning algorithm. Some NLOS mitigation techniques can also be used to combat severe multipath interference. Multipath interference, but not NLOS reception, can also be mitigated by comparing or combining code and carrier measurements, comparing ranging and C/N0 measurements from signals on different frequencies, and analyzing the time evolution of the ranging and C/N0 measurements

    Arrayed synthetic aperture radar

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    In this thesis, the use of array processing techniques applied to Single Input Multiple Output (SIMO) SAR systems with enhanced capabilities is investigated. In Single Input Single Output (SISO) SAR systems there is a high resolution, wide swath contradiction, whereby it is not possible to increase both cross-range resolution and the imaged swath width simultaneously. To overcome this, a novel beamformer for SAR systems in the cross-range direction is proposed. In particular, this beamformer is a superresolution beamformer capable of forming wide nulls using subspace based approaches. SIMO SAR systems also give rise to additional sets of received data, which includes geometrical information about the SAR and target environment, and can be used for enhanced target parameter estimation. In particular, this thesis looks at round trip delay, joint azimuth and elevation angle, and relative target power estimation. For round trip delay estimation, the use of the traditional matched filter with subspace partitioning is proposed. Then by using a joint 2D Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm, joint Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation can be achieved. Both the use of range lines of raw SAR data and the use of a Region of Interest (ROI) of a SAR image are investigated. However in terms of imaging, MUSIC is not well-suited for SAR, due to its target response not corresponding to the target's true power return. Therefore a joint DOA and target power estimation algorithm is proposed to overcome this limitation. These algorithms provide the framework for the development of three processing techniques. These allow sidelobe suppression in the slant range direction, along with the reconstruction of undersampled data and region enhancement using MUSIC with power preservation.Open Acces

    Signal processing techniques for mobile multimedia systems

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    Recent trends in wireless communication systems show a significant demand for the delivery of multimedia services and applications over mobile networks - mobile multimedia - like video telephony, multimedia messaging, mobile gaming, interactive and streaming video, etc. However, despite the ongoing development of key communication technologies that support these applications, the communication resources and bandwidth available to wireless/mobile radio systems are often severely limited. It is well known, that these bottlenecks are inherently due to the processing capabilities of mobile transmission systems, and the time-varying nature of wireless channel conditions and propagation environments. Therefore, new ways of processing and transmitting multimedia data over mobile radio channels have become essential which is the principal focus of this thesis. In this work, the performance and suitability of various signal processing techniques and transmission strategies in the application of multimedia data over wireless/mobile radio links are investigated. The proposed transmission systems for multimedia communication employ different data encoding schemes which include source coding in the wavelet domain, transmit diversity coding (space-time coding), and adaptive antenna beamforming (eigenbeamforming). By integrating these techniques into a robust communication system, the quality (SNR, etc) of multimedia signals received on mobile devices is maximised while mitigating the fast fading and multi-path effects of mobile channels. To support the transmission of high data-rate multimedia applications, a well known multi-carrier transmission technology known as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) has been implemented. As shown in this study, this results in significant performance gains when combined with other signal-processing techniques such as spa ce-time block coding (STBC). To optimise signal transmission, a novel unequal adaptive modulation scheme for the communication of multimedia data over MIMO-OFDM systems has been proposed. In this system, discrete wavelet transform/subband coding is used to compress data into their respective low-frequency and high-frequency components. Unlike traditional methods, however, data representing the low-frequency data are processed and modulated separately as they are more sensitive to the distortion effects of mobile radio channels. To make use of a desirable subchannel state, such that the quality (SNR) of the multimedia data recovered at the receiver is optimized, we employ a lookup matrix-adaptive bit and power allocation (LM-ABPA) algorithm. Apart from improving the spectral efficiency of OFDM, the modified LM-ABPA scheme, sorts and allocates subcarriers with the highest SNR to low-frequency data and the remaining to the least important data. To maintain a target system SNR, the LM-ABPA loading scheme assigns appropriate signal constella tion sizes and transmit power levels (modulation type) across all subcarriers and is adapted to the varying channel conditions such that the average system error-rate (SER/BER) is minimised. When configured for a constant data-rate load, simulation results show significant performance gains over non-adaptive systems. In addition to the above studies, the simulation framework developed in this work is applied to investigate the performance of other signal processing techniques for multimedia communication such as blind channel equalization, and to examine the effectiveness of a secure communication system based on a logistic chaotic generator (LCG) for chaos shift-keying (CSK)

    Brain-imaging based methodology for OPM sensor placement

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    ABSTRACT: Optically-pumped magnetometers (OPMs) have reached sensitivity levels that make them viable portable alternatives to traditional superconducting technology for magnetoencephalography. OPMs do not require cryogenic cooling, and can therefore be placed directly on the scalp surface. Unlike cryogenic systems based on a well characterised xed arrays essentially linear in applied ux, or electroencephalography sensors that do not need to account for sensors orientation; OPM sensors are no longer rigidly arranged with a scanner system. Therefore, uncertainty in their locations and orientations with respect to the brain, and with respect to one another, must be accounted for. In this thesis dissertation, we propose a methodology to estimate the true sensor geometry of a disturbed array. We use parametric Bayesian inversion methods to perform neural source reconstruction and score among disturbed geometries with Free Energy as a cost function. This geometry disturbance is non-linear, causing local sub-optimal values on Free Energy that we tackle with a Metropolis search. Looking for a robust solution to this sensor placement problem, we develop a Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) approach to extract the predominant complex dynamics hidden in the data. To do this, a weighted mixture of Gaussian kernels is used to highlight the data relationships, enhancing the data-driven covariance estimation and leading to a more reliable neural source reconstruction. When tested over disturbed OPM geometries, the MKL based solvers turned the Free Energy into a monotonic function, allowing the use of gradient descent optimisation. As a result, we estimate the true geometry of disturbed OPM arrays with a similar error than Metropolis search, but with 90% fewer iterations and allowing a larger search space. Our proposal suggests that a exible and scalable design for sensor placement can be used to harness the potential of OPMs

    1-D broadside-radiating leaky-wave antenna based on a numerically synthesized impedance surface

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    A newly-developed deterministic numerical technique for the automated design of metasurface antennas is applied here for the first time to the design of a 1-D printed Leaky-Wave Antenna (LWA) for broadside radiation. The surface impedance synthesis process does not require any a priori knowledge on the impedance pattern, and starts from a mask constraint on the desired far-field and practical bounds on the unit cell impedance values. The designed reactance surface for broadside radiation exhibits a non conventional patterning; this highlights the merit of using an automated design process for a design well known to be challenging for analytical methods. The antenna is physically implemented with an array of metal strips with varying gap widths and simulation results show very good agreement with the predicted performance
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