142 research outputs found

    Meshfree Methods for PDEs on Surfaces

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    This dissertation focuses on meshfree methods for solving surface partial differential equations (PDEs). These PDEs arise in many areas of science and engineering where they are used to model phenomena ranging from atmospheric dynamics on earth to chemical signaling on cell membranes. Meshfree methods have been shown to be effective for solving surface PDEs and are attractive alternatives to mesh-based methods such as finite differences/elements since they do not require a mesh and can be used for surfaces represented only by a point cloud. The dissertation is subdivided into two papers and software. In the first paper, we examine the performance and accuracy of two popular meshfree methods for surface PDEs:generalized moving least squares (GMLS) and radial basis function-finite differences (RBF-FD). While these methods are computationally efficient and can give high orders of accuracy for smooth problems, there are no published works that have systematically compared their benefits and shortcomings. We perform such a comparison by examining their convergence rates for approximating the surface gradient, divergence, and Laplacian on the sphere and a torus as the resolution of the discretization increases. We investigate these convergence rates also as the various parameters of the methods are changed. We also compare the overall efficiencies of the methods in terms of accuracy per computation cost. The second paper is focused on developing a novel meshfree geometric multilevel (MGM) method for solving linear systems associated with meshfree discretizations of elliptic PDEs on surfaces represented by point clouds. Multilevel (or multigrid) methods are efficient iterative methods for solving linear systems that arise in numerical PDEs. The key components for multilevel methods: \grid coarsening, restriction/ interpolation operators coarsening, and smoothing. The first three components present challenges for meshfree methods since there are no grids or mesh structures, only point clouds. To overcome these challenges, we develop a geometric point cloud coarsening method based on Poisson disk sampling, interpolation/ restriction operators based on RBF-FD, and apply Galerkin projections to coarsen the operator. We test MGM as a standalone solver and preconditioner for Krylov subspace methods on various test problems using RBF-FD and GMLS discretizations, and numerically analyze convergence rates, scaling, and efficiency with increasing point cloud resolution. We finish with several application problems. We conclude the dissertation with a description of two new software packages. The first one is our MGM framework for solving elliptic surface PDEs. This package is built in Python and utilizes NumPy and SciPy for the data structures (arrays and sparse matrices), solvers (Krylov subspace methods, Sparse LU), and C++ for the smoothers and point cloud coarsening. The other package is the RBFToolkit which has a Python version and a C++ version. The latter uses the performance library Kokkos, which allows for the abstraction of parallelism and data management for shared memory computing architectures. The code utilizes OpenMP for CPU parallelism and can be extended to GPU architectures

    A High-Order Radial Basis Function (RBF) Leray Projection Method for the Solution of the Incompressible Unsteady Stokes Equations

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    A new projection method based on radial basis functions (RBFs) is presented for discretizing the incompressible unsteady Stokes equations in irregular geometries. The novelty of the method comes from the application of a new technique for computing the Leray-Helmholtz projection of a vector field using generalized interpolation with divergence-free and curl-free RBFs. Unlike traditional projection methods, this new method enables matching both tangential and normal components of divergence-free vector fields on the domain boundary. This allows incompressibility of the velocity field to be enforced without any time-splitting or pressure boundary conditions. Spatial derivatives are approximated using collocation with global RBFs so that the method only requires samples of the field at (possibly scattered) nodes over the domain. Numerical results are presented demonstrating high-order convergence in both space (between 5th and 6th order) and time (up to 4th order) for some model problems in two dimensional irregular geometries.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figure

    Forward modelling 3-D geophysical electromagnetic field data with meshfree methods

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    Simulating geophysical electromagnetic (EM) data over real-life conductivity models requires numerical algorithms that can incorporate realistically complex geometry and topography. The most successful way to incorporate them is to use unstructured meshes in the discretization of an Earth model. Current mesh-based numerical methods that are capable of using such meshes have inherent drawbacks caused by generating 3-D unstructured meshes conforming to irregular geometries. Such a mesh generation process may become computationally expensive and unstable, and particularly so for EM inversion computations in which the forward modelling may be required many times. In this thesis I investigate the feasibility and applicability of radial basis function-based finite difference (RBF-FD), a meshfree method, in forward modelling 3-D EM data. In the meshfree method, the physical model is represented using only a set of unconnected points, effectively overcoming the issues related to the mesh generation. To improve numerical efficiency, unstructured point sets are used in the computation for the first time for EM problems. The computation is further accelerated by introducing a new type of radial basis function in the RBFFD method. The convergence and accuracy of the proposed RBF-FD method are demonstrated first via forward modelling gravity and gravity gradient data. The computational efficiency of the meshfree method is compared with that of using a more traditional finite element method. The meshfree method is then applied to forward model magnetotelluric data of which the effectiveness is demonstrated using three benchmark conductivity models from the literature. Faithful reproduction of the physics in the EM fields, e.g. discontinuous electric fields across the conductivity contrasts, is achieved by proposing a hybrid meshfree scheme which is a modification to standard meshfree algorithms. The hybrid method is also applied to simulate controlled-source EM data in the frame of both total-field and primary-secondary field approaches, in which the problems in dealing with singular source functions that cause singularities in the EM fields are addressed. For these two approaches, the accuracies of the proposed hybrid meshfree method in forward modelling the controlled-source EM data are demonstrated by using idealized 1-D layered models and a 3-D marine canonical disk model. The successful applications of the proposed meshfree method in modelling the above EM data suggest that the meshfree technique has the potential of becoming an important numerical method for simulating EM responses over complicated conductivity models

    Nonlinear solid mechanics analysis using the parallel selective element-free Galerkin method

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    A variety of meshless methods have been developed in the last fifteen years with an intention to solve practical engineering problems, but are limited to small academic problems due to associated high computational cost as compared to the standard finite element methods (FEM). The main objective of this thesis is the development of an efficient and accurate algorithm based on meshless methods for the solution of problems involving both material and geometrical nonlinearities, which are of practical importance in many engineering applications, including geomechanics, metal forming and biomechanics. One of the most commonly used meshless methods, the element-free Galerkin method (EFGM) is used in this research, in which maximum entropy shape functions (max-ent) are used instead of the standard moving least squares shape functions, which provides direct imposition of the essential boundary conditions. Initially, theoretical background and corresponding computer implementations of the EFGM are described for linear and nonlinear problems. The Prandtl-Reuss constitutive model is used to model elasto-plasticity, both updated and total Lagrangian formulations are used to model finite deformation and consistent or algorithmic tangent is used to allow the quadratic rate of asymptotic convergence of the global Newton-Raphson algorithm. An adaptive strategy is developed for the EFGM for two- and three-dimensional nonlinear problems based on the Chung & Belytschko error estimation procedure, which was originally proposed for linear elastic problems. A new FE-EFGM coupling procedure based on max-ent shape functions is proposed for linear and geometrically nonlinear problems, in which there is no need of interface elements between the FE and EFG regions or any other special treatment, as required in the most previous research. The proposed coupling procedure is extended to become adaptive FE-EFGM coupling for two- and three-dimensional linear and nonlinear problems, in which the Zienkiewicz & Zhu error estimation procedure with the superconvergent patch recovery method for strains and stresses recovery are used in the FE region of the problem domain, while the Chung & Belytschko error estimation procedure is used in the EFG region of the problem domain. Parallel computer algorithms based on distributed memory parallel computer architecture are also developed for different numerical techniques proposed in this thesis. In the parallel program, the message passing interface library is used for inter-processor communication and open-source software packages, METIS and MUMPS are used for the automatic domain decomposition and solution of the final system of linear equations respectively. Separate numerical examples are presented for each algorithm to demonstrate its correct implementation and performance, and results are compared with the corresponding analytical or reference results