6 research outputs found

    Optimal Power Allocation for Channel Estimation in MIMO-OFDM System with Per-Subcarrier Transmit Antenna Selection

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    A novel hybrid channel estimator is proposed for multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequency- division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) system with per-subcarrier transmit antenna selection having optimal power allocation among subcarriers. In practice, antenna selection information is transmitted through a binary symmetric control channel with a crossover probability. Linear minimum mean-square error (LMMSE) technique is optimal technique for channel estimation in MIMO-OFDM system. Though LMMSE estimator performs well at low signal to noise ratio (SNR), in the presence of antenna-to-subcarrier-assignment error (ATSA), it introduces irreducible error at high SNR. We have proved that relaxed MMSE (RMMSE) estimator overcomes the performance degradation at high SNR. The proposed hybrid estimator combines the benefits of LMMSE at low SNR and RMMSE estimator at high SNR. The vector mean square error (MSE) expression is modified as scalar expression so that an optimal power allocation can be performed. The convex optimization problem is formulated and solved to allocate optimal power to subcarriers minimizing the MSE, subject to transmit sum power constraint. Further, an analytical expression for SNR threshold at which the hybrid estimator is to be switched from LMMSE to RMMSE is derived. The simulation results show that the proposed hybrid estimator gives robust performance, irrespective of ATSA error

    Simulação da estimação de canal para um enlace direto de um sistema LTE usando múltiplas antenas

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, 2013.Neste trabalho são apresentados conceitos importantes para o funcionamento de um sistema LTE. Aspectos como OFDM e MIMO são analisados e suas vantagens e desvantagens devidamente ressaltadas, assim como são abordados pontos importantes sobre a camada física do LTE. Todos esses conceitos são levados, por fim, em consideração com a simulação de um enlace direto LTE. O simulador utilizado já possuía diversas funções implementadas, porém foram feitas modificações na estimação de canal para que o sistema pudesse operar usando MIMO. Os resultados obtidos são apresentados e comparados com os resultados esperados e com a teoria.In this work some important concepts to the operation of a LTE system are introduced. Aspects like OFDM and MIMO are analyzed and their advantages and disadvantages are properly highlighted. All this concepts are taken into account at the end with the simulation of a downlink system using LTE. The simulator used already had various functions implemented, but some modifications were made at the channel estimation in order to the system could work with MIMO. The results obtained are presented and compared with the expected results and with theory

    Performance of LDPC decoder with accurate llr metric in LDPC-coded pilot-assisted OFDM system

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    High bit-rate digital communication through metal channels

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    The need to transmit digital information across metallic barriers arises frequently in industrial control applications. In some applications, the barrier can be penetrated with wiring, while in others this may not be possible. For example, metal bulkheads, pressure vessels, or pipelines may require a level of mechanical integrity that prohibits mechanical penetration. This study investigates the use of ultrasonic signaling for data transmission across metallic barriers, discusses the associated challenges, and analyzes several alternative communication system implementations.Several recent e orts have been made to develop through-metal ultrasonic communication systems, with approaches ranging widely in bitrate, complexity, and power requirements. The transceiver designs presented here are intended to cover a range of target applications. In systems having low data rate requirements, simple transceivers with low hardware/software complexity can be used. At high data rates, however, severe echoing in the ultrasonic channel leads to intersymbol interference. Reliable high speed communication therefore requires the use of channel equalizers, and results in a transceiver with higher hardware/software complexity.In this thesis, issues related to the design of reliable through-metal ultrasonic communication systems are discussed. These include (1) the development of mathematical models used to characterize the channel, (2) application of equalization techniques needed to achieve high-speed communication, and (3) analysis of hardware/software complexity for alternative transceiver designs.Several groups have developed through-metal ultrasonic communication systems in the recent past, though none has produced a mathematical model that accurately describes the phenomena found within the channel. The channel model developed in this thesis can be used at several stages of the transceiver design process, from transducer selection through channel equalizer design and ultimately system performance simulation.Using this channel model, we go on to develop and test several ultrasonic throughmetal transceiver designs. Ultrasonic through-metal communication systems are finding use in a wide variety of applications. Some require high throughput, while others require low power consumption. The motivation for developing several designs { ranging from low complexity, low power to high complexity, high throughput { is so that the best design can be matched to each application.After these transceiver designs are developed, we present an analysis of their computational requirements so that the most appropriate transceiver can be chosen for a given application.Ph.D., Electrical Engineering -- Drexel University, 201