518 research outputs found

    Robust Low-Rank Subspace Segmentation with Semidefinite Guarantees

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    Recently there is a line of research work proposing to employ Spectral Clustering (SC) to segment (group){Throughout the paper, we use segmentation, clustering, and grouping, and their verb forms, interchangeably.} high-dimensional structural data such as those (approximately) lying on subspaces {We follow {liu2010robust} and use the term "subspace" to denote both linear subspaces and affine subspaces. There is a trivial conversion between linear subspaces and affine subspaces as mentioned therein.} or low-dimensional manifolds. By learning the affinity matrix in the form of sparse reconstruction, techniques proposed in this vein often considerably boost the performance in subspace settings where traditional SC can fail. Despite the success, there are fundamental problems that have been left unsolved: the spectrum property of the learned affinity matrix cannot be gauged in advance, and there is often one ugly symmetrization step that post-processes the affinity for SC input. Hence we advocate to enforce the symmetric positive semidefinite constraint explicitly during learning (Low-Rank Representation with Positive SemiDefinite constraint, or LRR-PSD), and show that factually it can be solved in an exquisite scheme efficiently instead of general-purpose SDP solvers that usually scale up poorly. We provide rigorous mathematical derivations to show that, in its canonical form, LRR-PSD is equivalent to the recently proposed Low-Rank Representation (LRR) scheme {liu2010robust}, and hence offer theoretic and practical insights to both LRR-PSD and LRR, inviting future research. As per the computational cost, our proposal is at most comparable to that of LRR, if not less. We validate our theoretic analysis and optimization scheme by experiments on both synthetic and real data sets.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Accepted by ICDM Workshop on Optimization Based Methods for Emerging Data Mining Problems (OEDM), 2010. Main proof simplified and typos corrected. Experimental data slightly adde

    The Augmented Lagrange Multiplier Method for Exact Recovery of Corrupted Low-Rank Matrices

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    This paper proposes scalable and fast algorithms for solving the Robust PCA problem, namely recovering a low-rank matrix with an unknown fraction of its entries being arbitrarily corrupted. This problem arises in many applications, such as image processing, web data ranking, and bioinformatic data analysis. It was recently shown that under surprisingly broad conditions, the Robust PCA problem can be exactly solved via convex optimization that minimizes a combination of the nuclear norm and the 1\ell^1-norm . In this paper, we apply the method of augmented Lagrange multipliers (ALM) to solve this convex program. As the objective function is non-smooth, we show how to extend the classical analysis of ALM to such new objective functions and prove the optimality of the proposed algorithms and characterize their convergence rate. Empirically, the proposed new algorithms can be more than five times faster than the previous state-of-the-art algorithms for Robust PCA, such as the accelerated proximal gradient (APG) algorithm. Moreover, the new algorithms achieve higher precision, yet being less storage/memory demanding. We also show that the ALM technique can be used to solve the (related but somewhat simpler) matrix completion problem and obtain rather promising results too. We further prove the necessary and sufficient condition for the inexact ALM to converge globally. Matlab code of all algorithms discussed are available at http://perception.csl.illinois.edu/matrix-rank/home.htmlComment: Please cite "Zhouchen Lin, Risheng Liu, and Zhixun Su, Linearized Alternating Direction Method with Adaptive Penalty for Low Rank Representation, NIPS 2011." (available at arXiv:1109.0367) instead for a more general method called Linearized Alternating Direction Method This manuscript first appeared as University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign technical report #UILU-ENG-09-2215 in October 2009 Zhouchen Lin, Risheng Liu, and Zhixun Su, Linearized Alternating Direction Method with Adaptive Penalty for Low Rank Representation, NIPS 2011. (available at http://arxiv.org/abs/1109.0367

    Completing Low-Rank Matrices with Corrupted Samples from Few Coefficients in General Basis

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    Subspace recovery from corrupted and missing data is crucial for various applications in signal processing and information theory. To complete missing values and detect column corruptions, existing robust Matrix Completion (MC) methods mostly concentrate on recovering a low-rank matrix from few corrupted coefficients w.r.t. standard basis, which, however, does not apply to more general basis, e.g., Fourier basis. In this paper, we prove that the range space of an m×nm\times n matrix with rank rr can be exactly recovered from few coefficients w.r.t. general basis, though rr and the number of corrupted samples are both as high as O(min{m,n}/log3(m+n))O(\min\{m,n\}/\log^3 (m+n)). Our model covers previous ones as special cases, and robust MC can recover the intrinsic matrix with a higher rank. Moreover, we suggest a universal choice of the regularization parameter, which is λ=1/logn\lambda=1/\sqrt{\log n}. By our 2,1\ell_{2,1} filtering algorithm, which has theoretical guarantees, we can further reduce the computational cost of our model. As an application, we also find that the solutions to extended robust Low-Rank Representation and to our extended robust MC are mutually expressible, so both our theory and algorithm can be applied to the subspace clustering problem with missing values under certain conditions. Experiments verify our theories.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Worst-Case Linear Discriminant Analysis as Scalable Semidefinite Feasibility Problems

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    In this paper, we propose an efficient semidefinite programming (SDP) approach to worst-case linear discriminant analysis (WLDA). Compared with the traditional LDA, WLDA considers the dimensionality reduction problem from the worst-case viewpoint, which is in general more robust for classification. However, the original problem of WLDA is non-convex and difficult to optimize. In this paper, we reformulate the optimization problem of WLDA into a sequence of semidefinite feasibility problems. To efficiently solve the semidefinite feasibility problems, we design a new scalable optimization method with quasi-Newton methods and eigen-decomposition being the core components. The proposed method is orders of magnitude faster than standard interior-point based SDP solvers. Experiments on a variety of classification problems demonstrate that our approach achieves better performance than standard LDA. Our method is also much faster and more scalable than standard interior-point SDP solvers based WLDA. The computational complexity for an SDP with mm constraints and matrices of size dd by dd is roughly reduced from O(m3+md3+m2d2)\mathcal{O}(m^3+md^3+m^2d^2) to O(d3)\mathcal{O}(d^3) (m>dm>d in our case).Comment: 14 page

    Denise: Deep Learning based Robust PCA for Positive Semidefinite Matrices

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    The robust PCA of high-dimensional matrices plays an essential role when isolating key explanatory features. The currently available methods for performing such a low-rank plus sparse decomposition are matrix specific, meaning, the algorithm must re-run each time a new matrix should be decomposed. Since these algorithms are computationally expensive, it is preferable to learn and store a function that instantaneously performs this decomposition when evaluated. Therefore, we introduce Denise, a deep learning-based algorithm for robust PCA of symmetric positive semidefinite matrices, which learns precisely such a function. Theoretical guarantees that Denise's architecture can approximate the decomposition function, to arbitrary precision and with arbitrarily high probability, are obtained. The training scheme is also shown to convergence to a stationary point of the robust PCA's loss-function. We train Denise on a randomly generated dataset, and evaluate the performance of the DNN on synthetic and real-world covariance matrices. Denise achieves comparable results to several state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of decomposition quality, but as only one evaluation of the learned DNN is needed, Denise outperforms all existing algorithms in terms of computation time

    Provable Self-Representation Based Outlier Detection in a Union of Subspaces

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    Many computer vision tasks involve processing large amounts of data contaminated by outliers, which need to be detected and rejected. While outlier detection methods based on robust statistics have existed for decades, only recently have methods based on sparse and low-rank representation been developed along with guarantees of correct outlier detection when the inliers lie in one or more low-dimensional subspaces. This paper proposes a new outlier detection method that combines tools from sparse representation with random walks on a graph. By exploiting the property that data points can be expressed as sparse linear combinations of each other, we obtain an asymmetric affinity matrix among data points, which we use to construct a weighted directed graph. By defining a suitable Markov Chain from this graph, we establish a connection between inliers/outliers and essential/inessential states of the Markov chain, which allows us to detect outliers by using random walks. We provide a theoretical analysis that justifies the correctness of our method under geometric and connectivity assumptions. Experimental results on image databases demonstrate its superiority with respect to state-of-the-art sparse and low-rank outlier detection methods.Comment: 16 pages. CVPR 2017 spotlight oral presentatio