31 research outputs found

    Geometric Surface-Based Tracking Control of a Quadrotor UAV

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    New quadrotor UAV control algorithms are developed, based on nonlinear surfaces composed of tracking errors that evolve directly on the nonlinear configuration manifold, thus inherently including in the control design the nonlinear characteristics of the SE(3) configuration space. In particular, geometric surface-based controllers are developed and are shown, through rigorous stability proofs, to have desirable almost global closed loop properties. For the first time in regards to the geometric literature, a region of attraction independent of the position error is identified and its effects are analyzed. The effectiveness of the proposed "surface based" controllers are illustrated by simulations of aggressive maneuvers in the presence of disturbances and motor saturation.Comment: 2018 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED

    Mobile Robots Control and Path Planning Strategies

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    Mobile robots gained lots of attention in the last decades. Because of its flexibility and increased capabilities of automation, mobile robots are used in many applications: from domotic, to search and rescue missions, to agriculture, environment protection and many more. The main capability of mobile robots to accomplish a mission is the mobility in the work environment. To move in a certain environment the robots should achieve: guidance, navigation and control. This thesis focuses on guidance and control of mobile robots, with application to certain classes of robots: Vertical Take Off and Landing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (VTOL UAV) and Differential Wheel robots (DWR). The contribution of this thesis is on modeling and control of the two classes of robots, and on novel strategies of combined control and motion planning for kinodynamic systems. A new approach to model a class of multi-propeller VTOL is proposed, with the aim of generating a general model for a system as a composition of elementary modules such as actuators and payloads. Two control law for VTOL vehicles and DWR are proposed. The goal of the first is to generate a simple yet powerful control to globally asymptotically stabilize a VTOL for acrobatic maneuvers. The second is a simple saturated input control law for trajectory tracking of a DWR model in 2D. About planning, a novel approach to generate non-feasible trajectories for robots that still guarantees a correct path for kinodynamic planning is proposed. The goal is to reduce the runtime of planners to be used in real-time and realistic scenario. Moreover an innovative framework for mobile robots motion planning with the use of Discrete Event Systems theory is introduced. The two proposed approaches allow to build a global, robust, real-time, quasi-optimal, kinodynamic planner suitable for replanning

    Nonlinear robust control of tail-sitter aircrafts in flight mode transitions

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    © 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS In this paper, a nonlinear robust controller is proposed to deal with the flight mode transition control problem of tail-sitter aircrafts. During the mode transitions, the control problem is challenging due to the high nonlinearities and strong couplings. The tail-sitter aircraft model can be considered as a nominal part with uncertainties including nonlinear terms, parametric uncertainties, and external disturbances. The proposed controller consists of a nominal H∞controller and a nonlinear disturbance observer. The nominal H∞controller based on the nominal model is designed to achieve the desired trajectory tracking performance. The uncertainties are regarded as equivalent disturbances to restrain their influences by the nonlinear disturbance observer. Theoretical analysis and simulation results are given to show advantages of the proposed control method, compared with the standard H∞control approach

    Instantaneous Momentum-Based Control of Floating Base Systems

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    In the last two decades a growing number of robotic applications such as autonomous drones, wheeled robots and industrial manipulators started to be employed in several human environments. However, these machines often possess limited locomotion and/or manipulation capabilities, thus reducing the number of achievable tasks and increasing the complexity of robot-environment interaction. Augmenting robots locomotion and manipulation abilities is a fundamental research topic, with a view to enhance robots participation in complex tasks involving safe interaction and cooperation with humans. To this purpose, humanoid robots, aerial manipulators and the novel design of flying humanoid robots are among the most promising platforms researchers are studying in the attempt to remove the existing technological barriers. These robots are often modeled as floating base systems, and have lost the assumption -- typical of fixed base robots -- of having one link always attached to the ground. From the robot control side, contact forces regulation revealed to be fundamental for the execution of interaction tasks. Contact forces can be influenced by directly controlling the robot's momentum rate of change, and this fact gives rise to several momentum-based control strategies. Nevertheless, effective design of force and torque controllers still remains a complex challenge. The variability of sensor load during interaction, the inaccuracy of the force/torque sensing technology and the inherent nonlinearities of robot models are only a few complexities impairing efficient robot force control. This research project focuses on the design of balancing and flight controllers for floating base robots interacting with the surrounding environment. More specifically, the research is built upon the state-of-the-art of momentum-based controllers and applied to three robotic platforms: the humanoid robot iCub, the aerial manipulator OTHex and the jet-powered humanoid robot iRonCub. The project enforces the existing literature with both theoretical and experimental results, aimed at achieving high robot performances and improved stability and robustness, in presence of different physical robot-environment interactions

    Models, algorithms and architectures for cooperative manipulation with aerial and ground robots

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    Les dernières années ont vu le développement de recherches portant sur l'interaction physique entre les robots aériens et leur environnement, accompagné de l'apparition de nombreux nouveaux systèmes mécaniques et approches de régulation. La communauté centrée autour de la robotique aérienne observe actuellement un déplacement de paradigmes des approches classiques de guidage, de navigation et de régulation vers des tâches moins triviales, telle le développement de l'interaction physique entre robots aériens et leur environnement. Ceci correspond à une extension des tâches dites de manipulation, du sol vers les airs. Cette thèse contribue au domaine de la manipulation aérienne en proposant un nouveau concept appelé MAGMaS, pour " Multiple Aerial Ground Manipulator System ". Les motivations qui ont conduites à l'association de manipulateurs terrestres et aériens pour effectuer des tâches de manipulation coopérative, résident dans une volonté d'exploiter leurs particularités respectives. Les manipulateurs terrestres apportant leur importante force et les manipulateurs aériens apportant leur vaste espace de travail. La première contribution de cette thèse présente une modélisation rigoureuse des MAGMaS. Les propriétés du système ainsi que ses possibles extensions sont discutées. Les méthodes de planning, d'estimation et de régulation nécessaire à l'exploitation des MAGMaS pour des tâches de manipulation collaborative sont dérivées. Ce travail propose d'exploiter les redondances des MAGMaS grâce à un algorithme optimal d'allocation de forces entre les manipulateurs. De plus, une méthode générale d'estimation de forces pour robots aériens est introduite. Toutes les techniques et les algorithmes présentés dans cette thèse sont intégrés dans une architecture globale, utilisée à la fois pour la simulation et la validation expérimentale. Cette architecture est en outre augmentée par l'addition d'une structure de télé-présence, afin de permettre l'opération à distances des MAGMaS. L'architecture générale est validée par une démonstration de levage de barre, qui est une application représentative des potentiels usages des MAGMaS. Une autre contribution relative au développement des MAGMaS consiste en une étude exploratoire de la flexibilité dans les objets manipulés par un MAGMaS. Un modèle du phénomène vibratoire est dérivé afin de mettre en exergue ses propriétés en termes de contrôle. La dernière contribution de cette thèse consiste en une étude exploratoire sur l'usage des actionneurs à raideur variable dans les robots aériens, dotant ces systèmes d'une compliance mécanique intrinsèque et de capacité de stockage d'énergie. Les fondements théoriques sont associés à la synthèse d'un contrôleur non-linéaire. L'approche proposée est validée par le biais d'expériences reposant sur l'intégration d'un actionneur à raideur variable léger sur un robot aérien.In recent years, the subject of physical interaction for aerial robots has been a popular research area with many new mechanical designs and control approaches being proposed. The aerial robotics community is currently observing a paradigm shift from classic guidance, navigation, and control tasks towards more unusual tasks, for example requesting aerial robots to physically interact with the environment, thus extending the manipulation task from the ground into the air. This thesis contributes to the field of aerial manipulation by proposing a novel concept known has Multiple Aerial-Ground Manipulator System or MAGMaS, including what appears to be the first experimental demonstration of a MAGMaS and opening a new route of research. The motivation behind associating ground and aerial robots for cooperative manipulation is to leverage their respective particularities, ground robots bring strength while aerial robots widen the workspace of the system. The first contribution of this work introduces a meticulous system model for MAGMaS. The system model's properties and potential extensions are discussed in this work. The planning, estimation and control methods which are necessary to exploit MAGMaS in a cooperative manipulation tasks are derived. This works proposes an optimal control allocation scheme to exploit the MAGMaS redundancies and a general model-based force estimation method is presented. All of the proposed techniques reported in this thesis are integrated in a global architecture used for simulations and experimental validation. This architecture is extended by the addition of a tele-presence framework to allow remote operations of MAGMaS. The global architecture is validated by robust demonstrations of bar lifting, an application that gives an outlook of the prospective use of the proposed concept of MAGMaS. Another contribution in the development of MAGMaS consists of an exploratory study on the flexibility of manipulated loads. A vibration model is derived and exploited to showcase vibration properties in terms of control. The last contribution of this thesis consists of an exploratory study on the use of elastic joints in aerial robots, endowing these systems with mechanical compliance and energy storage capabilities. Theoretical groundings are associated with a nonlinear controller synthesis. The proposed approach is validated by experimental work which relies on the integration of a lightweight variable stiffness actuator on an aerial robot

    Research on robot motion control and trajectory tracking based on agricultural seeding

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    With the development of science and technology, agricultural production has been gradually industrialized, and the use of robots instead of humans for seeding is one of the agricultural industrializations. This paper studied the seeding path planning and path tracking algorithms of the seeding robot, carried out experiments, and compared the improved proportion, integral, differential (PID) algorithm with the traditional PID control algorithm. The results demonstrated that both the improved and non-improved control algorithms played a good role in tracking on the straight path, but the improved control algorithm had a better tracking effect on the turning path; the displacement deviation and angle deviation of the tracking trajectory of the improved PID algorithm were reduced faster and more stable than the traditional PID algorithm; the tracking trajectory was shorter and the operation time of the robot was less under the improved PID algorithm than the traditional one