6 research outputs found

    Robust gift wrapping for the three-dimensional convex hull

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    A conventional gift-wrapping algorithm for constructing the three-dimensional convex hull is revised into a numerically robust one. The proposed algorithm places the highest priority on the topological condition that the boundary of the convex hull should be isomorphic to a sphere, and uses numerical values as lower-prirority information for choosing one among the combinatorially consistent branches. No matter how poor the arithmetic precision may be, the algorithm carries out its task and gives as the output a topologically consistent approximation to the true convex hull

    A simple and efficient preprocessing step for convex hull problem

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    The present paper is concerned with a recursive algorithm as a preprocessing step to find the convex hull of nn random points uniformly distributed in the plane. For such a set of points, it is shown that eliminating all but O(logn)O(\log n) of points can derive the same convex hull as the input set. Finally it will be shown that the running time of the algorithm is $O(n

    A method for image-based shadow interaction with virtual objects

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    AbstractA lot of researchers have been investigating interactive portable projection systems such as a mini-projector. In addition, in exhibition halls and museums, there is a trend toward using interactive projection systems to make viewing more exciting and impressive. They can also be applied in the field of art, for example, in creating shadow plays. The key idea of the interactive portable projection systems is to recognize the user׳s gesture in real-time. In this paper, a vision-based shadow gesture recognition method is proposed for interactive projection systems. The gesture recognition method is based on the screen image obtained by a single web camera. The method separates only the shadow area by combining the binary image with an input image using a learning algorithm that isolates the background from the input image. The region of interest is recognized with labeling the shadow of separated regions, and then hand shadows are isolated using the defect, convex hull, and moment of each region. To distinguish hand gestures, Hu׳s invariant moment method is used. An optical flow algorithm is used for tracking the fingertip. Using this method, a few interactive applications are developed, which are presented in this paper

    Zero-shot Task Preference Addressing Enabled by Imprecise Bayesian Continual Learning

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    Like generic multi-task learning, continual learning has the nature of multi-objective optimization, and therefore faces a trade-off between the performance of different tasks. That is, to optimize for the current task distribution, it may need to compromise performance on some tasks to improve on others. This means there exist multiple models that are each optimal at different times, each addressing a distinct task-performance trade-off. Researchers have discussed how to train particular models to address specific preferences on these trade-offs. However, existing algorithms require additional sample overheads -- a large burden when there are multiple, possibly infinitely many, preferences. As a response, we propose Imprecise Bayesian Continual Learning (IBCL). Upon a new task, IBCL (1) updates a knowledge base in the form of a convex hull of model parameter distributions and (2) obtains particular models to address preferences with zero-shot. That is, IBCL does not require any additional training overhead to construct preference-addressing models from its knowledge base. We show that models obtained by IBCL have guarantees in identifying the preferred parameters. Moreover, experiments show that IBCL is able to locate the Pareto set of parameters given a preference, maintain similar to better performance than baseline methods, and significantly reduce training overhead via zero-shot preference addressing

    Degree-Driven Design of Geometric Algorithms for Point Location, Proximity, and Volume Calculation

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    Correct implementation of published geometric algorithms is surprisingly difficult. Geometric algorithms are often designed for Real-RAM, a computational model that provides arbitrary precision arithmetic operations at unit cost. Actual commodity hardware provides only finite precision and may result in arithmetic errors. While the errors may seem small, if ignored, they may cause incorrect branching, which may cause an implementation to reach an undefined state, produce erroneous output, or crash. In 1999 Liotta, Preparata and Tamassia proposed that in addition to considering the resources of time and space, an algorithm designer should also consider the arithmetic precision necessary to guarantee a correct implementation. They called this design technique degree-driven algorithm design. Designers who consider the time, space, and precision for a problem up-front arrive at new solutions, gain further insight, and find simpler representations. In this thesis, I show that degree-driven design supports the development of new and robust geometric algorithms. I demonstrate this claim via several new algorithms. For n point sites on a UxU grid I consider three problems. First, I show how to compute the nearest neighbor transform in O(U^2) expected time, O(U^2) space, and double precision. Second, I show how to create a data structure in O(n log Un) expected time, O(n) expected space, and triple precision that supports O(log n) time and double precision post-office queries. Third, I show how to compute the Gabriel graph in O(n^2) time, O(n^2) space and double precision. For computing volumes of CSG models, I describe a framework that uses a minimal set of predicates that use at most five-fold precision. The framework is over 500x faster and two orders of magnitude more accurate than a Monte Carlo volume calculation algorithm.Doctor of Philosoph