16 research outputs found

    The geometry of r-adaptive meshes generated using optimal transport methods

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    The principles of mesh equidistribution and alignment play a fundamental role in the design of adaptive methods, and a metric tensor M and mesh metric are useful theoretical tools for understanding a methods level of mesh alignment, or anisotropy. We consider a mesh redistribution method based on the Monge-Ampere equation, which combines equidistribution of a given scalar density function with optimal transport. It does not involve explicit use of a metric tensor M, although such a tensor must exist for the method, and an interesting question to ask is whether or not the alignment produced by the metric gives an anisotropic mesh. For model problems with a linear feature and with a radially symmetric feature, we derive the exact form of the metric M, which involves expressions for its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The eigenvectors are shown to be orthogonal and tangential to the feature, and the ratio of the eigenvalues (corresponding to the level of anisotropy) is shown to depend, both locally and globally, on the value of the density function and the amount of curvature. We thereby demonstrate how the optimal transport method produces an anisotropic mesh along a given feature while equidistributing a suitably chosen scalar density function. Numerical results are given to verify these results and to demonstrate how the analysis is useful for problems involving more complex features, including for a non-trivial time dependant nonlinear PDE which evolves narrow and curved reaction fronts

    Optimal-transport-based mesh adaptivity on the plane and sphere using finite elements

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    In moving mesh methods, the underlying mesh is dynamically adapted without changing the connectivity of the mesh. We specifically consider the generation of meshes which are adapted to a scalar monitor function through equidistribution. Together with an optimal transport condition, this leads to a Monge-Amp\`ere equation for a scalar mesh potential. We adapt an existing finite element scheme for the standard Monge-Amp\`ere equation to this mesh generation problem; this is a mixed finite element scheme, in which an extra discrete variable is introduced to represent the Hessian matrix of second derivatives. The problem we consider has additional nonlinearities over the basic Monge-Amp\`ere equation due to the implicit dependence of the monitor function on the resulting mesh. We also derive the equivalent Monge-Amp\`ere-like equation for generating meshes on the sphere. The finite element scheme is extended to the sphere, and we provide numerical examples. All numerical experiments are performed using the open-source finite element framework Firedrake.Comment: Updated following reviews, 36 page

    Three-dimensional CFD simulations with large displacement of the geometries using a connectivity-change moving mesh approach

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    This paper deals with three-dimensional (3D) numerical simulations involving 3D moving geometries with large displacements on unstructured meshes. Such simulations are of great value to industry, but remain very time-consuming. A robust moving mesh algorithm coupling an elasticity-like mesh deformation solution and mesh optimizations was proposed in previous works, which removes the need for global remeshing when performing large displacements. The optimizations, and in particular generalized edge/face swapping, preserve the initial quality of the mesh throughout the simulation. We propose to integrate an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian compressible flow solver into this process to demonstrate its capabilities in a full CFD computation context. This solver relies on a local enforcement of the discrete geometric conservation law to preserve the order of accuracy of the time integration. The displacement of the geometries is either imposed, or driven by fluid–structure interaction (FSI). In the latter case, the six degrees of freedom approach for rigid bodies is considered. Finally, several 3D imposed-motion and FSI examples are given to validate the proposed approach, both in academic and industrial configurations

    Time Discrete Geodesic Paths in the Space of Images

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    In this paper the space of images is considered as a Riemannian manifold using the metamorphosis approach, where the underlying Riemannian metric simultaneously measures the cost of image transport and intensity variation. A robust and effective variational time discretization of geodesics paths is proposed. This requires to minimize a discrete path energy consisting of a sum of consecutive image matching functionals over a set of image intensity maps and pairwise matching deformations. For square-integrable input images the existence of discrete, connecting geodesic paths defined as minimizers of this variational problem is shown. Furthermore, Γ\Gamma-convergence of the underlying discrete path energy to the continuous path energy is proved. This includes a diffeomorphism property for the induced transport and the existence of a square-integrable weak material derivative in space and time. A spatial discretization via finite elements combined with an alternating descent scheme in the set of image intensity maps and the set of matching deformations is presented to approximate discrete geodesic paths numerically. Computational results underline the efficiency of the proposed approach and demonstrate important qualitative properties.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figure

    An arbitrary curvilinear coordinate particle in cell method

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    A new approach to the kinetic simulation of plasmas in complex geometries, based on the Particle-in-Cell (PIC) simulation method, is explored. In this method, called the Arbitrary Curvilinear Coordinate PIC (ACC-PIC) method, all essential PIC operations are carried out on a uniform, unitary square logical domain and mapped to a nonuniform, boundary fitted physical domain. We utilize an elliptic grid generation technique known as Winslow\u27s method to generate boundary-fitted physical domains. We have derived the logical grid macroparticle equations of motion based on a canonical transformation of Hamilton\u27s equations from the physical domain to the logical. These equations of motion are not seperable, and therefore unable to be integrated using the standard Leapfrog method. We have developed an extension of the semi-implicit Modified Leapfrog (ML) integration technique to preserve the symplectic nature of the logical grid particle mover. We constructed a proof to show that the ML integrator is symplectic for systems of arbitrary dimension. We have constructed a generalized, curvilinear coordinate formulation of Poisson\u27s equations to solve for the electrostatic fields on the uniform logical grid. By our formulation, we supply the plasma charge density on the logical grid as a source term. By the formulations of the logical grid particle mover and the field equations, the plasma particles are weighted to the uniform logical grid and the self-consistent mean fields obtained from the solution of the Poisson equation are interpolated to the particle position on the logical grid. This process coordinates the complexity associated with the weighting and interpolation processes on the nonuniform physical grid. In this work, we explore the feasibility of the ACC-PIC method as a first step towards building a production level, time-adaptive-grid, 3D electromagnetic ACC-PIC code. We begin by combining the individual components to construct a 1D, electrostatic ACC-PIC code on a stationary nonuniform grid. Several standard physics tests were used to validate the accuracy of our method in comparison with a standard uniform grid PIC code. We then extend the code to two spatial dimensions and repeat the physics tests on a rectangular domain with both orthogonal and nonorthogonal meshing in comparison with a standard 2D uniform grid PIC code. As a proof of principle, we then show the time evolution of an electrostatic plasma oscillation on an annular domain obtained using Winslow\u27s method